Month: August 2004

I love getting stuff!

Imitation of Life and Newsies came today! WOOHOOO!!!! Plus a book I’d been wanting forever, and I got a water bottle from one of my survey places! YAY for me and YAY for packages!

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See how much you know!

Do you think you can read my mind? – From
About this Friend…. Guess who?
She makes me think!
Expecting a miracle named Rebecca. 🙂
Shopaholic sister!
My good friend in MA. I am determined to meet her soon!!!
Owner of the best UBB ever.
My bright, shining star.
LJ Username:

Post your scores in the comments. I got a 6 out of 6. Gee, I wonder why. 🙂

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Potter News!

From AOL News:

Rowling Reveals Clues to Harry’s Future

Letting out only the slightest of hints about the future of her hero, “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling told about 500 young fans in her native Scotland Sunday that the boy wizard would survive to the seventh book in her series — but that’s about all she said.

In a rare public appearance, Rowling, 39, read from her fifth book, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in the Scottish capital.

As for Harry’s survival, she said he will live “mainly because I don’t want to be strangled by you lot, but I don’t want to say whether he grows any older than that,” Rowling told the youngsters, according to the Associated Press.

She encouraged the fans to map out Harry’s future for themselves, helpfully pointing a finger to why Harry’s nemesis, the evil warlock Voldemort, had not been killed.

“There are two questions I don’t think I’ve ever been asked and that I should have been asked, if you know what I mean,” Rowling said.

The question at hand, she stressed, is that readers should be asking themselves “not, ‘Why did Harry live?’ but, ‘Why didn’t Voldemort die?'”

The other question, concerning the headmaster of the Hogwarts School, is: “Why didn’t Dumbledore kill, or try to kill, Voldemort?”

Obviously she was tightlipped about the final outcome, saying of the finish of her proposed seventh book: “I’m not going to tell you, I’m sorry. The trouble I would be in if I did. My agent would have me hunted down and killed.”

Rowling also kept the lid on how the budding romance between Harry’s pals Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger might turn out.

“I’m not going to say. I can’t say. I think I’ve given quite a lot of clues by now on this subject,” she said. “You are going to have to read between the lines on that one.”

My Thoughts On This

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