Protected: Aidan
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my scramblings & ramblings
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Or are all the big sites (Google, Yahoo!, Amazon, etc) responding VERY slowly or not at all?
I wonder if there is some major internet outage going on somewhere… even the dinky search engines aren’t working right for me. Either that or my connection has lost it’s spunk for the night….
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Write a list of New Year’s resolutions for your novel’s hero or heroine.
Hmm. Okay. ONLY YOURS is finished, and the story begins in late October. So I’m going to write this from the time frame of January of the year the novel began.
– Get into an Ivy League college
– Write three songs
– More spiritual reflection
– Earn a football scholarship
– Get a motorcycle
– Ask Lena out (finally!)
ACK! This is hard. I feel like these lists make them seem so one-dimensional and they are so far from that.
You’d think I’d know better, I mean, I’ve been working with these characters for years now. Hmmm.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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15 Things About Me and Writing; stolen from pbray (who posted it forever ago):
1) I listen to music as I write.
2) Drinks and snacks are essential.
3) I am very superstitious. I’ll tell people I’m working on something, but if I give details, the project seems to flop.
4) I’ve been writing since I was eleven.
5) A banana appears at least once in every book I write.
6) I write the best when I’m not supposed to be writing. For example, when I should be sleeping or cleaning the house.
7) My characters often keep me up at night.
I have to fall in love with my characters for the WIP to go past 25 pages.
9) I prefer writing at the computer or laptop.
10) I carry a yellow legal pad with me for taking notes.
11) Music inspires me greatly.
12) I’m still fighting the inner critic.
13) Book titles usually don’t come to me until I’m nearly finished writing the novel.
14) I like to keep a game at my disposal when I write–usually BeJeweled 2 or Boggle.
15) I feel like giving up at least once a day.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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