DailyOM; Quality vs. Quantity

January 17, 2006
Focused Value

Quality vs. Quantity

We live in an age of quantity. The media shapes us with the notion that larger, faster, and more are often synonymous with better. We are told that we need to find more time, more possessions, and more love to be truly happy. A smaller quantity of anything that is high in quality will almost always be more satisfying. A single piece of our favorite chocolate or a thin spread of freshly made preserves can satisfy us more than a full bucket of a product that we aren’t very fond of. Similarly, one fulfilling experience can eclipse many empty moments strung together. It is not the quantity of time that matters, but the quality that you experience during each moment. Every minute is an opportunity to love yourself and others, develop confidence and self-respect, and exhibit courage.

Ultimately, quality can make life sweeter. When you focus on quality, all your life experiences can be meaningful. A modest portion of good, healthy food can nourish and satisfy you on multiple levels and, when organically grown, nourish the earth as well. Likewise, a few hours of deep, restful slumber will leave you feeling more refreshed than a night’s worth of frequently interrupted sleep. A few minutes spent with a loved one catching up on the important details about family, work, or community can carry more meaning than two hours spent watching television together.

Often, in the pursuit of quantity we cheat ourselves of quality. Then again, quantity also plays a significant role in our lives. Certain elements, such as hugs, kisses, abundance, and love, are best had in copious amounts that are high in quality. But faced with the choice between a single, heartfelt grin and a lifetime of empty smiles, most would, no doubt, choose the former. Ultimately, it is not how much you live or have or do but what you make of each moment that counts.

Β© 2004-06 DailyOM


I’ve had people tell me (seemingly for the sake of proving some point or making me feel wronged and/or stupid–or maybe that’s just how I perceived it) that they’ve known so-and-so for so many years–kind of implying that since I’d been in that person’s life for a shorter amount of time, that I somehow wasn’t as worthy of their friendship–or just not as worthy as they were. I’ve had people blow me off, treat me worse than others, using the excuse “well, I’ve known her/him a lot longer than I’ve known you.” I don’t really talk to the people who used to tell me those things anymore–I wonder what that says?

Today’s DailyOM vindicates what I’ve thought all along. It’s definitely about quality, not quantity. πŸ™‚

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Just Listen

I just LOVE her!!!!!!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Word Counts (Again)

January Goal:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
14,027 / 15,000

Overall Goal:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
14,027 / 50,000

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Weekend (Pictures)

This evening, I went to feed the fish and noticed all sorts of balls floating at the top of the tank. I FREAKED OUT because I thought they were eggs. Turned out to be food that Chris had dumped in by mistake.

Speaking of fish–not sure if I posted that they had been moved to a ten-gallon tank. πŸ™‚ Two of the zebras had died, so that left three. Yesterday, I got 2 guppies, 2 silver mollys, and a snail. One of the mollys has died already, but Petsmart has a 14-day guarantee, so I’m going to get a replacement tomorrow. I hope they ALL don’t die from overfeeding–but they seem to be ignoring the food now that they’re full.

Last night we celebrated Chris’s grandparent’s 50th anniversary. It was a surprise–they’d thought they were attending someone’s birthday party. πŸ™‚ His grandmother started crying IMMEDIATELY. I snapped this picture mere seconds after she walked into the door:

I was so happy because Sara and Amy were there (cousins by marriage). THEY ARE SO FREAKIN’ HILARIOUS. Here I am with them:

Yes, those are Chris’s evil eyes lurking in the background!!

They are such great gals. And they’re hilarious with the kids. I love spending time with them. They are SCANDALOUS!!!! I’ll never forget the ICE MOLD. It was um… very special and very suitable for a bachelorette party if you know what I mean. :O

Here are the kids (minus one) and the happy couple. None of them are standing/posing in a way that makes sense except Chris’s mother. Grandpa is right behind Grandma.

Friday night, I pretty much read, relaxed, and wrote. πŸ™‚ This weekend, I finished reading my fourth novel of 2006: A Total Waste of Makeup. It’s freakin’ hilarious, I LOLed at more than one point in the book. Good stuff. Right now, I am reading S8er Boy by Mari Mancusi. I know her. πŸ™‚ She’s very nice and so far her book is really good. Once I finish S8er Boy, I will be 5% finished with my goal to read 100 new books this year. WOO!! πŸ˜€

Book Links: A Total Waste of Makeup | Sk8er Boy

Today, Holly came over for a bit and Chris tested another wedding cake for her. In case you didn’t know, Holly (who I’ve known since college, and who Chris has known since preschool) is getting married January 28th. I’m photographing the wedding, Chris is doing the cake. His past tests were not so good, but today was very yummy. He’s using fondant and going to accent it with pink. It’s going to be great. I hope my photographs turn out well. I’m a little nervous, but I’m going digital, so I think I’ll do okay. I’m excited, I’m going to get all the best spots for picture taking YEAH!

I watched Mickey Mouse Club: Best of Britney, Justin, & Christina today. There were only four episodes on the DVD. I want them to release DVDs of ALL seaons of MMC. I’d be SO on that, you have no idea. Gosh, just turning the DVD on, hearing that theme music–I felt like I was 18 again.

Tonight was the grove. It’s all new. Very cutting edge. New room, new atmosphere, new format. I like it. πŸ™‚

I got a Disney Catalog that focused on home goods. Oh My God. If I were rich, my house would TOTALLY be done up in all Mickey Mouse. Desks, tables, TV cabinets…you name it. Oh man. Talk about a dream house, huh? Well, instead of the furniture, I pre-ordered Lady and the Tramp.

Alright, I’m ready to read. I’m enjoying tonight because tomorrow I have AIDAN DUTY like whoa. Chris works from 1-10. I am off. I have some errands to run (Comp USA, Petsmart, Meijer), and Aidan and I will have lunch at McDonalds, and I’m MAKING him take a nap with me, dang it. He was a cranker today which drove me insane. I will pull out my hair if he acts that way tomorrow.

Later! πŸ™‚

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Writing Goals

January Goal

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
13,047 / 15,000

Overall Goal

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
13,047 / 50,000

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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