
Conversations With Aidan

Pre-sleepytime conversations.

Aidan: There is lots of food at Grandmommy’s!
Ronni: What do you eat there?
Aidan: I can’t say ALL the food. It’ll make me CWAZY!!!!

Ronni: Close your eyes…. and dream about marshmallows.

(Everytime I said it, he would start cracking up before I could get “close your eyes” out. Then he was trying to keep himself from laughing, which made ME laugh, which made him laugh even more.)

This morning.

Ronni: How many toes do you have?
Aidan: (points to top of foot) Two.
Ronni: No, these are your toes. You have ten toes. These (points to top of foot) are your feet.
Aidan: Oh. And my toes are part of my feet!
Ronni: That’s right!

Last weekend.

Ronni: Do you want me to get you a brown cookie?
Aidan: Yes.
Ronni: Okay.
Aidan: Actually, I want a purple cookie.
Ronni: oO Okay.

He’s so smart! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I am amazed at how articulate he is, and how quickly he figures things out. He’s a good problem solver. He can spell his name, he has a great memory, and wow. He’s just incredible.

Now if only I could get him to not be so messy……

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Potluck Entry/Conversations With Aidan (Pictures)

A HUGE storm blew in last night. I was home alone. I was downstairs making a bologna sandwich when it hit full force. It was SO LOUD. I glanced out the window. Visibility was 0. Things were pounding against the windows. I got scared and ran down to the basement. Gracie was right beside me. I crouched down, wondering if I’d REALLY be protected down there if a tornado hit.

I went back upstairs, grabbed a couple of blankets, and went downstairs again. I crouched until all the banging and clanging stopped, then I went back upstairs. The electricity was still on. And it was eerily calm. That scared me.

I was relieved to open the door and see the sky was not green, and it was still raining pretty hard. There was hail everywhere. The yard looked as though it had been snowed in. I grabbed my camera and took pictures because I was just amazed:

The neighbor across the street was grabbing the stuff that had blown over to other’s yards. As I was taking pictures, the tornado sirens came on. That’s when I went back downstairs. Then I calmed down and finished making my dinner, went upstairs, ate, finished reading Burned, played on the computer for a while, took a Tylenol PM, and was out by 9:30 or so. 6:30am STILL came too early, though.

Work was work. I swear, that lunch hour goes by more quickly every day….

The front of the house needs work. The siding is torn in a LOT of places, there are cracked window frames (and possible windows?). It’s kind of scary, you know. This is the second pretty violent storm I’ve been in this year. I ALMOST had a panic attack last night–not even sure how I talked myself out of it. But if the storm had happened three years ago, I’d have been a wreck.

Today’s mail brought some good surprises. The Little Mermaid + goodies, and a beautiful letter from wlotus. I got a letter from verytruly on Monday, so now I have two letters to answer, yay! πŸ™‚

Okay, I am tickled because I just found out that iTunes carries 2Hype by Kid-N-Play. Man. Talk about 1989! *feels old*

The weather was a nice, cool 61ΒΊF today. I can deal with these temps. It’s when they start dipping in the 30s and 40s that I have problems.

Here are a few pictures:

Autumn Sun & Clouds
The fall sky.

Little Aidan. Only he’s not so little anymore….

Budding Rose
Rose bud from the yard.

Thank GOD tomorrow is Friday. I don’t have any plans, so maybe I’ll make Aidan watch The Little Mermaid with me, if we don’t do it tonight.

And my latest (amusing) conversation with Aidan:

Aidan: Look at my peepee!
Ronni: (Glances at Aidan. Notices his “peepee” sitting neatly on top of his underwear, which he has pulled down slightly) Aidan, put your peepee away! i don’t want to see your peepee!
Aidan: Look at it!
Ronni: NO!
Aidan: Pwease?
Ronni: No, put it away!
Aidan: I got to go potty.

That child…..

I need to answer emails. And work on a website. And eat at some point, too.


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Aidan is having a bad evening. Sort of.

· He can’t find his light-up shoes, and is refusing to put on his sandals.
· He wants Hawaiian Punch.

Here is the exchange:

Aidan: Can I have Hawaiian Punch?
Ronni: No, it’s too late.
Ronni: Aidan, it’s 7 o’clock, too late for juice.
Aidan: NO IT’S NOT NIGHT TIME! (louder, more whiny)
Ronni: Aidan, I said NO and I’m not going to argue with you.
Aidan: WAH!!!

Trying to get him to go outside, but we’ll see.

I don’t have to buy a new light for the aquarium after all. The plug had gotten knocked out of the socket, thus rendering it useless. But now, it’s plugged in and my aquarium has light again! Wheee! I’d cleaned it earlier this week too, so it looks very nice.

They let us out of work early today. 2pm. I went to the bank, then home, where I crashed until 4:30. I wasn’t all that tired, actually, but honestly, why turn down a free nap?

I am deciding if I want to work on MOVES tonight, or continue to prepare for CRUSH revisions. I start on them tomorrow. I’m really in a MOVES state of mind and I fear that if I work on it tonight, I won’t be able to switch gears to CRUSH mode. So I’m actually taking a break from writing today. I’ve gotten so used to doing it every single day that this feels weird.

Catching up on emails. I only have two to answer! πŸ™‚ Then the weekend.

· Writing
· Visiting Andy
· Visiting Mommy
· Family stuff
· Eating lots of food that’s not so good for me

Speaking of, Aidan is trying to force me to eat a giant marshmallow. Help.

‘Til next time!

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Conversations with Aidan

Aidan: I got you a secret.
Ronni: What?
Aidan (takes my face in his hands and whispers in my ear): Hi, Mommy!
Ronni (takes Aidan’s face in my hands and whispers in his ear): I love you.
Aidan (takes my face in his hands and whispers in my ear): I love you, too.

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A Pleasant Surprise

Yesterday, I found out something REALLY COOL.

Aidan’s completely potty trained!

Let me just say.. YAY!! πŸ˜€

I’d gone out Friday and bought Pull-Ups because I thought he’d still needed them at night. But I found out that he holds in it all night, and waits to go in the morning.

This is great news, ladies and gentlemen!

I haven’t had to change a dirty diaper in months. He’s pooped in the potty for a while now, but he’d been touch and go with peeing. Now he’s got that under control too!

I don’t have to escort Aidan to the bathroom (unless we’re out at a store or something) because he knows how to go himself, flush the toilet, and wash his hands.

The expense of diapers and Pull-Ups? GONE! Now I can buy him loads of cute underwear with fun characters on them! Wheeeee!

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