
Sunday Night

Another weekend has passed. Went and got Aidan from my mom’s yesterday. He was being as silly and cute and sweet as ever. Getting back into mommy mode is always a challenge after these long breaks, though.

Yesterday, I finished reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, and now I’m reading Pretties. Specials is ready for me to pick up at the library, so I’m going to do that Tuesday. They’re very intense books, hard for me to blow through like I do with most YA novels. Interesting stuff, though.

Today, I watched The Covenant. It was predictable, but the guys were hot. Not a favorite, but it was enough to pass the time. I had a pretty lazy Sunday. Reading, resting, sitting in the glider while the electric heater blew directly on me, curled up in a blanket. It was restful. I didn’t get bored until the middle of Family Guy this evening.

I blew a fuse yesterday evening. Or tripped the circuit breaker. Whatever it is. I was typing away on the computer, enjoying the really warm air from the electric heater on my toes when PHOOOM. Half the apartment went dark. “Nice,” I muttered. Then I noticed night lights glowing in the other room. I knew then that I’d tripped a circuit. I fixed it and vowed to never put the electric heater on II again. This place can handle I, but not II.

We got a lot of snow, so driving tomorrow is something I am not looking forward to. Everything is prepared for work tonight, so tomorrow morning, I won’t have to rush, and I will probably need extra commute time. The freezing drizzle has me really nervous. That’s the dangerous, scary stuff. I hope the roads are okay by the time rush hour hits.

Lots going on in my mind. Just a lot of thinking I need to do. But scared to start muddling through it all. And paperwork. I’m so gosh darn sick of paperwork. Seems like there is always a problem and people want to point fingers instead of owning up and taking accountability and getting things resolved. I just know I’d like to RELAX fully and completely for once, but I can’t because there is always something to worry about, some issue to deal with.

And God do I need a massage. One of those ninety-minute ones from Gentle Wind by Heather Lane. I just need some Reiki, Swedish and deep tissue. Mmmm. I’m all tied up in knots and it hurts.

But anyway, before I go, here are a couple of surveys.

Sunday Night Surveys

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Survey Time!

adamselzer is going to kill me, because he told me to go to bed about 30 minutes ago, but I simply cannot sleep.

So, here is the first survey of 2007! Woo!!

People usually call me: Ronni

But my real name is: Ronica

Birthday: December 20

Lady or Gentleman: Lady

I was born in: Cleveland OH

Sign: Sagittarius


Righy or Lefty: Right-handed.

Best Physical Feature: My eyes, and my butt.

Worst Physical Feature: My abs. Ugh. I can look pregnant on a really bad day.

Do you notice looks first?: Of course.

Shoe Size: Six in womens. Four in boys.

Hair Color: Golden

Eye Color: Hazel

Glasses/Contacts or Both: Depends on my mood

Do you wear jewelry?: Yes

If so, what?: Tiffany bracelet and necklace

Any tattoos?: Not yet.

Any piercings beside ears?: Not yet.


Are you a thoughtful person?: I try to be.

What are you thinking about in the morning?: The long work day ahead.

What about now?: The long work day tomorrow. I mean today. Eep.

Do you like to play chess?: Dunno.

How about checkers?: It’s okay.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?: Something to give me unlimited money.

Do you have a great idea right now?: Yes.

Do you like to play mind games?: No.

Emotional?: Yes.

How are you feeling right now? Excited.

Do you feel as though nobody truly understands you? From time to time.

Do you have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings? I can do it better while writing.

If so, do you write in an actual diary or online journal? Both.

If diary, ever had somebody go through it? I hope not.

If online journal, which one? This one. Duh.

When was your last heartbreak? A while ago.

Last time you cried: Monday.

Reason as to why you cried? Long story.

Do you hate your life? Actually, no.


How often do you go to church? ..about that.

When was the last time you went to church? June 2006, for a play.

Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual? More spiritual.

Do you pray everyday? Not everyday, but quite often.

Did you go to bible school? I did a few times when I was young.


What do you first notice about the opposite sex? Face.

#1 Turn Off: Cockiness.

Hot body part of opposite sex: Nice, round butts.

Sex on the first date?: Well, I can’t say I’ve ever actually dated, so who knows?

Ever had a one night stand?: No.

Are you considered a tease?: No.


Do people call you a liar?: No.

Had a fake ID?: No.

When was the last time you lied to your parents?: A couple weeks ago.

Do you believe in once a cheater, always a cheater? Not really.

Ever said I love you and didn’t mean it? Never.

What is the one of the things you would NEVER lie about?: My son.

This or That……

Work or School: Work.

Red or Pink: Pink.

Receive or Give: BOTH.

Love or Lust: Love.

Heaven or Hell: What kind of question is that?

Lights on or off: On.


How many REAL friends do you actually have? At least seven. I’m so very blessed.

More female or male friends: Female.

Who is your best friend?: Adam, Star, Amy, Andy, Ivy to name a few.

How long you known each other?: Anywhere from fifteen years to less than one year.

Loudest Friend? I can’t think of any, really.

Shyest Friend? selfstyled.

Craziest Friend? adamselzer

Biggest Flirt? adamselzer

Would you ever live with your best friend? I think so.


Favorite Childhood Board Game? I enjoyed Connect Four.

Regular Tag, Freeze Tag, Help Tag, or Cartoon Tag: Regular tag. Hehe.

Ever play school? Oh yeah.

Ever play with Barbie or GI Joes?: Both.

Ever go to parents job for “Bring your kid into Work” Day?: No.

Hide and Go Seek or Blind Man Bluff: Hide and Seek.


Are you in school? Negative.

Do you work? Yes

Have a car? Yep!

If so, what kind? 2002 Hyundai Accent.

What are you doing tonight? Going to bed soon, I swear.

What are doing tomorrow? Work, then grocery shopping.

Thanksgiving or Christmas? Christmas.


What are your dreams? To be a bestselling author.

What age do you plan on getting married? Been there, done that. Don’t plan on doing it again.

Where do you want to get married? N/A.

Honeymoon Destination? N/A.

How many kids? I’ve got Aidan. He’s enough. ๐Ÿ™‚

Career? Writing/Publishing.

Car? I like Little Ronica. I’ll try to hang on to her.

Small or Big Wedding? *grumble rumble*

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I wasn’t going to do this, but Rosa had to go and put my name in the “two people who will fill this out” section, so of course I had to. Yeah, yeah, that’s it. It’s all HER fault!

A Survey in Twos

Two names you go by:
1. Ronni
2. Mommy

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Mickey Mouse PJs
2. underwear

Two things you would want in a relationship:
1. honesty
2. devotion

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Read
2. Write

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Money
2. Sleep

Two pets you had/have:
1. Lucy
2. Fi

Two people who will fill this out:
1. cassidyselzer
2. leaving blank because the last two memes where I tagged people–hardly NO ONE responded. :[

Two things you did last night:
1. Tried to sleep
2. Coughed

Two people who live in your house:
1. Aidan (part-time)
2. myself

Two things you ate today:
1. Nestle Crunch
2. Chick-Fil-A

Two people you last talked to:
1. Adam
2. Aidan

Two things you’re doing tomorrow:
1. Sleeping
2. Window shopping

Two longest car rides:
1. Columbus, OH to Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2. Columbus, OH to Myrtle Beach, SC

Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving

Two favorite alcoholic beverages:
1. Ameretto Sour
2. Ice wine

I had the BRIGHT (not) idea to go to the mall today with Aidan in tow. GRUMBLE. What the hell was I thinking? He was fine the first half of the trip. We looked around a few stores, he played in the Zoo Court, and asked cute questions. THEN, he turned into little MONSTER Aidan. I thought he was hungry, so off to the food hall we went. Oh nope. He threw a tantrum there, and we came home. So I figured–oh, he’s tired, we’ll just take a nap. Sure enough, he was falling asleep in the car on the way home, but of course, something happened in the 30 second transition between car and bed. He woke up and proceeded to be annoying for 90 minutes. *sigh* So that means I’m still tired, and I am hesitant about going out later because he didn’t actually nap which could mean yet another meltdown, but I’m so antsy and really not wanting to stay here all day. *sigh* So now what?

Although, the places I’d go this evening would be places that involve shopping carts, so he’d be somewhat restrained, anyway. But man, he and I do more arguing than I’d like, which is frustrating. I try to keep the upper hand, but he always has the last word! And sometimes he’s so unreasonable. For example:

Ronni: Aidan, stop yelling.
Ronni: Aidan, I’m not the one who is yelling.


So whatever else happens, whatever fun thing he was doing gets taken away when he speaks to me that way. I am NOT trying to have my kid on Jerry Springer or something in a few years cussing me out up and down the coastline.


Now it smells good here because I just made Aidan a pot pie. Ugh, I am so freaking tired. ๐Ÿ™ No rest ’til tonight/tomorrow, though. I think we will head out to a couple of stores tonight, though, to keep me from going stir-crazy.


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The Seal Has Been Broken & Other Randomness

I TRIED to wait until Friday, I PROMISE, but you know, I’m starting to feel the spirit a bit, so I decided to go ahead and play some Christmas music. I also thought I’d wait until Friday to start holiday shopping, but nope. I ended up picking up a few things at Target for Booba and some other people. Considering the situation, I am definitely going more frugal this year, but that doesn’t mean the gifts I choose will be any less personal or special.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! It’s going to be weird, I’m not going to lie. Those of you who read Chris’s journal will know why. But I’ll make it. And Friday I get to see my mommy and my little Booba, who I haven’t seen since last Friday, and I miss him! I’m glad he’s with my mom, though, because he’s so happy there. All he could talk about last week was how much he loves his grandmommy and how excited he was to see her. I love calling her and telling her about that, because it makes her so happy. She’s thrilled to be spending Thanksgiving with Aidan again.

I walked to the post office today to mail a letter (starrlyte, watch your mailbox!) and buy stamps. It was a pleasant walk. Nice weather. Then I came home and lit a Nag Champa and for some reason, I sneezed about 10 times. It was weird. I’m okay now, but still. That was so strange.

I booked a LONG trip to Chicago in February. I was planning on going anyway, but not for as long as I ended up booking it. February 9-18, 2007. It’s going to be a busy week. So much going on, with book releases and 30th birthday parties and all sorts of other things. I’m really looking forward to it. It’ll be just the perfect thing to break up the endless Ohio grey days.

I managed to get ahold of a copy of the Philly Dylan concert I attended. I listen to Desolation Row over and over because the arrangement on it is just so freakin’ amazing. I also keep listening to Tangled Up In Blue and Highway 61 Revisted. It’s fun to think “Wow, I was sitting in the audience and bopping my head during this song!”

Tonight, I will be playing on the computer, journaling, and writing letters. Reading, relaxing, all that good stuff. Should be peaceful.

And of course, a survey.

Or two.

Finish The Sentences…

1. I’ve come to realize that…
life is funny.

2. I am listening to…
Christmas music.

3. I talk…
about Aidan a lot.

4. I love…

5. My best friend(s)…
mostly live out of town.

8. I hate it when people…
are rude and stupid.

9. Love is…
wonderful, terrible, amazing, crazy, unpredictable, beautiful, need I go on?

10. Marriage is….
not going to go there.

11. Somewhere, someone is…
having sex.

12. I’ll always…
be short.

13. I have a secret crush on…
no one.

14. The last time I cried was…

15. My cell phone…
pisses me off. Especially the Verizon never having a signal part.

16. When I wake up in the morning….
I think about how long the work day is.

17. Before I go to sleep at night…
I read.

18. Right now I am thinking about…
holiday stuff.

19. Babies are…

20. I get on MySpace…
not too often.

21. Today I…

22. Tonight I will…

23. Tomorrow I will…

24. I really want…
to be a best-selling author.

25. The person who most likely to repost this is…
Ivy swankivy, Cara caragirl, maybe Helen helenatural.


–> What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: Three days before Christmas. You figure it out. Har dee har har.

–> How many pairs of jeans do you own?: I own a lot, but I only wear three of them. My 7s are my favorite.

–> How many are designer?: Just one pair.

–> What color do you wear most?: Pink.

–> Least favorite color?: Mmmm…. hmm. I guess puce. Or something like that.

–> Last song heard on the radio?: I can’t remember.

–> What’s for dinner tonight?: I don’t know yet.

–> Are you happy with your life right now?: I am… astounded by my life right now.

–> Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: Yes.

–> Who did you last call on your cell phone?: The doctor’s office. The line was busy.

–> Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, or Aeropostale?: Aeropostale, when I have money.

–> How do you make money?: I work.

–> Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: A plane ticket.

–> How’s the weather?: Cold and clear.

–> Are you missing someone right now?: Yes, and yes.

–> What chores do you have around the house: Dishes. Empty the trash. Build a bookcase.

–> Finish this sentence. I wish…I had more money.

–> One word to describe you: Passionate.

–> Favorite pair of shoes: My brown Oxfords.

–> Do you own big sunglasses? At least three pair.

–> Do you find yourself attractive?: Sometimes.

–> Why is the first person in your Top 8 in the spot? She’s one of my best friends.

–> What would you rather be doing right now?: No comment.

–> What should you be doing right now?: Probably the dishes. HA.

–> Last IM you recieved?: Adam.

–> Who did you hug today? Lucy.

–> What are you going to do now?: Answer some emails.

Ivy, I usually get surveys from MySpace. There are usually loads posted in the bulletins.

Til next time!

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