
Potluck Like Whoa! :) (Video)

First of all, you can send me Virtual Valentines using this nifty little guy:

My Valentinr - lilrongal
Get your own valentinr

I won’t see anything until Valentine’s Day, but I will know how many I’ve received. Neat, huh?

Second of all, it’s SATURDAY and Aidan slept until 10am. Unfortunately, he tends to wet the bed when he sleeps that late. Boo. “Don’t see it,” he commands, trying to cover the evidence. Sigh.

Last night, before we went to sleep, Aidan made a really loud fart sound with his mouth and yelled “MOMMY! YOU FARTED”! I’m sure the neighbors had a field day with that. For fifteen minutes, we made fart noises and yelled out “_____, YOU FARTED!” It was great.

I finally emptied my memory cards! One had 850 photos on it, the other had about 150 plus videos. Now they’re clean, and all the pictures and videos have been moved to CDs. YAY. I feel accomplished. Kind of. Plus, Time Warner came and got the old cable modem. All my bills are paid or accounted for, and I don’t have to go anywhere until Monday. I was getting collection calls, and I finally called the number back to see what the banana they were calling me for, and it turned out they were for the person who had the phone number before me. So now, I don’t get collection calls anymore. πŸ™‚

I like having loose ends tied up.

Yesterday at work, we got called into an impromptu staff meeting at 1:30pm. There was no meeting–there was ice cream, cherries, chocolate sauce and other fixings so we could build our own sundaes! Plus, Cheryl & Co. delivered Valentine cookies. YAY for sweets! YAY for thwarting the 2:30pm slumps. Last Friday, there were two cakes and fruit. The cakes said “TGIF” on them.

Just now, Aidan was starting to get really fussy and kind of mean, and it finally dawned on me that the child needed lunch. Now he’s happily eating a chicken pot pie and watching Cars.

I got an email from an old college roommate whom I hadn’t heard from in YEARS. I also heard from one on MySpace not too long ago. It’s amazing when people come back, you know. Exciting, too.

It’s gonna get REALLY COLD here in a few days. Highs in the single digits. I’m getting the deep freeze I wanted, but it’s not fun while going through it. Looks like only a few days, though, so that’s good. Hopefully just enough to kill those mega-mosquitoes that were probably trying to breed when it was unseasonably warm last month.

I finished The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld yesterday during lunch. It was really good. A definite page-turner. I started on Sloth by Robin Wasserman, but I’m having a hard time getting into it. I also had a hard time with Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. Just renewed the Playlist one, will try it again a bit later.

Hmmm. What else? Oh yeah. Here is a link to the list of books I’ve read in 2007. It’ll be updated every time I finish a new book, so check back there often: [2007 Books]

And finally, a video demonstrationg Aidan’s smarts again.

more Check it out!

See ya!

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Sunday (Pictures)

Earlier, I was writing a LJ update on my laptop when it overheated and shut off. πŸ™ I can’t wait to get the notebook fan I ordered from HiPoints. I’ve been a member of Harris Poll online for years, and I’d accumulated over 13,000 points. I wasn’t impressed with anything in the 10,000 point folio, so I decided to get several little things. So here’s what I ordered:

1. programmable wireless optical mouse
2. notebook fan thingy
3. 1-year subscription to Glamour magazine
4. cordless Dirt Devil vac

I love shopping when I don’t have to spend any money. They even cover shipping!

That also means getting packages in the mail over the next several weeks, so yay for that.

Spent the weekend with little Aidan. He’s so cute. He gets so wound up over the smallest things sometimes. He totally got that from his dad. πŸ˜‰ Other than that, he’s hilarious. Some of the things he comes up with, I’m just amazed. And watching him fall asleep at night. It’s the most precious thing to see. I’m so lucky to have such a cuddly, beautiful little boy. πŸ™‚

My Little Model Puppy Aidan!

He left about 10:30 this morning, and I immediately went back to bed, and read. Then I took a nap, and read some more. Today, I read Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. I loved it. I immediately went to the library website and put the sequel on reserve. And I added Peeps to my Reading Pleasure Wish List.

Then I read Then Again, Maybe I Won’t by Judy Blume. Believe it or not, I missed a LOT of Judy Blume books as I was growing up, but I’m making up for it now. Thank GOD for public libraries!

Friday, I watched High School Musical and LOVED it. It’s so fun, and Aidan had me watch the “We’re All In This Together” video over and over. He enjoyed it, too. I return it to Netflix tomorrow, just in time to cancel my free 2-week trial, but I added it to my wishlist in case someone wants to randomly buy me a present. LOL.

It’s COLD out. Temps in the teens. That’s frightening. I hope this doesn’t continue for too long. Looking forward to Spring already.

Weekends go too quickly. Another LONG work week ahead. Oh well. Such is life.

See ya.

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Books and Reading

Today, I read a book called Sold by Patricia McCormick. A novel about a girl sold into prostitution. It’s scary because it’s REAL. It’s a novel, but that kind of stuff really does happen. My mouth dropped at certain parts, I had to go back and reread parts to be sure I really was reading what I was reading. The horrors of that kind of life, all spelled out, emotionally in a free-verse novel.

It will haunt me.

Over the past week, I have read Cut by the same author, and Crank by Ellen Hopkins. In between that, I managed to fit in Specials by Scott Westerfeld. Yes, I’ve been busy, devouring books like I devour peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Cut is dramatic, a good look inside the mind of a cutter, and her slow recovery. Crank tells the story of a girl who got addicted to meth, in free verse (I love Hopkins’ free verse style), and Specials is the third book in the Uglies trilogy (Uglies, Pretties, Specials), books set hundreds of years in the future which deal with governmental control and brainwashing, surgery, mutilation, and rebellion. The Uglies trilogy is very intense and adventure-packed. Very little romance, and was hard for me to follow at times–the action was that fierce.

I have a huge stack of more books to tackle, but I think I’ll soak my feet for a while and watch High School Musical. ‘Til next time!

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Reading and Watching

I did a Bad Thing.

I signed up for Netflix.

Well, their two-week free trial, anyway. I also put a HUGE reminder to myself to cancel on January 29th so I won’t get charged. I put Covenant and High School Musical in my queue.

I watched Dogma for the first time over the weekend. To think, for some reason, I’d been against ever watching that movie because I thought there were demons in it. And there are, but they aren’t the scary kind. Not really. Anyway, I REALLY enjoyed that movie. A LOT. And Alanis Morrisette looked so pretty in it. As did Salma Hayak, who I just love. Anyway, Dogma and Clerks II are my favorite Kevin Smith movies.

(I’ve been told by two people that Rosario Dawson reminded them of me. WHOA? Do you know how freakin’ beautiful she is?????)

I also put sixteen books on reserve at the library. Four of them are ready, and I will go pick them up tomorrow. YAY for books!! Especially “free” ones. πŸ™‚

Finished reading Tattoo. It was QUITE the page turner! Jennifer Lynn Barnes (jenlyn_b) has done it again. BUY IT NOW!

Melodye Shore (newport2newport) was kind enough to order me a copy of Better Than Yesterday, AND she sent it by two-day shipping! I should have it this weekend! πŸ™‚ Yes, I think I will read 100 new books this year, too. And I won’t lose the dang list this time.

So far, I have read:

1. Two Steps Forward – Rachel Cohn
2. Indigo Blue – Cathy Cassidy
3. Just As Long As We’re Together – Judy Blume
4. Gathering Blue – Lois Lowry
5. Tattoo – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Granted, most of the books I read are YA, so they tend to be a lot shorter than adult books. But that happens to be my preference. Adult books take too long to get to the point for me, and they tend to have a lot of pointless filler.

I think I’ll read Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator next. πŸ™‚

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Book Meme

I saw that Sarah Dessen (writergrl) did this, and since I LOVE her, I want to do it too. YAY.

1. One book that changed your life. I have to say Dark Angel by V.C. Andrews. I read that book, and the characters got under my skin so much. I just had to write that way.

2. One book you’ve read more than once. Just one? All right. Let me think. How about Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews.

3. One book you would want on a desert island. This meme is torturous. I guess it’d be Dark Angel.

4. One book that made you laugh. The entire Georgia Nicholson series has me in stitches.

5. One book that made you cry. Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. I cried and cried when I read it.

6. One book you wish had been written. Anything by Sarah Dessen. The woman is brilliant.

7. One book you wish had never been written. ….

8. One book you are currently reading. I’m reading Feed by M.T. Anderson.

9. One book you have been meaning to read. White Teeth by Zadie Smith. Someday, my friends. Someday.

10. Tag five people. Nah.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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