Day: December 5, 2007


Okay, random packages from Amazon can really help a girl’s mood.

Thank you so much mandibaby for the CD and the book for Aidan! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Hope you feel better soon.


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This month, I will have another birthday. I’ve been getting loads of mailings from places. They’re in nice, brightly colored envelopes. Some of them even look like cards! And they usually have printed on the outside:

A Birthday Gift For You!

I open it, to find a coupon for $5 off a $20 purchase, or $10 off a $75 purchase!

What the ever-lovin’ hell?

Call me bitchy, but those are not gifts, those are coupons. A gift is $5 toward merchandise worth $5 or less. A gift is an ornament or a gift card for a pair of socks. A coupon for something I wasn’t going to spend money on anyway is NOT a gift, it’s a ploy to get me in the store to spend more than I ever wanted or planned, or a way for me to *think* the company is wishing me well when all it’s doing is trying to make more money.

They can keep those birthday wishes. And stop killing the trees they’re printing those “gifts” on while they’re at it.

* In case you can’t tell, I am in a BAD mood. >:( And as predicted, my sore throat is back, full force. I’ve given up on getting better, of ever being okay, on everything.

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