Four o’clock couldn’t get here soon enough!! But it finally did and I was outta there. I decided to clean my car, but didn’t do too much. Did the chiro thing, then headed to the church. I made copies of The Bark and they came out great looking. The Bark really came together. Although there were a couple of mistakes in there. D’oh!

Overall, I’m happy with it and I was thrilled to see people taking them and perusing them! 🙂

The Grove was nice, what I saw of it. I spent the whole thing up in the Sound Mezzazine with Christie M, Rob, and Tyler. Only a couple of minor hiccups with the slides (dumb computer) but the program went very well. It’s nice having The Grove in the sanctuary instead of a room. Not nearly as much set up to deal with. And the equipment is pretty much guaranteed to work!

After The Grove, a huge group of us went to Applebee’s. I got too much food. Luckily, I was sitting near Rob and Tyler who had no problems finishing off what I’d left. Dinner was fun and so was after dinner chatting. I love my friends. I’m happy when I’m with them. 🙂

And it’s bloody late. G’night!