My cell phone has been found. Joshua found it in Garth’s loveseat. This is great news. So I’m going over tonight to get it. YAY. The battery is probably totally dead.

I stayed up chatting with Kelly P on AIM until 5am. That was definitely quality and definitely worth it. I have a feeling I might be crashing on a floor at some point tonight.

Good times.

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Decisions Are The Worst

When forced to choose between the devil you know and the devil you don’t, looks like more people prefer the devil they know.

Rob said it best last night when he said everything he came to on the ballot presented a moral dilemna for him. I must say I agree wholeheartedly. This person says abortion is okay, that person says killing millions of people in a war is okay. Who do I choose when presented with those kinds of choices?

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You’ll Never Stand Alone

I stood in line for 90 minutes this morning to cast my ballot. And now, it’s done. We’ll find out who our new president is tomorrow.

Small group was kind of intense tonight. We did some serious praying. Kelly P prayed for me, and her words were so beautiful that I was in tears within seconds. Kim wrapped her arms around me. I feel so yummy around those people. I love talking to them and sharing with them and being around them. And.. ROB showed up! That was a treat. I never see Rob and he’s so cool. Craig bought pizzas. His Dominoes was doing a special for tonight. $3.99 pizzas, unlimited. He hooked us up. I took cookies and M&Ms. Yummm.

I need a full blown Kelly P (who looks very cute with her new haircut) fix soon.

After group, we hung out and chatted. Good times. Interesting conversations. VERY interesting. Talks ranged from prostitution in Vegas, falling asleep randomly, and the proper way to stab someone to the election (UGH), jobs, Tami’s NEED for meat, and at some point, Chris decided to recite the whole “pilot” alphabet. alpha, beta, charlie…. Weird. I was disturbed about Tyler saying he used to read Cosmo for the sex tips. See, he’s a guy. Aren’t the sex tips in those books meant to please MEN?

I know he was kidding. But it was great ammo to tease him with.

I lost my cell phone! πŸ™ akljfalfjdkfa. I think it’s in Garth’s couch. I heard that’s a BAD place for it. πŸ™ I have to get over there and get it out, and soon. Of course, I put the dang thing on vibrate before I lost it, so I couldn’t call it to locate it. BOO. Hopefully I’ll find it soon.

Rob gave me his box of Mentos freshmints or whatever they’re called. They are yummy! πŸ™‚

A few of us went to Craig’s after for an “election party.” We are such dorks. Craig ordered MORE pizza and Tami demanded chicken. So I made her chicken nugget thingys. Then she fell asleep on Craig’s loveseat. I wonder if she’s still there? Rob was cracking me up the whole time. My favorite quote from him tonight was: “I am calling Hell and confirming your reservation.” Favorite quote from Tami: “I like whiskey.” From Garth: “Y’all suck at leaving.”

So, you’re probably thinking “What kind of a Christian small group is this?” Mmm. All I can say is that we’re just normal people. But not so much. We like to act stupid and be sarcastic and tease each other. But then we have each other’s backs all the way. If one of us is sad, someone is going to be there for the other. Hugs, prayers, serious LOVIN’ ON. If something happy happens, then everyone celebrates. We share interests. We share our worries, our lives, ourselves. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

/end sappy music

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All Moved In

I’m finally moved into my new desk at work. It’s actually my old desk. See, what had happened was….

Seriously. I sat at this desk when I first became an admin. Then I was moved to another desk, then another. And now, I’ve come full circle. Still working for a director. Just a different face.

So far, the “new” digs are nice. Very private. I’m going to miss having a window. But I love that I cannot hear anyone’s typing, I can keep tabs on the boss (via a mirror-thingy), there is no copy machine behind me making all sorts of noise, and I have so much more storage space!

So, the core of my work is Lotus Notes, and it’s totally hung up. I think the server might be down or something. So, I’m sitting here and updating, because what else can I do? All of my work is in LNotes!

I can’t believe it’s November 1st already. All Saint’s Day. Will I be a “saint” when I die? Psalm 103 says this:

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THAT! I mean, how screwed would we be if He did repay us as we deserved?

See, this is the thing. What it is is…

Seriously. I find that I beat myself up so much over my sins that maybe God feels He doesn’t need to. Imagine if we did it to ourselves, then had to deal with His wrath too? No fun at all.

Speaking of fun, I just thought of something I can do. The bulletin boards need to be updated. So ciao.

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