Internet DRAMA this weekend! Connectivity issues out the wazoo. Ack.
I guess about 5pm yesterday, the Road Runner went out. Caplooey. Caboom. Splat. I was enroute from Aurora (after having dropped Aidan off to stay with his grandmommy for another week), so I was sad to come back home and find no connection. However, the cable modem was flashing all happy like, and everything said connected. But alas, no internet!
I tried everything. Andy walked me through several steps. Nothing. Then Andy realized there was an outage in my area. I went to bed, thinking it’d be fixed Sunday morning.
Sunday morning came. Still no internet. I called the company. They reported the outage again, and I put in my phone number. The computer told me that my house was NOT in the outage. I called customer service. They rebooted my box from their place. Nothing. I was on the phone with National support. Went through all the same steps as Andy. Still nothing. Still offline.
I got on dialup, sent a few emails, and checked status. It was GREEN. It had turned green at that very moment. So I checked the cable modem and could see it rebooting. Tired of dealing with it, I went shopping. Came back, still nothing. So I unplugged the modem, and went to Chad & Christy’s. I used their internet til it kicked me out like it always does. Came home and did some fighting with it again. Finally, Andy had me totally reset the router. And VOILA! Internet again. YAY! 🙂
So, in the midst of all that, I got more Christmas shopping done. I only have a few more things to buy and I’ll be FINISHED. I am so happy this year. I haven’t felt this kind of joy for Christmas in a long time.
Busy week ahead.
Monday – Word 2000 Advanced training, the chiro, then some errands. Then cleaning and holiday stuff. Woo.
Tuesday – Work, relax a bit, The Grove, then ???
Wednesday – cleaning, holiday stuff
Thursday – cleaning, holiday stuff, shopping for birthday party
Friday – The Grove Christmas thingy
Should be good, though. 🙂
Okay, I don’t have much else to write. I think this entry was boring. Oh well.