Handwriting Meme

Jenn at Jenn.nu (a blogger who’s been around about as long as I have) recently did a Handwriting Meme. Although I didn’t get tagged this time around, I thought the meme was so neat (and I hadn’t posted my handwriting online in a long time) that I thought I’d do it anyway.

Here’s the gist. You take some paper, and write the answers to these statements:

1. Name/Name of website.
2. Left or right-handed?
3. Favorite letters to write?
4. Least favorite letters to write?
5. Write this: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
6. Write these in all capitals: CRAB, HUMOR, KALEIDOSCOPE, PAJAMAS, GAZILLION.
7. Write your favorite lyrics to a song.
8. Tag some people to do this meme next.
9. Anything else you’d like to say?

Here’s mine:

Dig that Hello Kitty stationery! 🙂

Won’t you do this, too? Leave me a comment with a link to your post. I want to see how you write!


Me and My Blog

you & your blog at finding joy

I’ve been blogging for nearly 11 years, and I do it because it gives me a chance to express myself, to connect with others, to make new friends, and to be creative.

Here is a picture of me with my blog, a challenge inspired by Rachel at Finding Joy.

Me and My Blog



Ten years ago, I:
1. Flew on an airplane for the first time.
2. Visited Disney World for the first time.
3. Watched in horror the events of 9/11 unfolding.

Five years ago, I:
1. Met Adam.
2. Got an agent for my book ONLY YOURS.
3. Changed my life in a huge way.

One year ago, I:
1. Had just started working full time at Schawk.
2. Wondered if taking the full time job at Schawk was a good idea.
3. Decided not to worry about it and enjoy all the $$ I was making!

So far this year, I:.
1. Went horseback riding for the first time.
2. Pet and fed a giraffe.
3. Visited Disney World twice!

Yesterday, I:
1. Worked.
2. Did a little bit of Christmas shopping.
3. Ate dinner from Harold’s Chicken Shack. Yum!

Today, I:
1. Spent all day scarfing ibuprofen.
2. Slept a lot because of the ibuprofen.
3. Thought about how tired I was when I wasn’t sleeping.

Tomorrow, I will:
1. Work.
2. Take a shower or bath.
3. Possibly wear a dress.

In one year, I will:
1. Have longer hair.
2. Have a stamp on my passport.
3. Be at least five pounds lighter.

In five years, I will:
1. Be five years older.
2. Have at least one published novel under my belt.
3. Be able to do this:

Linking up with:


I’m Featured!

I found Courtney’s blog over the weekend and have really enjoyed learning about her family and seeing all her beautiful photos. She’s posts a lot of pretty pictures of her gorgeous little daughter. You should visit just for that. Plus, her husband’s family lives in Columbus, Ohio, where I lived for 13 years before moving to Chicago. Go Buckeyes!

Courtney is lovely enough to have me as one of her featured blogs! Go visit her and say “hi!”

Life With the Baxtrons

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