So, I tried to plan a suprise birthday party for Chris, whose birthday is Monday, June 27th. I sent out an email on Monday and let people know and asked them to stop by, but letting me know if they couldn’t come. I was quite busy for the next couple of days, so I didn’t get much done. Thursday night, I went out and bought stuff, then hid it strategically around the house. Heehee. He had no idea, except for me asking him to take off work an hour early. Mmm yeah, about that.

So I found out he’d be home around 730ish. I figured I’d have time to take care of things. OH NO. This fool left work at 6pm and got home BEFORE any of the guests got there. I was frosting the cupcakes. I’d been rushing around all evening trying to clean the house (luckily, there wasn’t a whole lot to do, but enough!), and Aidan wanted lots of attention for some reason. I got a little bit stressed out. But I calmed down when Chris got home. He started getting suspicious because of the cupcakes and the extra ice cream in the freezer. Then Aidan found his birthday presents and started to open them. Bob and David showed up and Chris was confused. Then he started to get it.

I forgot to take pictures, but it was fun seeing Bob and David, Lauren and her daughter, Lauren’s sister Holly, Rob (yay!), Craig, Chad and Christy, Katie, and Corey. ๐Ÿ™‚ I also go to see David, Craig, Lauren and baby Ellie, and Bob at Cici’s pizza Thursday night. I’d forgotten my camera, too bad I didn’t get a picture of Bob’s MOUND OF PIZZA.

We had spaghetti, ice cream, cupcakes, then Chris watched his presents: Alice in Wonderland and Golden Girls Season Two on DVD. Bwah.

So he was still surprised, but it wasn’t as dramatic as I’d hoped. That’s okay, though. He was happy anyway and he likes his presents. ๐Ÿ˜€

Dude, I just took another Lortab and I’m finally feeling good. Mmmmmm. Those pills make having cramps worth it.

Hmm. Got some work done on the Disney album. Still waiting on some pictures from Snapfish before I finish up. I’ll have pictures to add to my other albums too. So those sneak previews were not completely finished.

Random snippet from work:

Boss #2 – you got a tape measure?
Woman – what do you need a tape measure fo–never mind. I don’t want to know.

I got to talk to Rob for a long time which was much needed. I enjoy having those talks with him. I hadn’t seen a lot of him lately, so it was wonderful to spend so much time with him. YAY for Rob. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, I found out my Photopass pictures haven’t expired just yet. I can still order the two I want. This is most exciting! If any of you want to see them, let me know and plop your email address into the comments.

I had other stuff to write, but the meds are finally kicking in hard core. YEAH.

G’night, I mean morning. ยบOยบ

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Please Stand Clear of the Doors

I am wearing my grey contacts today because I left my clear ones in the car and couldn’t find my glasses. If they annoy me too much, I’ll put my clear ones in later. Does anyone else have this problem when wearing colored contacts? Like, they float around? I feel like I’m seeing spots. Also, since they float around, people HAVE to be able to tell they’re fake.

Acuvue 2 just doesn’t work for me as colored contacts go. Too bad, cause grey looks very dramatic on me.

My Wishlist:

Spectromagic Soundtrack
Wishes Soundtrack
Mickey Stapler
Mickey Ankle socks
Illuminations – Tapestry of Magic Soundtrack
Mickey Mouse Window Decal

There is also a Spectromagic cast member pin and I WANT IT. Might I be a bit obsessed with Spectromagic?

You betcha! And darn proud of it, too.

Anyone wanna indulge me??? ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh please, oh please, oh please!

I think I’ll build the collection slowly. One treat per pay and only AFTER I’ve paid my bills, taken care of Aidan and the cats and such.

BWAH. I keep having weird dreams, and they’re involving the same people. I have no idea why or what they mean or what they’re trying to tell me, but man, I am pretty tired of them.

Yay for Friday. Yay for Disney.

I found a site from where to download the monorail spiel. So guess what I did? I downloaded Goldwave and edited it, so it only says “Please.” HAHAHA. Such fond memories.

I have Disneyworld fever so badly it’s not funny. Too bad I don’t have any funds to permit me to go! Ah, someday soon. Again. I pray. ๐Ÿ™‚

‘Til Later! ยบOยบ

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It Feels Like Friday

Today should totally be Friday, don’t you think?

I got the best email today from Rob. Short and sweet, but enough to make my day. ๐Ÿ™‚ I heart Rob!

Such a change in my mood–must be my mood-weather change. I’m actually happy now. Relaxed too. I’m thinking several factors contribute to this:

– It’s close to Friday.
– I got paid.
– I am almost caught up on all my bills!
– Major task completed as of today.
– Jaci Velasquez. Very good and uplifting music. ๐Ÿ˜€

My friends must be praying for me.

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