I can’t stop playing the Hidden Pictures game on the Highlights for Kids website. Especially the ones with all the cool sound effects. Sad, huh?

I went home early yesterday and stayed home today. I slept a lot, and woke up a bunch of times today barely able to swallow because my throat and ears hurt so much. Things are still not ideal, but at least the rest of me feels close to normal. Or maybe I still AM sick, because I did the dishes, and you know how I hate to do dishes.

Drinking TONS of orange juice. I have to go back to work tomorrow, feeling better or not, so I hope the OJ helps. At any rate, I will be going to bed pretty early tonight.

Just went through and read all of my Sarah Dessen books. Not in order again, but close enough together that I began recognizing patterns and other characters making cameos. I LOVE when authors do that. But her main characters all attend at least one party, there is always a group playing quarters or cards, and people drinking (ew) beer. I got excited once I recognized places and characters and things all interchanging. Good times. I hope I get to publish more than one book so I can do that, too. Who am I kidding? I hope to publish ONE book. *sigh*

Anyway, I’m not going to sit here getting all depressed and whatnot. It’s probably time for me to eat some dinner, curl up with a good book, and make an early night of it, huh? 🙂 ‘Til next time.