Email exchange between Kelle Belle (itskels) and me (older at the bottom):

07/20/2005 03:04 PM

From: Kelle Belle
To: ME

Subject: RE: link

This would mean you are a freak.

ROTSL=Rolling on the smurf laughing!

Maybe you meant SOTFL=Smurfing on the floor laughing.


ROTFS=Rolling on the floor smurfing.

From: Me
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 3:00 PM
To: Kelle Belle
Subject: RE: link


(smurf instead of floor)


They’re coming out with a Smurfs movie in 2008. [LINK] Craziness!@!@!@! Anyway, that’s what brought on the emails.

I heart Kelle Belle.

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Just Rambling

Busy week!! I haven’t had time to sit and properly finish Order of the Phoenix so I can move on to Half Blood Prince. Some of my friends are getting antsy–they want to talk to me about it and I refuse to let them.

Christy totally fooled Chris and told him that Harry dies in the 2nd chapter of HBP. Chris believed her! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I declare, I am booked every night this week. Monday night was boating, last night was drama rehearsals, and tonight is life group. Tomorrow is hanging out with Megan (). Oooh, shiny! I’m keeping Friday open because Rob usually cooks something up for me/the gang to do. Saturday, we’re dropping Aidan off at my mom’s and he’s going to stay with her for a week. I should be back that evening, though. Maybe I can see a movie with some folks? And Sunday–well, who knows?

I’d like to thank God for a few things:
– Granting me that one last chance;
– Finally showing me the truth in a way that it sunk in;
– Letting me squeak by the pass two weeks;
– Exciting opportunites and learning experiences;
– Libraries;
– True friends;

I’d like to ask God for:
– Patience in every area of my life;
– Perserverance;
– Faith;
– Guidance.

Um… my reading list is HUGE! I need to stay out of the library for a while–I have so many books and more coming in on reserve! Melissa De La Cruz, Francesca Lia Block (Ivy, I decided to try one out! I’m excited!), and two for my YA Chicklit writing course which will be starting in about a week and a half. Then there is the Tightwad Gazette I and II (so I can learn to be thrifty and get out of debt!), and all of my writing books. Not to mention Harry Potter which moved itself to the top of my reading list for the time being. Mmmyeah. With Aidan out of town next week, I’ll be able to get caught up and even do a bit of cleaning on the side. I’m hoping the weather is nice–sitting on the porch and reading or going to a park and reading under a tree sounds divine. Books, journal & pens, iPod, rotisserrie chicken sandwhich and pringles, and my camera. That’ll be nice.

We’ll see. 🙂

Oh who am I kidding? I’ll probably sleep. A lot.

I did get a few projects done:
– Surprise for certain someone has been completed and delivered;
– Online photo albums are current;
– House is at a manageable level of clutter.

But I still need to:
– Do laundry;
– Wash the car;
– Clean out the car;
– Get an oil change;
– Return laptop bag to Disney Direct;
– Give (or get Chris to give) Aidan a haircut;
– Mail surprises to a select few people;
– Go to Best Buy. I have $10 to spend there and one of the $5s expires Saturday;
– Update Writers’ Ink website;
– Send Ivy’s package. I am truly ashamed that I haven’t gotten that out yet.

Eventually, I’d like to:
– Start on my Disneyworld 2005 Scrapbook;
– Make a new Aidan scrapbook;
– Finish my current novel;
– Freewrite more;
– Download the Gavin DeGraw CD;
– Make and hang the Disneyworld collage;
– Move the white shelf and cabinet from the kitchen to the guest room.

– buns;
– lunch meat (mm chicken!);
– Pringles (if they’re on sale).

Other Stuff:
– New sandals for Aidan.

I have been commanded by Chris to bring back a case of Chocodiles from Los Angeles. I’m scared he’s going to eat all of mine! :[

I’m still very excited about going to Disneyland with Aimzy!! I can’t believe it’ll be here before I know it! About 6 weeks! YAY!! ºOº

As of today, I have to be committed to NEVER using credit cards again. This is going to be so weird–they have been such a crutch for me. I want to get to the point where I won’t ever need them–I’ll have the amount of money in cash to get what I need and want. There is nothing good about credit cards if you don’t have good spending habits or tend to be impulsive, both which are characteristics of myself. I’m finally FED UP and ready to take charge. I refuse to be in that bondage any longer.


That is all.

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Boating (Pictures)

I’d made plans to relax this evening, catch up on Harry Potter, do some laundry, give Aidan a haircut.

But then Rob IMed me and asked if I wanted to join everyone on his boat.

I’d never ridden a boat before. No way was I going to turn down this chance.

It was so much fun. I need to have a boat someday. Probably fifteen years from now or so. It was amazing! The water hitting my face, the breeze. No wonder people are so into boating. Wow.


My favorite picture of me from the night.

Becky on the boat.

Happy Chris and Aidan. It was Aidan’s first time as well and he loved it. Then it lulled him to sleep!

Mark looking hot. I was excited to see him, I hadn’t seen him since Chicago.


My hair after it had been in the wind a while. I heard myself being compared to a lion….

Good times, man. Good times.

I’ve got work to do! 😀 Good night! 🙂

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My Birthdate

Okay, this is so right on:

Your Birthdate: December 20
Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading.

The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly.

Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.

You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection.

You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil.

It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.

When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate.

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