Day: October 13, 2005

I Am Hungry (Pictures)

OMG. Chris just made popcorn. I don’t like to eat it, but I LOVE to smell it. HOLY COW does it smell yummy in my house now.

He and Aidan are watching a movie together. Aww, cute.

I’m just in heaven, smelling that. You have no idea. Popcorn is one of my most favorite smells.

Today at work, someone brought in the yummiest, messiest cupcakes ever. Chocolate, with whipped cream topping and toffee. They were oogy gooey and OH SO GOOD.

Anyway, the POINT of this entry was to post pictures!!

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Hello, Again.

Many of you should know that I have sort of an addiction to Flickr. I’m browsing around on there and I am getting very very inspired to travel and take photographs. Just… all sorts. I also learned about a new thing: astrophotography. I’d need an SLR camera to do that, though. So here is what I’m thinking:

I am going to ask people for Best Buy gift cards again for Christmas, I think. With them, I’ll buy a 35mm SLR camera. My friend David recommended Nikon, saying they make the best SLR film cameras. I might also look at Minolta too. My first ever 35mm point and shoot was a Minolta and I LOVED that thing. It took amazing pictures.

I really want to broaden my photographical horizons, just take pictures of anything and everything using different capturing mediums. I would also like to get a full-sized tripod. Right now, I have a mini one (that I cannot find at the moment *huff*). I don’t know. Sometimes my mind comes up with all this crazy stuff and my heart races and I just want to get out and DO IT. If you think I was anxious for the weekend before, YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET!

Places to where I want to travel:
(the ones with stars are ones that I actually have a hope in hell of actually getting to in my lifetime)

Ireland (especially the countryside)
Washington DC *
New York City *
Australia (Sydney, probably)
Japan (Tokyo, most likely)

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just bored. Or sleepy. Maybe both. Later…

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Attention FRIDAY and PAYDAY: Hurry up and get here!!!!

Things I Want To Do At This Moment:

1. Shop for books, sweaters, and CDs.
2. Go back to Disneyworld. Or Disneyland.
3. Sleep.
4. Play on the computer.
5. Write.
6. Sleep some more.

I’m tired. I tried to get to bed earlier than usual last night, but it took me a while to fall asleep. I’ve taken to having 1/2 dose of Tylenol PM before I go to bed. But everytime I dosed off, Aidan wanted to play. *sigh* He’s a worse night owl than I am.

Last night before bed, Aidan and I played a game. I pretended to be “Baby Mommy” and he pretended to be the daddy tucking me in to bed. Everytime he said “night night,” I would wait until he was in the hall and start “crying.” He’d run in and pat my cheek and go “It no scary, Mommy.” Soo cute and funny too. But now I know that playing before bed is not a good idea.

Gonna try to get to bed early again tonight. I hope I can fall asleep. I’m glad tomorrow is Friday. I have to see if itskels wants to have lunch with me tomorrow or not. After work, I am taking Aidan to the Heritage block party. There will be free food and people to see like megnita! 🙂


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