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my scramblings & ramblings
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Man, I’m sleepy.
It seems that my days are speeding by. Is tomorrow really Friday? Do I really get a three day weekend? YES!
I love paid holidays. But after Monday, the next one won’t be until May 30th. I’m thankful that I have 3 personal days and 17 vacation days this year, though. 20 days off!! π Whatever will I do?
How tempted am I to take January 4th off? Or even tomorrow? Ooo, taking tomorrow off sounds sooo appealing–but I love driving in and not having to deal with heavy traffic and stuff. I’ve been getting to work so quickly lately! Usually, it’s about a 40 minute commute. This week, it’s been 25 minutes or so. Plus I have chiro in the morning. I’ll plan on working tomorrow. It should be nice. Very quiet. I can get caught up on a lot. π
So, think of this. It’s 8:51am right now. (The LJ time won’t reflect that, but whatever). Two years ago, I was probably totally sleeping, having just given birth to little Aidan a little over an hour prior. Can you believe he’s already TWO? I love watching him grow. He has such a personality. My son is a clown! He loves the camera, he loves to be the center of attention, and he has presence. He’s a charmer. I think he truly has the potential to be famous. He’s cute, he has a great personality, he’s a flirt, a charmer, and very active and smart.
He’s a true blessing. π I love Aidan.
I’m so tired! But I’ll be okay. Because I get to hang out with Becky tonight! I’m really looking forward to that. We’ve been craving some quality time together for a while now. It should be good.
And I think that’s it for now. I’m sure I’ll be back at some point. In the meantime, check out some random stuff about me. WooHoo and Yay for randomness!
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I took Aidan to dinner at Bob Evans. He was so good. He loves the cheddar baked potato soup. He’s so neat, too. He hates spills and messes and is even kind of anal about it. I know it’s my fault–I used to wipe his hands and/or mouth after every bite even when he was a tiny little guy. So, he’s two now. The next couple of years should be fun. Yeah, yeah. Fun.
After dinner, we went to Craig’s to hang out with friends and watch the Buckeyes. The game is still going on, Ohio State is kicking serious bootay!!! GO BUCKEYES!! π
My favorite quotes of the night came from Brian P:
– I don’t associate with people who drop kick little boys.
– His face was magnetically attracted to the table.
It was fun to see Joshua and Brian and Cammy and David and Lauren, and to meet Gretchen. We had a nice, fun crowd tonight. And good food too. Craig hooked us up!
Pictures soon! Of course!
Happy Birthday, Aidan!!!
I’m getting tired. I should go to bed. Okay. Good night.
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Every few months or so, I kind of go into this deep meditation or research kick and read about Hell. The existence of it. And I sit here, wondering why I worship my God. Do I worship Him because I love Him, because I love His Son? Or do I do it because I’m afraid of going to Hell?
Bear with me as I muddle through this. I need to get this out and my thoughts are kind of all over the place.
Hell is a horrible place, from what I’ve heard/read. Being tortured by fire at extremely high temperatures. Molten sulpher. Worms that eat you. Other countless horrors. And the part that disturbs me is that it lasts forever. It never, ever, ever, ever stops. NEVER. I can’t grasp that and yet, it sounds sooo scary to me. I’m terrified of going there. Even as I sin because I can’t help it. I’m a human, I’m a sinner. That’s that. And Hell is a scary reality for me. As far as I’m concerned, it exists, and I hate it.
I don’t want to be a “Christian” who’s following this faith only to avoid going to Hell. But I find myself doing that. I start to analyse my every move, making sure I don’t do something to offend God. But then I hear that Jesus died for me so that I wouldn’t go to Hell. Okay, that’s wonderful.
But what about those who have never heard of Jesus? Why should they be punished for eternity for something that is not of their fault? God can do anything–why wouldn’t He provide them the Gospel? Will us Christians who are supposed to evangelize end up going to Hell because we didn’t go out and try to teach all of those people the gospel? How does this work?
Why is there a Hell? I tend to think of my God relationship as a parent-child/teenager relationship. And when I relate myself with Aidan, I can’t see myself ever, ever, ever punishing him forever and ever for anything! I love him too much. I love him more than anything; the mere thought of anything terrible happening to him brings me near tears. So how can God, who loves us so, want to punish us for eternity?
Okay, okay. So that’s where Jesus comes in. Apparently God doesn’t want to punish us for eternity. He sent His son to die for us so we would be able to go to Heaven. But that still doesn’t help me reconcile the idea that there are lots of people who never even get the CHANCE to learn about Jesus and therefore they get to suffer for eternity. Who is the blame for that? Will *I* go to Hell because I’m not evangelizing? Because I’m not in other countries teaching/preaching the Gospel? It is SO hard to lead someone to Christ. I’ve tried. I can’t do it. It’s not my talent. Will I go to Hell because I am unskilled in that area of my life??
Does God offer them an opportunity after they die? Who knows? Should I even be caring/fretting?
So then I start to think–if I’m going to Hell anyway, then why am I trying to be so good? Why don’t I just do whatever I want? I should just go to Best Buy now and take that plasma HDTV I want. I can think of lots of things I want to do, but I don’t because I don’t want to offend God and therefore go to Hell.
It all boils down to Hell for me. I’ve always been afraid of being punished. Even when I was little, my mother said that a “whipping” was the one thing I was terrified of. Is it healthy to lead my life with that kind of a fear? What happened to my desire to have a relationship with God? And with Jesus? Where did that go?
Is Hell real? Or is it an idea planted to scare us all into behaving? Will we understand at the Final Judgement? Will we all see our lives and our actions and understand and accept why we deserve Hell for eternity and go there willingly? Is there even going to be a Final Judgement? I don’t know about you, but the thought of all of my sins/thoughts/actions/everything being exposed to the world scares me to pieces. And fills me with great shame.
I don’t know, I don’t know.
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This is so appropiate because I do love this song:
Toxic by Britney Spears |
![]() “It’s getting late To give you up I took a sip From my devil cup Slowly It’s taking over me ” Ah, what’s a year without breaking a few hearts? Literally. |
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