When I Was…

From: Random Acts of Journaling

When I was five…

I loved…playtime
I hated…being quiet
I wanted…toys
I feared…nothing

When I was ten…

I loved…Barbie Dolls
I hated…salmon patties
I wanted…more Barbie Dolls
I feared…thunderstorms

When I was fifteen…

I loved…Joey McIntyre (New Kids on The Block)
I hated…not having a boyfriend
I wanted…my first kiss
I feared…being grounded

When I was twenty…

I loved…Mike
I hated…math
I wanted…the fun of college without the work
I feared…dying before I got baptised

When I was twenty-five…

I loved…Chris
I hated…certain people
I wanted…respect
I feared…being poor

When I was thirty…

I loved…Aidan
I hated…Christianity (not Jesus or God, but all the crap that surrounds the ‘religion’)
I wanted…no comment
I feared…my future

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The Night Owl In Me…

…says “NO, it’s NOT time to sleep!”

But the practical me says “You’re going to be tired as hell so GET TO BED NOW.”

And the fun-loving whimsical me says “Who cares? It was worth it and besides, that’s what they make Red Bull for.”

devil eyes…garden state…ding dongs…kool-aid…buddy the elf…loads of pictures…maniacal laughter (that may have only been me)

Let me just say that I’m in love with my friends. πŸ˜€ I’ll do anything for them.

And American Idol! Haha, some of those people. Dang.

Long day ahead. Work, Aidan, Craig’s for a bit, then drama club meeting. I’ll be out ’til 9pm at least. I think I’ll be turning in quite early. Like, once I get home early. Meep. I’m thinking a lunchtime conference room nap will be on the agenda for sure. I love those. πŸ™‚

Looking forward to the weekend! πŸ™‚

Yeah, sleepiness finally creeping in. I ate WAY too much today, remind me not to be so dang greedy in the future. I’m going to be up ten pounds in no time and that is never good.

(Not to mention the stomach ache. Ack.)

I want to take the day off of work. But I won’t. But man, it’s soooo tempting. I’m thinking one day off a month can’t hurt too badly, can it?

Good night!

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What am I getting into here?

“Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love – anything. Just be sure to post anonymously…”

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A Hodgepodge of Stuff

So, what does one do during work when she has no computer for three full days?

Let me give you a list.

1. Organize the supply cabinet.
2. Make a list of supplies to order.
3. Hope and pray she doesn’t forget all of her passwords (she forgot the Office Depot one).
4. Clean off her desk.
5. Realize that the iPod can be played while plugged into the wall (yeah, I’m deducting cool points from myself for that six month bout of ditziness).
6. Take several pictures of herself.
7. Talk to co-workers.

Mm, yeah. I did all of that and more. It’s crazy how dependent I am on computers! But now my computer is back. Stripped bare with a brand new hard drive, but back. At least I’m functional and I have Office 2002 now! See, there is always a bright side or silver lining or something.

Saw “In Good Company” last night. It was a cute movie. Topher Grace is adorable and Scarlet Johansson…wow. There are no words for how breathtakingly beautiful she is.

Tina, come get some ham!

You know what frustrates me? Seeing bad grammar and having NO control over fixing it. I can suggest and prod all I want but ultimately, I can’t do a thing about it and I hate that!!!!!!

*many instances come to mind*

I’m kind of tired. I have two things I can do tonight. Small group at Ohio Dominican with Monica, or Denison to see Becky. But I’m so sleepy I might stay home and crash and maybe even watch American Idol. Oh, the HORROR! πŸ™‚

Wait, is tonight the Cleveland, Ohio auditions? Uh oh. Gotta represent. O-H-I-O! Whut whut!

But I really, really, really, really want to see Becky….

Decisions are the worst.

^ I’ll give $5 to whomever can tell me what movie the above quote is from.

(so far I have not had to pay out one dime because people never answer!)

Counseling was good today…

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Goodbye, small group.

For those of you that don’t know, we’re going to be calling it quits on this group in its present incarnation in a few weeks.

Well, I saw it coming, but it’s still sad news. πŸ™

I have a feeling that certain people I was almost guaranteed to see every week in group will drop out of my life quite a bit if not at all. πŸ™

I don’t see myself joining any life groups soon, and definitely not leading any. So it’ll be interesting to see what happens….

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