

Broadband is back, but LAN is down. The routers seem to have freaked out again. Must call on Andy for help STAT.

Went to Best Buy to get the camera I wanted AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT. WAH. I have to go back again in a couple of weeks and hope they have it, or something simliar.

Picked up a few good finds and Barnes & Noble, and Dave sent me a DVD of old stuff. Can’t wait to check it out.

Later, gators! Gotta try to reset my router. Again.

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So… still no broadband internet at home. Who knows when it will be up again? πŸ™ *sniffle*

Thank God my in-laws are kind enough to let me use their computer and their broadband. πŸ™‚ And give me food too. Mmm, chicken and noodles.

Going shopping in a bit–Best Buy anyone??? πŸ˜€ Those gift cards are buring holes in my pocket and a new digital camera wants to come home with me!!! *Giggles uncontrollably*

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I got to have lunch with Kelle Belle (itskels) today! πŸ˜€ We went to McDonalds. WHY was there so much trouble ringing up my gift certificates today? And then they forgot my fries! Goodness gracious. But it got all straightened out in the end. And I was very nice about it.

Today is going quickly. Not sure what the plans for the evening are. I’ll probably end up watching Popular DVDs again, if Aidan isn’t clamoring to watch The Little People. He yells “PEEPO!” at the TV. He LOVES those darn Little People. I do too. He watches them, I play on the computer, it works out well.

Wednesday, I get to hang out with Becky!!!! YEAH!!!! I am looking forward to some fun, quality time. And food. <3!

I’m thinking there will be no broadband internet when I get home today. I keep checking the network status and it’s still RED. From December 23rd. So sad. I have so many pictures to share with you!! Alas, I guess they’ll have to wait. I’m not trying to upload those albums on dial-up. It takes long enough with broadband.

That’s all for now. Byeeee.

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STILL on dial-up. Broadband refuses to come on. I’ll have to wait and see what happens tomorrow–there should be no excuse. The holiday will be over, so they should be ON IT.

I got another $40 to Best Buy today. πŸ˜€

Woo, DRAMA at the family Christmas gathering today. But Aidan was a hit and everyone loved him, as always. Chris’s brother is crazy funny. So are his cousins Sarah and Amy. I guess they’re my cousins now, too.

Church was okay. I got to sit by Bizzy for some of the service. πŸ˜€ Pastor Mike did the message. It was so dead–tons of people did not show up.

I feel lonely right now. Hmm. Maybe a wine cooler will take care of that. πŸ˜‰ The bottle of wine from last night is totally gone now. I didn’t drink it all, though, haha. I’m too much of a lightweight for that.

Took more pictures. When my broadband is back, I’ll upload them. I have a ton of new photo albums to show you. πŸ™‚

Work tomorrow. Fun fun.


Later, gators.

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The Benefits of Wine

I’m buying wine more often. And drinking it before bed. Holy cow, I feel good right now.

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