FRIDAY! (Pictures)

I started off the evening at 8:30pm with a large set of emails:

Now, at 9:23pm, this is where I am:

All of those are long emails that I’ll have to take a while to answer. Since I took two Tylenol PM and I’m starting to feel them now, I won’t be getting to those tonight. Maybe tomorrow night, though. Take heart, those of you who are waiting! I will get back to you, I promise!

Work has been great. They let us out early today for the holiday weekend. I went to the mall to spend my giftcards. I had $100 to American Eagle and $50 to Barnes and Noble. I did well. I got some stuff at Aeropostale (of course) and Forever 21. I got some Happy from Clinique and got my bonus. Yes, it’s BONUS time at Clinique. I also bought some perfume at Sephora–Dior Addicted 2. I got some samples of some fragrances and got Aura at American Eagle–it was on sale for $4.99! But of course, I just used my gift card in there. So yeah, I will be smelling yummy!

And… *GASP* I paid a fortune to get my hair done. It needed it desperately and I did NOT want to do it. So I waltzed into Regis, asked a few questions, and emerged a while later with this:

All I have to say is that JASON is awesome. I LOVE what he did to my hair and I’ll be going back, oh yes. I’m digging the flat-ironed look.

I also went to Best Buy today and got a 512 megabyte Memory Stick for my trip to California. πŸ™‚ I had a 10% off coupon, PLUS Reward Zone. Guess what else? I BOUGHT BOONDOCK SAINTS! It was only $9.99! SCORE. I was expecting it to be $23.99 or something crazy like that. πŸ˜€

At Barnes and Noble, I bought several books and a David Arkenstone CD. At work, many of us our connected through iTunes, and we share music. One of the people has a lot of New Age. I stumbled across this David Arkenstone and he is AMAZING. So yeah, I had to buy it. Yay.

Got gas for $2.99 a gallon today. Cost me $25.05 to fill up.

I am FREE for a week! πŸ™‚ Chris and Craig are in AZ, Aidan is with his Grandmommy. AND I have Monday off! This is going to be awesome! I should get a lot of writing done. If I can stay off the drugs, that is.

Guess what?

That’s what.

Just kidding. I learned a new phrase at work the other day: Ma tootin’ little kablusions. It’s totally made up but funny as hell. I love my job and my co-workers. It’s so much fun and the work is interesting and not so hard. I get a lot of free time and I like feeling like I can be more myself. I mean, I can say “that is not grammatically correct” and the people there GET IT. THEY GET ME. It’s great!!! Plus, all the Science I’m learning. It’s great.

So this is weird? I did a major photo shoot of Gracie and Fi the other day, but now, the Memory Stick is saying empty. What the hell…?

DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET A DECENT PHOTO OF A CAT? Yeah, it’s like that. I’m kind of disappointed that those pictures didn’t come out for some reason. I’d better check out the Stick to make sure it’s working okay.

Things To Do This Weekend
– clean out car
– clean closet and bedroom
– write
– relax

And New Orleans…

My friend Lauren is driving down next week to help with the relief efforts. I would appreciate your prayers and for you locals, anything you can donate would be helpful! She’s looking for clothes, baby stuff, gas money, phone cards, anything that will help her do her work and also help those who are suffering so much. They’re so in my prayers. Some of the stuff I read made me nearly cry. It’s heartbreaking enough to lose everything you own, but to end up being raped or robbed on top of that? Why? πŸ™ It’s not fair.

I have so much to donate. Can’t wait to get on it.

So yeah, the meds are really kicking in now. I’ll catch ya later! πŸ™‚

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Open The Gates and Load Those Trains!!! (Pictures)

I guess a long update is in store, huh? *sheepish grin*

Well, let’s see. Hmm. My last update was last…Monday night I think? So okay. What happened since?

Tuesday – The Grove. It was AWESOME. I had a good time, saw some cool people. Got to see Emily which is always pleasant. The Power Point went off (almost) without a hitch. πŸ™‚ Only bad thing is that Jon C. wasn’t there. I was hoping to see him. It’s fun watching him get “drunk” off of communion. πŸ˜‰

Wednesday – Life Group. I was starting to feel really crappy, so I was very lethargic during the entire group meeting. Although the discussion was good, I was still tired. Went to Walgreens, got some meds, and knocked myself out.

Thursday – Craig, Theresa, and Rob came over and we chilled out and ate. Good times. Rob played with my new camera. It was fun. πŸ™‚ Craig is SO funny. I LOVE his dry humor. Except… he says he’s being serious. o.O

Friday – Craig and Lauren came over and we watched movies and hung out and ate. It was really nice to see Lauren again, it had been a while since we’d hung out. Golden Girls, OMG. Chris made us watch it (until Craig arrived and yelled “I’m not watching the effin’ Golden Girls!”) and I laughed so hard I CRIED!!

Tony (Sophia’s cheating boyfriend): I don’t know what to say.
Sophia: I’ll tell you what to say. Say OUCH! *smacks with purse*

Aidan was out of CONTROL Friday night. OH MY GOD. He was sooo hilarious!!! You have to see these videos to understand how silly my little boy is:

Bootiesmack | Link | 4.4 megabytes

Aidan as Harry Potter | Link | 3.6 megabytes

It was a crazy night.

Saturday: Had a lazy day. Caught up on my email and made plans to go with Craig up to Cedar Point. Called Lauren and invited her, she was a GO. Called Amy H, but she declined. πŸ™ We went to Chad and Christy’s to pop in at Chad’s birthday party. Who should arrive but Molly B and her ADORABLE little boy Peyton!!! He and Aidan adore each other and just play and play. So cute and precious, they are. πŸ™‚

The party was pretty good. We didn’t stay long, but I had a good time while I was there.

A few pictures…

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Tearing It Up

I am a writing machine tonight.

I’m tearing my current WIP apart AGAIN, and taking a different direction with it.

Also bursting with ideas for other things.

It’s a good time.

I love it.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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And it’s back to the drawing board….

It’s not rejection. It’s redirection.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I Love Aidan! (Pictures)


Today, I did a mini photo shoot. Aidan was eating cookies, and in a good mood, and willing to be photographed. Of course, his mommy is a scrapbooker, so he’s kind of used to it. πŸ™‚

I’ve decided that I have the best little boy in the world. He is a miracle. Everyday I ask God what I did to deserve such a wonderful son.

Aidan is about 32 months old now. He’ll be three soon! He’s such a joy, and he’s so entertaining and smart.

Aidan is already a lady’s man. He can work any crowd at any party (once he gets over his initial reservations). He now speaks in FULL sentences!

“Mommy, get out here!”
“Go away, Daddy.”
“I love you, Mommy.”
“I watch Dora!”
“I need Fruity Pebbles!”
“I burped too!”
“I do it again!”
“Oh, a giant A!!”
“Here you go, Mommy.”
“That’s MaMaw’s water, Mommy.”
“I go in Daddy’s car!”
“Oh, little baby kitty.”

He has amazing curly hair, gigantic gorgeous eyes (of a color which I cannot determine), and the cutest laugh. I LOVE to hear him laugh. I love to hug him and cuddle him. He gives me infinite kisses all day. He pats my cheek when he is sleepy and cuddy.

My heart soars when I go to pick him up after work and I hear him yelling “My mommy! My mommy!” I grab him and cover him with kisses, and he puts his little hand on my cheek. I hold on to him for dear life.

Sometimes he runs from me laughing so I can chase him! And I trick him. He goes around the bend, and I catch him from the other direction. I grab him and cover him with kisses and raspberries, and he laughs and laughs and laughs.

He opens my cell phone, and notes the picture of him that I use for my wallpaper. “That’s me!” he yells, grinning. And I marvel that he knows pronouns already.

Today, I was eating dinner and there was some really weird noise outside. “What is that?” I asked. Aidan came tearing into the kitchen and peeped out the door; a nosy neighbor in the makings. “It’s an airplane,” he said. (It wasn’t, but it was cute that he guessed!)

He has the cutest little expressions and intonations in his voice. He is silly and definitely a clown. He is smiling more often than not, which makes ME smile.

He has a favorite outfit. His Elmo baseball shirt (he insists it’s a basketball shirt) and matching jean shorts. He gets it out of the dirty clothes every single evening and puts it on. “I do it!” he sings. He gets it on and puts the clothes he had been wearing into the laundry basket. “It’s dirty now, Mommy.”

He screams bloody murder when I go to rinse his hair during a bath. “NO MOMMY!!!! NOOOOO!! WAH!!!”

Sometimes he demands privacy when he’s on the potty. “Get out, Mommy.”

He often can’t make up his mind.

Aidan: I need oatmeal.
Me: You need oatmeal?
Aidan: Deh. (his way of saying “yes”).
Me: What kind? Strawberry, blueberry, banana, or peach?”
Aidan: Bawbaywe.
Me: Okay, strawberry oatmeal.
Me: But you said–
Aidan: NOOO!

Five minutes later…

Aidan: I need oatmeal.

Every morning, I try to sneak a kiss on his cheek. It’s easier if he’s in bed with us; he’s right there. It’s trickier when I try to go into his room. Sometimes the door creeks which causes him to stir. I tip-toe out, wishing I could curl up next to him and hold him and smell his curls. I go to work, turn on my computer, and there he is, the background on my screen, reminding me why I am there. To provide the best I can for my little boy.

He’s grown so much and changed so much–I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t have documentation…

Words can’t even describe how much I adore my little boy. I look at him and I’m amazed that he’s MY son. That I am his mommy and that I helped grow him in a sense. Sometimes I wonder what God was thinking, entrusting me with this precious soul. But then, I can’t imagine him with any other mommy.

He is truly a miracle. πŸ™‚


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