
Potluck (Pictures)

Today was kind of a neat day. Work didn’t take too terribly long for one thing, and I found out that I can reserve books at Borders online for store pick up. I picked up Queen Bees & Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman. That book is the basis for my newest favorite movie Mean Girls. It’s SO GOOD. Just a lot of insight into the world of cliques in high school and middle school. Defintely research for my books.

While I was at Borders, I came across a bunch of new books that I wanted to read, but couldn’t really afford. (FYI, Mother’s Day is coming up, so if you’re feeling particularly expansive and want to get something for a certain mommy named Ronni, gift cards to bookstores, please!). I went to the library and they had all but ONE of the books I want to read. I was plucking from the shelves left and right.

crimsonghost_oh has been spoiling me. First thing is that he bought me a new iPod. You guys may have read about me complaining about my old one and how it holds a charge for about three minutes. So, he got me a new one. Even though it holds 30 gigs of stuff, I am still being selective about what goes on there. I don’t want to spend all my time fast forwarding. I also dig the photo feature. It’s like a mini photo album! And it’s SO NICE not to have to worry about the thing quitting on me before I get the headphones to my ears.

Then he gave me his Best Buy Reward Zone certificates ($10), so I got I Spy Mystery. Cause I love I Spy, and I can’t wait to play it with Aidan.

I realized a bunch of work people—the cool ones—are on My Space. Good times.

Yesterday, Heather was telling me about how skinny I was and how good I look. 🙂 That made me feel good. I have this particular shirt that’s incredibly flattering and I was wearing it yesterday. The funny thing is that I got the shirt years ago on clearance. I believe I was shopping with itskels when I got it.

I read The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. It’s a 500 page book, but I read it in an hour. It’s such a cool book because a lot of it is told in pictures rather than words. It was a neat story, made me tear up at the end. I got to meet Brian in February at the Children’s Literature Breakfast. I didn’t get a picture with him, but adamselzer did:

Two Authors

On Monday, I went to Bauer Street to get more of my stuff. Aidan broke my Mickey Mouse anniversary clock—just the dome, but still. My mommy got that for me for Christmas one year. I got a lot of clothes. I opened a suitcase that had been packed the whole time I lived there. Inside were several bikinis. Man, I remember when I used to wear bikinis. I had a silver one, a pink leather one, and loads of others.

Myrtle Beach 1998

So um… how about that hair? LOL. Yeah, cannot wear that ever again, ha haha. I did find a tankini that I might be able to pull off, though.

I found some other neat stuff too, like little notebooks, and purses with hidden treasures in them.

From Avril Lavinge’s new CD, I like the songs:

  • Hot
  • Everything Back But You
  • Keep Holding On
  • I Don’t Have to Try
  • Girlfriend

However, the explicit CD just sounds like the “explicit” words were overdubbed in, and not very well. Now, I did “borrow” a copy from , so I’m not sure if it’s SUPPOSED to sound like it’s badly overdubbed, or what. Does anyone have the explicit version of The Best Damn Thing? Can you give some insight? I have the clean version too, but that one’s not as much fun to sing along with.

Some people I used to hang out with a lot are having a mock wedding this weekend, for the sake of photographs. (I guess they didn’t get pictures at their first wedding). They picked Aidan to be the “ringbearer” and got him a tux. Last night was his final fitting. Chris sent me a camera phone picture:

Isn’t he too cute???

survey time!

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100 Truths

100 truths

1. real name ? Ronica
2. nickname ? Ronni
3. single or taken ? taken
4. zodiac sign ? sagittarius
5. male or female ? female
6. elementary ? Corlett and Benjamin Franklin
7. middle ? Whitney Young Intermediate (they weren’t called “middle schools” yet)
8. high ? John Adams High School
9. eye color ? hazel
10. hair color ? golden something or other
11. hair: long or short ? I wish it was long
12. do you think of yourself as attractive ? sometimes
13. do others find you attractive ? a few people
14. are you athletic ? no
15. are you a health freak ? no
16. height ? 5’1″
17. do you have a crush on someone ? yes
18. do you like yourself ? sometimes
19. piercings you’ve had ? ears, belly button
20. tattoos ? none
21. righty or lefty ? righty


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Potluck (Pictures)

I ate too much today. Dinner will be VERY light or non-existent. Moof.

Today, I took Aidan to Toys R Us. He’s been collecting the die cast Cars characters, and they’re cheap, so I wanted to get him a couple. I was confused by the big crowd there. Well, they were having some sort of Easter bru-haha. There was a scavenger hunt, goodie bags (filled with weird stuff like cookie mix, bubbles, hand sanitizer), story time, and… wait for it…..


Character Greeting!

Yes, it’s Geoffrey the Giraffe! Wheee! Aidan is holding the Spiderman Mr. Potato-Head that he ended up not wanting after all. The raincoat I’m wearing—I got it in Vegas last May. It’s London Fog and v. cute. Does a good job keeping me dry, too.

Here is Aidan with Geoffrey:

Aidan and Geoffrey the Giraffe

My camera battery died, but the sales associate was nice enough to grab me a pack of Duracell AAs to use, and trusted that I’d pay for them before I left (which I did, of course). So yay! I love character greetings. And I love cool store employees.

So far, Aidan has:
Brand New Mater
Lightning McQueen
Dinoco McQueen
Green Ramone
Radiator Springs McQueen
Leak Less

He needs:
Doc Hudson
Fabulous Hudson Hornet
Purple Ramone
Yellow Ramone
Dirt Track McQueen

Yesterday, the idiots were certainly out and about. I was driving down the street and the street doesn’t have a sidewalk. Okay, pedestrians will be in the street. Fine, whatever. Well, these two dumbasses were walking in the MIDDLE of the street and had the nerve to give me a dirty look when I went around them. Like they own the fine streets of Columbus Ohio? Ugh.

I have a whopping fifteen books checked out of the library right now. One might say I’m obsessed. I’m reading Kate Brian’s Private series now. I’m loving it. Finally, books about rich girls that aren’t name dropping every other paragraph. Refreshing. In addition, those girls are CLEVER and complicated. Kate Brian is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. I’ve been devouring her books recently. Oh, speaking of that, I decided to open a book review site: Ronni’s Reviews. I read so much, I figured I might as well share my opinions on some of the dang things. Plus there are google ads at the bottom. You know what to do to hook a sister up.

SOMEBODY sent me a dozen pink roses at work on Wednesday. Now, I’m not a huge fan of getting cut flowers. I prefer them to remain in the ground. Main reason is that I don’t do well with them. I forget to water and give them food, and the next thing I know, they’re slumped over and looking depressed. Yeah, not a good thing, right? But these are pink and pretty and extremely fragrant and all the women in the office are going nuts over them. So they made me smile. Have I ever said that my friends are beyond amazing?

I can’t believe it’s 7pm already! I love this longer day stuff. YAY Daylight Savings Time. Yay Spring.

And especially YAY for The O.C. season one on DVD. Adam Brody gets cuter every episode, and Melinda Clarke is just… wow. Stunning. For some reason, she reminds me of my mom, but I can’t figure out why.

Anyway, here’s a s u r v e y!


Name: Ronica Lanean
Birth date: 12.20.1974
Hair color: Golden-brown
Eye color: Hazel
Birth place: Cleveland, OH
Current location: Chicago-bound
School: None
Height: 5’1″
Weight: 115 lbs
Status: Divorced
Religion: Confused


Color: Pink
Food: Spaghetti
Drink: Juices or water. And Kool-Aid.
Store: None
Restaurant: None
Season: Autumn or Spring
Day of the week: Friday
Holiday: Birthdays and Christmas
Flower: wildflowers
Candy: chocolate
Musical Genre: No particular favorite, I’ll listen to what sounds good.
Band: Aerosmith
Artist: Joan Baez
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Hangout: my place
T.V. Show: N/A
Movie: The Boondock Saints

~In A Boy/Girl~

Hair Color: No favorite, but there must be curls. I like curls.
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: At least 5’10”
Personality: Smart-aleck, funny, intelligent, nerdy
Clothing style: His own
Hot or Sweet: Both

~Can You~

Play an instrument: Very little.
Sing: Barely
Play a sport: Meh.
Dance: Sure

~Have You Ever~

Bungee jumped: No
Been in an accident: Yes.
Broken a bone: No.
Barfed in public: No.
Skinny dipped: Not yet.
Kissed in public: Yes.
Embarrassed yourself in front of your crush: Um… I’m sure I have.

~Do You~

Believe in God: Sometimes.
Believe in ghosts: Meh.
Like roller coasters: Yes.
Get mad easily: Yes.
Have a curfew: Hell no.
Believe in love at first sight: Yes.
Have siblings: Yes.
Daydream a lot: Absolutely.

~This Or That~

Hugs or Kisses: Both.
Iced Tea or Nestea: I’m not into iced tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Black or White: Both.
Love or Wealth: Both.
Cuddle or Sex: Both.
Sit or Stand: Sit.
Rock or Rap: Rock.

~Top Six Dreams~

1. Live comfortably as a full-time novelist;
2. Live in Chicago;
3. Visit Ireland;
4. No more debt;
5. Aidan would continue to be awesome;
6. A secret. ♥


Girly Confessions


What’s the worst excuse you’ve ever given to not go out with a guy? Um… I think I just told him I wanted to be friends or didn’t like him that way or whatever.
Ever cheated? Yes. 🙁
Ever wanted to? …
Ever dumped a guy? Yes.
Ever used a lame excuse when dumping a guy? No.
Ever make a guy like you, just to see if you could? Like I ever had that kind of power. Whatever!
Ever had a guy dump his girl for you? Again, like I ever had that kind of power.
Ever been called a tease? Not to my face.
Do you get honked at when you walk down the street? I did when I was 23.
Do you like it? Yes. Yes, I did.
Ever honk at a hot guy walking down the street? No.
Worst thing you’ve ever done to a guy? …


Ever spread a rumor about a friend? I don’t think so?
Ever kissed another girl? Yes.
If so, were you drunk? No.
Ever cheated with a friends boyfriend? No.
Ever bitched a girlfriend out? Yes, through AIM or email.
Lost a friend to gossip? No.
Ever caused someone to lose a friend over the gossip you spread? No.


What is your name spelled backwards? Acinor
What is the worst smell that you’ve ever smelled? Hmm. Probably anything poop-related. Or rotting things.
Do you believe in soul mates? Yes.
What was your worst experience? Huh?
Do you ever meditate? No.
What do you find to be a great for of relaxation? Reading.
Do you like the taste of octopus? Never had it.
Do you have anyone’s name tattooed on your body? No.
Who is your favorite Fraggle? N/A
What is your opinion on global warming? It’s real and scary.
What is your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice. I just choose not to have one.
Would you ever consider turning vegetarian if you aren’t already? I’ve considered it in passing.
Do you still keep in touch with letters? Yes. In fact, I owe a couple.
What did you want to be growing up? Do you still? An author, and yes.
What is your favorite era? None.
Who do you look up to? Sarah Dessen, Laurie Halse Anderson, JK Rowling
Have you ever made someone cry? Yes.
What was the first concert that you have ever been to? The Jacksons!
Why were you given the name that you have? I can never remember the story.
Where are your parents from? Ohio.
At what age did you receive your first kiss? I was sixteen going on seventeen, innocent as a rose….
What was your favorite game growing up? The Legend of Zelda, and Tetris. Oh, and I kicked ass at Millipede.
Who are your godparents, if you have them? N/A
What are you hearing right now? Aidan’s ABC game.
How do you think the dinosaurs died? Meteor.
What is your least favorite type of music? Anything that’s obnoxious.
Is it okay for guys to cry at movies? Hell yes. Right, cheebychumba? 😉
Have you ever been used? Yes.
Have you ever attempted the so called “Impossible”? Every single day, I attempt it.
Where would you like to go to dinner for your birthday? A fancy steak house. Or Harry Carey’s. (hint, hint adamselzer) >:)
Do you have an accent? I don’t think I do.
How would you spell your name without using letters? I’d use numbers.
Did you vote in the last presidential election? Of course.
Do you have self-respect? Sometimes.
What is the effect of stress on you? I beat myself up.
What is your favorite word? Banana.


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A Survey


01. Babe or Baby: Baby

02. Sweetie or Honey: Sweetie

01. Is your hair wet? No
02. Is your phone right by you? Yes
03. Do you miss someone? Yes
04. Are you wearing chapstick? Nope
05. Are you tired? Not really, a little sleepy
06. Are you excited? I have post-workout endorphins.
07. Are you watching TV? No
08. Are you wearing pajamas? Yes

01. Recently done anything you regret? Yes
02. Have you ever lied? Yes
03. Ever stuck gum under a desk? No
05. Ever tripped over your own feet? Yes

01. Have you sworn? Probably
02. Have you yelled at someone? No
03. Have you gotten mad at someone? No
04. Have you cried? No
05. Have you called more than 3 people? No

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: Yes, definitely

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: the playground

Q: Who do you like more, your mom or dad?
A: Mommy

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Yes, a natural sister. Two step-brothers who I never talk to.

Q: Do you want children?
A: I have a little boy.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Maybe.

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you wish on stars?
A. Yes.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: Nope.

Q: When did you last cry
A: I almost cried yesterday because Aidan was being so difficult at some points.

Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes, most of the time.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes.

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: Mine.

Q: What color shirt[s] are you wearing?
A: I’m wearing a grey nightgown.

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I have a cat. Little Lucy!

Q: What are the color of your bedsheets?
A: blue.

Q: What were you doing at 3pm yesterday?
A: Lying in bed, trying to get Aidan to take a nap.

Q: I can’t wait until…
A: I get to Chicago again.

Q: Look to your right. What’s there?
A: A stack of books.

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: Yes.

Q: Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder?
A: Yes, plenty of times.

Q: Song that makes you cry or really emotional?
A: None right now.

Q: Are you normally a happy person?
A: Not really.

Q: Has anyone ever said ‘I love you’ to you besides family?
A: Yes.

Q: If Yes do you think they meant it?
A: Yes, definitely.

Q: What are you doing right now?
A: This survey, drinking water.

16 sections of my life

+ Your full name: Ronica
+ Eyes: Hazel
+ Hair color: Brownish something or other
+ Siblings: Leah, my sister.
+ Tattoos: None, yet.

+ Fallen off the bed? More than likely.
+ Broken someone else’s heart?: Yes.
+ Had your heart broken?: Yes.
+ Had a dream come true?: Yes.

+ Wearing: Okay, um, this is getting repetitive. I’m wearing a grey nightgown.
+ Listening to: Nothing.
+ Located: My living room.
+ Chatting with: Andy.
+ Should REALLY be: Getting ready for bed.

+ Drive: Yes.
+ Have a cell phone: Yes.

+ Hugged: Aidan
+ IMed: Andy
+ Talked to: Chris
+ Text: Can’t remember.

+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Someone yummy.

+ TV show: N/A
+ Color: Pink

+ Like to give hugs: Yes. :)
+ Prefer black or blue: Black
+ Sleep on your side: I change a lot.
+ Have stuffed animals: Yes.
+ Sleep with one?: Yes

+ Pierced nose or tongue: Nose
+ MTV or BET: neither
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson’s Creek: neither
+ Color or black/white: Depends
+ Sun or moon: Moon
+ 5 acquaintances or one best friend: Best friend
+ Spring or Fall: both
+ Happy or Sad: Happy
+ Wonder or amazement: Wonder.

+ Time you cried: Don’t remember.
+ Phone call: A few hours ago

+ Mood: A bit sleepy.
+ Hair: Down.

+ Made you cry? Aidan almost did. :(
+ Made you angry? Dunno.

+ Drink whole or skim milk? NEiTHER!

+ Gray or Black? Grey
+ Lust or love? Love
+ Sunrise or sunset?: Sunrise
+ M&M’s or Skittles?: M&Ms

Are you currently in love?: ♥

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