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my scramblings & ramblings
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Today is one of those days that I feel like writing a lot. And about anything and everything. So get ready.
To start off…
I had a busy week! That’s good but tiring too. And I got very little writing done. That’s bad.
I spent yesterday evening with Kelle Belle itskels. It was so much fun. She is seriously hot. Like, HAWT. Honestly, she looked really pretty.
A bunch of us had dinner together at Max & Erma’s: Kelle Belle, her husband Al and daughter Ari, Chris, Aidan, Rob, and I. Kelle Belle had forgotten her glasses and could barely read the menu. That was comical. Good times, though.
Poor Aidan had another nightmare. 🙁 He was screaming in terror “Daddy [insert indecipherable word here]!!!” I think something bad was happening to Chris in Aidan’s dream. Poor little guy. I hate when he has those things.
Speaking of Aidan, I found half a chicken strip and a French fry in my purse this morning. Ew.
I “got caught” at work the other day. Getting caught means that someone is acknowledging the fact that I did a good job or something like that. 😀
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Only 8 days til Disneyworld!!
I’m excited to go to Disney, but man, I’m going to be missing loads of happenings back home during that week:
– Acting in the play (I was going to play the lead!)
– Broomball (So much fun)
– Meeting Sarah
– Irena’s baby shower
– Scrapbooking at Archivers (okay, so I haven’t been yet…)
– Depression talk (Women’s study for The Grove)
I plan on getting a Mickey Mouse watch while I’m there, and one of those little Mickey Mouses that go on top of car antennae. I’ve always wanted one of those and now that I have a car, I can finally give it the finishing touch. Well, not quite. The finishing touch would be a fuzzy pink steering wheel cover but I’m having a hard time finding one of those….
Anyway. Disney should be fun. I’m going to miss all that stuff, and my friends (that’s TWO Friday nights I’ll miss *sniffle* so this one has to be GOOD), but I’ll be near MICKEY MOUSE and I’ll get to take loads of pictures. YAY.
Allergies are… well, not exactly terrible, but my eyes have been itching non-stop. I can’t wait to get some rest. There was a small group reunion at Garth’s tonight (didja check out his band’s website? Didja, didja?). It was okay.
The Grove… whoa. Lots of things tried to keep it from happening. First, The Bark gave me all kinds of headaches. The new template wouldn’t save, then it’d do weird things. Jenny E and I both forgot to get the cartoon from Joe, the small group information wouldn’t format correctly, so both of those had to be left out. The first printouts of The Bark—the collage printed out in negative (black instead of white, etc). I had to use a different printer to get it to come out right. I got to the church office early yesterday to make the copies and it was locked!
Luckily, the young-adult-pastor’s wife was there, and she got the key from the Sr. pastor’s wife who was also floating around. The pastor was sick, so his wife had to teach last night. She did a good job, though. She glows when she’s up on that stage.
The worship team didn’t get the songs done until right before show time! I hit the wrong button on the remote and turned the projectors completely off. And Power Point crashed about five times. Luckily, most of that happened before The Grove started! But during The Grove, the audio for the “Where’s The Love” video refused to work, so we had to skip it.
Monday was a little bit high stress. But traffic was great, and Aidan was a doll. I had fun talking to people. I got to see Rob, Garth was there, and Craig was kind enough to watch Aidan, so I didn’t have to deal with him on top of all the running around I was doing for The Grove yesterday.
I have a secret! Well, not really. Just a surprise-in-the-making. For a special someone. But that someone won’t get the surprise for months yet because I haven’t even begun anything other than the planning on it. I’m very excited!
And…I’m very tired, and now I’m emotionally drained. Won’t get into it now.
I actually should go. *sigh* My evening ended on a huge damper and I’m really sorta down. 🙁 Later.
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Rewrite a common phrase, such as “It’s raining cats and dogs,” in the style of three famous authors.
Meg Cabot:
What the heck? Of COURSE it would rain on the most important day of my life. Okay, so maybe not that important but it was a big enough deal. Why today?? And whoever thought of the phrase “raining cats and dogs?” As if cats and dogs have ANYTHING to do with the weather.”Stephen King:
The rain pounded against the roof. The literal sound of cats and dogs crashing against the top of the house. Jack could almost imagine Percy falling through the ceiling. Stupid cat. Stupid bastard who killed him.E. Lockhart:
“You’d better take an umbrella, Roo. It’s raining cats and dogs out there (1).”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I swear, sometimes I hated being an only child.(1) A very old, very trite phrase used to describe an incredible amount of precipitation falling from the sky. Rumor has it that the cliche came from the olden days when cats and dogs would literally fall from the roof onto people’s heads or some such craziness like that.
Whew. That was tough. Fun, but tough. The last thing I want to do is insult anyone! What a mind stretching excercise–definitely outside of my comfort zone. I’m so busy trying to find my own voice that it’s weird to try to imitate another’s.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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