
Harry Potter


J.K. Rowling FTMFW!!!

And I’m HUNGRY!!

That’s all I’m sayin’.

Time to re-read. 😀

Comments are back on, btw.

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Kind of a Neat Day

I woke up way early this morning. I’m talking 3am. Finally at 4am, I turned on the light and read a bit of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Again.

Then I managed to fall asleep for a little over an hour, and had a dream in which celinedion was prancing around and being very very very cool, as I’m sure she is in real life. Only in the dream she had this amazing haircut, and I think her hair is pretty normal in real life. Anyway, I had fun with the dream Erin, so I hope to meet the real one sometime in my life. 🙂

I packed two boxes full of books to lug to Half-Price Books after work. When I got to work, there was a mini flood in some of the parking lots and on the street. There had been a water main break over the weekend. The building had no water pressure, no running water, no bathrooms. I was starting to get restless, because I drink a lot of water and I have to pee a lot, and they were saying we had to go down the street to Tim Horton’s or BP to pee. I don’t think that’s very fair to the restaurants. Foot traffic, no business? Plus, isn’t it kind of dangerous to keep people working in a place where there would be no sprinkler system if a fire breaks out?

Hmm, I should check and see if ZB even HAS sprinklers…

Anyway, they closed the building at noon. Wheee! 😀 I went to Half-Price Books and turned in my two boxes. I ended up getting 3x what I expected, which was a nice surprise. She told me that most of my paperbacks were in really good condition, and that my YA books were by popular authors. So YaY. I stopped by the library and picked up my reserves. One of them is called Dream Factory, set in Disney World. (It’s really not helping my Disney craving, but oh well.) Went home, relaxed and read, played on the computer, talked with meimeigui, which is always fun. Looked for ideas for a tattoo (I’m pretty sure of what I want now, and where, now it’s just the time and place). Watched some of The Office on DVD, and ate a yummy dinner with lots of veggies.

Mmmm, veggies.

I can’t believe how much I crave green vegetables now! Just a year ago, it was just… rarely on my mind. And now, I feel weird if I don’t get a fruit or a vegetable every day.

I like this! Because grapes and spinach (not together!) are God’s gift. GOD’s freakin’ gift, I tell ya.

Mmm, spinach.

What else neat happened? Well, I felt well-rested today because I’d spent most of the weekend lying around, napping and reading. That was sooo nice. Got most of my stuff out of Bauer Street. Just a bit more to go. It’s kind of sad, you know. I just keep leaving homes behind. Maybe one day I’ll settle down.

I finally watched Borat. When i first got Borat out of the DVD sleeve, I thought that someone had snuck in a bootleg copy. Then I realized it was meant to look like that. Hahaha. The movie was okay. I enjoyed some parts a lot, but honestly, I can take it or leave it. I won’t be sad if I never see it again, but I wouldn’t object if someone wanted to put it on, you know? It’s just like how I feel about Papa John’s pizza. I won’t turn it down if it’s there, but I won’t pursue it. You’ll never hear me say “Let’s order Papa John’s!” Next on the Q is Rent. People keep telling me the show is better, but I don’t think I’ll be seeing that anytime soon. So, the movie. There are three good reasons to try it out: Aaron Lohr, Rosario Dawson, Taye Diggs. Yes. Plus the song Seasons of Love is really cool.

Now I’m finally starting to get tired. But I don’t have to be up quite as early because we’re having a breakfast meeting offsite! I’ve been doing errata on these little readers which is neat because I get to read tons and tons and tons of little books, looking for mistakes. My favorite was:

Pepper’s curiosity was peaked.

Anyone know why that sentence is wrong? Correct it in the comments if you do! 8)

There’s a dog barking outside my window. Sometimes, if the dog barks, this lady yells out her window “SHUT UP, YOU DUMB DOG!” Like that’s helping ANYONE.

I’ve realized that out of the six HP books out so far, that Order of the Phoenix is my least favorite one, and Goblet of Fire is my favorite one. I also like the first one a lot, and I enjoy learning about Tom Riddle in Half-Blood Prince. As I read the books and start to drift as I get relaxed, my mind starts going crazy places. For example, I wonder if Fawkes will play a role in Book 7. How about Tonks and Lupin? How will Dumbledore’s portrait help, if at all? Just a few of the little things floating around in my mind. Not much longer ’til all the questions are answered.

Mmmmm, pain-killing pills are starting to take hold now. I hope they actually get to working on the actual painful parts on me and not just make me all fuzzy yummy ZZZzzzZZZZzzzzZZZ

‘Til next time….

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Book #100

The 100th new book I’ve read in 2007 is The Buffalo Tree by Adam Rapp. I reviewed this book for work, for our VOICES program, and although definitely not appropiate to be included in an educational curriculum, I was sucked in. The narrator is twelve-year-old Sura, one of the few white people in a juvenille detention home. Although the author never comes out and says anything, I gather the book is set in the 1970s. There are references to roller-skating and cars from the ’70s, as well as the afros most of his fellow inmates are sporting.

I loved looking at the world through Sura’s eyes, even if that world was downright horrific at times. Some of his observations and thoughts are so frank they’re funny. There is a lot of language in this book and the slang was hard for me to manage at first, but I think it fits with the flow of the story. I enjoyed it.

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Laurie Halse Anderson!! :) (Pictures)

Today, I got to meet Laurie Halse Anderson (aka halseanderson), bestselling author of the novel Speak, among many other great ones, including her new one Twisted.

Laurie Halse Anderson and me.

I’m a dork, so I was the first one there. People were setting up, and let me tell you how weird it was to be in a high school again. Upper Arlington High School doesn’t have bells, they have this weird bell-like sounding device. Like a simulation bell, if you will. So strange and unsettling. I wouldn’t want to hear that while running late for class, that’s for sure. Quick poll—if any of you are still in high school, do you use bells or weird electronic bell simulators? I’ve never seen or heard such a thing before.

ANYWAY, I was standing there and chatting with a few people, and then I recognized Laurie. She had on a smart leather jacket and a cool red shirt. I smiled at her and she pointed and asked “don’t I recognize you from Live Journal?” I said “Yes, I’m bananagirl—” and she ran over and gave me the biggest hug ever. It was so cool! We chatted for a bit, and then a brand new author showed up. Her name’s Lisa Klein and she wrote the book with the gorgeous cover called Ophelia. I’d seen the book in the stores and thought it looked interesting, but now that I’ve met Lisa, I’m definitely going to pick it up at some point. Lisa is so quiet and shy, but once she said something about having a published YA novel, Laurie and I were both “Really? Tell us more!!!” I got to meet two authors in one night. What a treat!

So we tried to do pictures, then I realized I’d left my CF card at home. ACK?!?!? I had twenty minutes, so I ran home and got it, and also my copy of adamselzer‘s book, to show to the owners of the bookstore who were sponsering Laurie’s signing. (Adam, the owner is pretty sure they’ve already ordered your book, but she did take down the information just in case they haven’t). When I came into the auditorium, Laurie, who was in the middle of a sentence, stopped and said “oh, hey Ronni!” That was kind of cool.

Laurie Speaking

Laurie Speaking

I love the irony she talked about. She hated The Scarlet Letter when she was in high school, and in some schools, Speak is being taught in conjunction with it. Crazy, right?

She’s such a good speaker. She’s inspirational. She’s friendly and grounded and super smart. She’s also quite gorgeous. I really enjoyed talking with her, and listening to her, and getting to hang out with her for a bit. She signed my book with a very inspirational message, and I’m still floating. I’m going to make note of this, make it my mantra, make it my LIFE: Pre-publication is a temporary condition.

Thank you, Laurie, for an awesome Sunday evening! ♥

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Books, Authors, Reading, Writing, Etc.

I love reading. If you want proof, look here:

Books I’ve Read in 2007. This document gets updated every time I finish a new book (provided I REMEMBER to add it when I’m done reading) so check back often.

Today, I found out that Laurie Halse Anderson is going to be practically down the street from me on March 25th. Guess where I will be camping out that day? With my camera, for sure. I’ll ask her to send me some “best-selling author” mojo. 🙂

Right now, I am reading brentsbrain‘s Split Screen, which just came out. I read the first screen, I will probably start on screen two at lunch. I just finished My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult and OH MY GOD. I ALMOST lost it, but managed to keep it together. But wow. I recommend that book to EVERYONE.

And just so you know, I’ve regained my joy of writing. 🙂 I’ve finally let CRUSH go, I’ve let ONLY YOURS go, definitely let BECOMING ME go, but that doesn’t mean I won’t use them for parts. There are brilliant moments in both of those books, so I plan to use them to pad current and future projects. I wish I was at home and writing now.

I guess that’s all for now. Time to eat. See ya!

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