Trick or Treat!

Beggar’s Night is going on right now. So why am I inside, you ask? Because WE RAN OUT OF CANDY. I underestimated the children in the neighborhood.

Note to self: Telling children to take one doesn’t work. They still try to get as many as possible. Therefore, I have to NOT be lazy and actually hand out the candy next year, instead of holding out the bowl and asking them to take one.

My favorite costumes of the night were:
1. Harry Potter
2. Mickey Mouse
3. Giraffe
4. The Columbus Bluejacket player with a sign on his back that read “NHL Player Looking For Work”
5. The dog dressed as a bumblebee

And of course, Aidan as SUPERMAN!!! He and Chris are off to some church Halloween party and he has the camera, so I’ll upload the pics when he gets back. I am going to indulge in some spaghetti, I think, and perhaps a nice, long bath. Mmmmmm.

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Thursday morning. I’m running on 3.5 hours of sleep. Beggar’s Night is tonight. It shouldn’t take too much energy to sit on the porch and pass out candy.

Last year this time, the Aurora Borealis was reaching all the way to Ohio. The sky was turning all kinds of reds and greens. It was incredible. Last night, there was a full lunar eclipse. It’s always cool to see those. I wonder if there will be astronomical phenomenon every year this time. I hope so. I love astronomy.

The Corn Maze was okay. Aidan loved it. Our group got out in 32 minutes. WITHOUT cheating. Of course, we didn’t do any of the special things either, like finding all the stamps or answering all the questions. Then we made s’mores and drank cider and chatted. I felt very lonely there even though I was surrounded by people and talking to them.

Randomness. I’m moving desks at work. I’m going back to the desk I sat at when I first became an administrative secretary. Interesting how things work out, huh? More randomness. I had lunch yesterday with a guy I worked with in Individual Annuities. THEN I ran into my old boss from IA, and he gave me a hug. That was nice.

The President is going to be at Nationwide Arena tomorrow. Again. BAH. I usually enjoy the Friday morning commute because so many people take off on Fridays. So traffic is really light. That may not be the case tomorrow.

A new writing club is forming at Nationwide, and the first meeting is this afternoon. I am so there. 🙂

Alrighty, then. I guess this is all for now.

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TO DO LIST & other stuff

!!! TO DO !!!

short term:
– oil change
– hook up “new” printer
– write at least 2-3 chapters in new novel
– clean desk area
– unpack
– clean out closet

before 2004 ends:
major reVampage of Anywhere Is
– get a LJ paid account
– query at least 2 agents for novel
– full detail on car ($150. not bad, eh?)

So, tomorrow evening is the Corn Maze thingamabob for The Grove. It’s so close to me, it would almost be criminal for me not to go. And Aidan would have a blast; I’d be lazy and plop him into a stroller, though, I think. I’m still not sure if I’m going to go, though. I’ve just been in a bitchycrankybetteroffbymyself mood the past few days. We’ll see how I feel.

And let the record show–it’s been almost 2 months since I’ve had McDonalds. The day I said I was going to get some? I realized I actually didn’t want any. So, I’m going to see if I can make it to November 1st. Holla.

Good night.

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