Something I Just Realized

I sneeze every single day between 11 and 11:30am. Usually at about 11:12 or so.

Isn’t that weird?

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Books and Writing

Firstly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your comments and support! I am very excited about what’s to come.

Secondly, a few of you have asked me to tell a little bit about my book. The major gist is that it’s a Young Adult romance, with a bit of spirituality thrown in, some struggles, drama, and lots of kissing. :) I enjoyed writing it very much, and I hope you all get the opportunity to read it!!

Last night, I went to Barnes & Noble, armed with my discount card and $56 in gift cards. My total came to nearly $130, so I had to pay about $60 out of pocket after gift cards and discount. I got SO MANY BOOKS, and I can’t wait to start reading. I grabbed some books of a few mutual acquaintances who just came out with books (Sk8er Boy, Obsessing Orlando, and A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl), a Sarah Dessen book (of course!), two Meg Cabot books, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, and one called Misfits, and a few others. I saw loads that I wanted, like Elsewhere. I need to go to the store and write down titles and get back to using the library!

So, in the midst of everything, I’ve been trying to concentrate on my writing. It’s been hard. Aidan is more demanding than normal this week for some reason. It seems the seconds I sit to relax, he wants or needs something. Sometimes, it’s hard not to get frustrated.

When I can’t seem to get the muse, I read. I critique. I learn as much as I can. I know, more than ever, that I want to make this my career and I have to be willing to learn anything and everything.

I am so ready! :)

(Cross-posted at my other journal).

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Horoscope – Jan 12 2006

Greetings Ronica –

Here is your horoscope for Thursday, January 12:

While everyone’s lolling around in the winter doldrums, you’re pursuing your goals with fierce determination. Distractions have no place in your life as you focus on the desired outcome. Success is all but assured.

A-MEN. :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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!!!! Revisited

On November 21, 2005, I posted an OMG post, and promised you details soon.

Soon is NOW.

In November, I got the opportunity to speak with literary agent Ethan Ellenberg. He’s such a great guy and had a lot of nice things to say about my book. The revisions (which there weren’t many at all) were things I was completely on board with. I mailed them to him and waited relatively patiently for him to get back to me. I heard from him over the weekend. He’s happy with my revisions and wants to move forward! 🙂

Today, I am officially signing with The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. I am honored and excited to be working with such a great agent!

I’m still in a state of shock/disbelief/excitement. 🙂

Today is a GOOD day.

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Stolen from Nadia Cornier’s (agentobscura) blog [LINK]:

Your Mission, Values, Vision
I will write books that take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. I will write about unforgettable characters, unforgettable situations, and unforgettable themes. I will write about teens making the hard decisions, and following through with their choices. I will write about teens who fail. I will write about teens who succeed. I will write about teens who beat the odds. I will write about teens who are hurt, ashamed, happy, sad, laughing, crying, and utterly human. I will write books that touch people, haunt them, change them. I will never stop learning about my craft, my audience, and the people from which I draw inspiration.

Where are you in five years?
In five years, I will be living solely off of my writing. A lofty goal, but if I don’t dream it, I won’t ever do it.

What are your goals? Sales?
– Write and sell good books.
– Help others break into the field.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)