A Trip Down Memory Lane

My friend Dave sent me a DVD of all sorts of videos we’d made back in the day during college. Man did those bring back memories! We used to have so much fun together! Scandalous fun, but fun nevertheless. πŸ™‚

Why am I still awake?

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My LAN is back!! Yippeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

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Broadband is back, but LAN is down. The routers seem to have freaked out again. Must call on Andy for help STAT.

Went to Best Buy to get the camera I wanted AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT. WAH. I have to go back again in a couple of weeks and hope they have it, or something simliar.

Picked up a few good finds and Barnes & Noble, and Dave sent me a DVD of old stuff. Can’t wait to check it out.

Later, gators! Gotta try to reset my router. Again.

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