
My new book is sitting on my lap right now. I tried to take pictures of me with it, but um.. not so much. LOL.
I’m halfway through Goblet of Fire, gonna try to read them all in order before I start the new one.

Mm, excitement. Lots and lots for me to read, wheeeeee!

In other news, I just fried a fly in my torchiere lamp. Smells…yummy (NOT)!

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Broadband & More

So, the Time Warner guy came out to check out our Broadband connection. Apparently, there was LOTS wrong with it, hence all the time-outs and instability. He ran the line directly in instead of through that dumb Greyfox thingy for one thing, but before that, apparently lightening had struck the drop box and some of it was charred! He had to cut the charred pieces away and put in new ones.

So hopefully my connection will be a lot more stable from now on. Yippee! πŸ™‚

Last night was fun. Becky, Tyler, and I went to Rob’s to watch a couple of movies, eat pizza, and chill. We watched Boondock Saints (amazing film) and Hostage (not so much). We got ice cream and Becky bought Harry Potter at Meijer (the workers were dressed in wizard gear and were passing out candy), and I didn’t leave til 3am! It was a good night. Tyler said a hilarious quote about asses but darned if I can remember. : It was funny, though.

Rob had an idea of us riding bikes. Tyler and Becky were all up for it. I was quiet, but went along with it. The plan fell through (no good resources for obtaining air for the tires), but it was interesting. Huge storm kicked up last night. Not so scary when with a bunch of people.

So Wednesday, I had my first real fender bender. And when I say “real” I mean I had to actually report this to the insurance. I rear-ended a guy who was here on business. It was the company car which explains why he wasn’t upset at all. He was very nice, I was very nice. He didn’t file a report (YAY) and only if it costs more than $750 to pay for his repairs (a dent in the bumper and a few scratches) will I get a 10% surcharge at the next policy renewal. I’m not getting mine fixed. I just ended up with a few minor scratches. I have worse ones. They give the car character. It was really loud. Let me tell you, hitting a car really moves things around and I found some stuff I thought I’d lost!

Speaking of cars, I need to wash mine badly! Like, WHOA. The inside is a mess–I have several changes of clothes, papers, socks, shoes. It’s kind of crazy. I need an oil change like whoa, but I’m going to have to wait on that til I get paid again. Let’s just say that I’ve been extremely frugal lately and the only reason I have Harry Potter coming is because I pre-ordered it in January!

I wasn’t too frugal for lunch yesterday, but it worked out. I got my usual chicken nuggets and fries (the people there pretty much expect that out of me), then they offered me a free sample of their new turkey subs. That was very yummy once I removed the tomato. Mmmm. They also gave me a large fry instead of a McValue fry. The fry had a code on it for some kind of game. I just entered the code and lost but I got $5 off of a Playstation 2 game. I have $10 in reward zone certificates already, so basically, I can get a $20 game for $5. πŸ˜€ Cool, huh? And since McD’s is selling peach pies for a season instead of cherry, there is $1 that I save when I go. I don’t mind the peach ones, but the cherry ones are the best by far. Yumm.

My Spectromagic pin came in the mail yesterday. I got it from MrDisneyPins. $6 per pin and free shipping and a money back guarantee. Seriously, how can one beat that? I have to be careful and make sure I don’t get irresponsible with it. His listings are a pin collector’s dream. ΒΊOΒΊ

In case you didn’t know, I am a HUGE Disney pin collector, so if any of you have pins that you just NEED to get rid of, I’ll be happy to take them off of your hands. I’m not really a trader, just a collector. So yeah. πŸ™‚

I’m tired now, but I’ll be okay. Harry Potter comes in the mail today!! If not, I get my money back. Heehee. Aidan knows who he is. I showed him the cover of Goblet of Fire and asked who it was. He answered “‘arry Podder” in the cutest little voice! Awwwww.

I’ll bet the amusement parks and zoos are quiet today since everyone will be home reading. Heehee.

‘Til later!

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Queries OH MY

I just redid my query AGAIN. I think this time might be it. Maybe I can sell a book with this one, huh? :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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The Decision’s (almost) Been Made

So, I’m 97% sure I’m going to take Aimzy (liesandpromises) up on her offer to visit her in Los Angeles. I’ve always wanted to go, it will coincide with a lot of other things, and will be loads of fun. I need to get away from here for a while and immerse myself in a whole new world.

I’m just waiting to hear back from her regarding the dates; if the ones I chose are okay or not.

I’m starting to get excited!!! πŸ˜€

Here is what I’d like to do there:

– Drive down Sunset Blvd.
– Take a picture of the Hollywood sign.
– Spot one celebrity.
– OF COURSE, spend lots of quality time with Aimzy! Oooh, that will be so much fun! πŸ˜€

I hope I can pull it off. *prays* I hope I have enough money to do everything I want to do. Seriously, how amazing would it be to have visited Disneyworld during Disneyland’s 50th Anniversary celebration, but then to get to visit DISNEYLAND too!! Oh wow. Wow wow wow. Characters, parades, shows. MAGIC!!


ETA: I am 100% sure and beside myself with excitement!! CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME!! πŸ™‚ Only a month and a half away! DOUBLE SQUEEEE!

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Subject: Your Harry Potter Order Is on Schedule

Hello from Amazon.com.

We’re happy to let you know that we’ve begun preparing your order for “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” for delivery.

You should have the book(s) in your hands no later than 7:00 p.m. in your time zone on Saturday, July 16. Most books will be delivered by U.S. Mail, either with your regular mail delivery or in a separate, special mail delivery. Some orders may be delivered by UPS.

Because our carriers are delivering hundreds of thousands of books on that day, we do ask that you wait until 7:00 p.m. before contacting customer service if you haven’t received your order.

Although we’re not requiring a signature, we still recommend that someone be home to accept the package, as the driver may not leave it on your doorstep if they don’t feel it’s safe to do so.

You’ll receive our usual shipment confirmation e-mail after your package leaves our fulfillment center.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and happy reading!

WHEEE! πŸ˜€ Two more days!!

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