Month: September 2004


I’m in one of those “I HATE EVERYBODY” moods now. Please don’t take it personally. I’m just cranky and evil-feeling. Perhaps I should go back to bed.

I finally downloaded a LJ client. nappilyn is using this Semagic client, so I thought I’d try it too. It’s pretty nifty.

There are new pictures in my Aidan II album. They’re very cute, if I do say so myself.

And I do say so.

But anyway, back to my regularly scheduled poopy mood. Bye.

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Day Three

It’s Day Three of my McDonald’s fast. I’m drawing on some strength here, folks. I can smell the french fries. They smell so gooood. And this morning, the hashbrowns were tempting me. I was driving into work and noting all the McDonald’s signs.


It’s not that long until October 15th.

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I’m In The Mood!

I’m in the mood to write! I’m getting the tingles and thinking of my characters and wow, listening to the “soundtrack” to my story should get that synopsis pumped out in no time this weekend. WooHoo. Keep sending the “creative and hard working” vibes to me, please!!

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It’s Really Sad When…

It’s really sad when you’re a writer, A WRITER, and can’t find a blank piece of paper in the house to write a grocery list on.

Tonight, Aidan was so precious. He wanted me to stay with him til he fell asleep. He held me so tightly and touched my face; how could I resist that? He was so tired, but not tired enough to subsitute yellow teddy for me. He took his sippy cup and tried to drink milk, but couldn’t even hold it up because he was so sleepy! Poor little guy. But he’s asleep now. I <3 Aidan.

I get a peaceful night of sleep tonight. Chris is at the sleep clinic. NO SNORING. WAHOO!

Kelly P is stuck in Orlando. 🙁 Dumb hurricane.

There are these bugs. They are way annoying. They like to flit around my monitor. I hate them.

So, okay. Here’s the thing. At Crosstrainers, they challenged the students to do a 40 day fast of…something. So, as of yesterday, I have given up McDonalds for 40 days. Those of you who have been following me for some time know how hard this will be for me. I LOVE MCDONALDS. Mmm. Chicken McNuggets and french fries and a cherry pie. Mmmm. NO, MUSTN’T CRAVE IT. 40 days. When will that be over? I think October 15th or so. Do you guys think I can do it?

(Of course, I pigged out on it Tuesday. Meep. That was my “Mardi Gras.”)

Ivy ( will be here in 22 days! IVY IVY IVY! WOOHOO!

My Shopping List

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