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From the intranet at work:

Please return temporary ID badges

Security is asking all associates to check their desks for any blue associate ID badges. Please return these badges to the main lobby desks in Plaza 1 and 3. When associates acquire these temporary-use badges, they are required to return them at the end of the day to the lobby desk.

Thanks for your cooperation.

For some reason, this is funny to me.

In other news, I’m still sick. Bah.

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My Boss Rocks

My boss is the greatest. He just told me that I don’t have to sit through three hours of presentations. Which is good because my stomach still isn’t happy with me. Neither is my pinky toe. That may be because I crashed it into the wall last night.
So, I thought that getting to bed at 1am would be sufficient. It would give me 5.5 hours of sleep. Well, guess what? I had another dream where I had a bad tummy ache, then woke up and realized the tummy ache was indeed real. At 4am. So yeah. I lost some sleep there. Boo.
We’re pretty sure the SUV is ready for pickup today. I’m just waiting to get the call from Chris so I can leave work to meet him at Avis place. Then I have to drive him to Ricart so we can get the SUV. See, this is another reason my boss is cool. I told him about that and he’s totally okay with me leaving early. AND he’s giving us pizza for lunch. And he’s taking the team to a baseball game. (But I may have to miss that because of the car.)
My boss rocks.

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There are few things more pleasant than having a WONDERFUL night at small group, breaking my McDonald’s restriction, Aidan being a charming little sweetheart, driving home on a highway that’s almost all mine, and then speeding down dark country roads while steam rises off of the street.
God is Good.
I miss Tami.

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