
TMI Tuesday (1)

My first ever TMI Tuesday post! This is a fun one, so I decided to jump in and do it. Yay.

1. Do you have a set of dishes that are used for special occasions (e.g. china)? Yes or no. If yes, how often do you use the special dishes?
a. any day because every day is special
b. once a week
c. only for holidays and celebration
d. never, it is displayed in a china cabinet or collecting dust in a box in the attic

Nope. All dishes are fair game at the Krookery.

2. Do have clothes that you never wear because you are saving them for a special occasion? What is that item of clothing? What would be the appropriate occasion?

I have a couple of fancy dresses. I don’t know the appropriate occasions I’d wear them for but I’m sure they’ll happen sometime.
Here is one of them:

I need to get it hemmed. I will once I have somewhere to wear it. I hope I can still fit it. I’m definitely not that skinny anymore. :O

3. If you suddenly became very wealthy, which servants would you employ?
a. cleaning service
b. housekeeper
c. cook
d. valet/maid/lady-in-waiting
e. chauffeur
f. dog-walker
g. other

cleaning service, housekeeper, and possibly chauffer. Other–someone to do my laundry. Or is that the housekeeper’s job?

4. If you were wealthy, how many homes would you own? Where? (locations–mountains, tropical places for the winter, foreign country/city)

I’d own at least three homes. One in Columbus, OH, so I can be near Aidan. One in Orlando, FL, so I can be near Disney World, and one in Chicago, IL.

5. If you were going to take on a really expensive hobby, which of these would it be?
a. buy an airplane
b. buy a yacht
c. buy a small winery
d. raise exotic animals

I’d raise exotic animals. 🙂

6. What kind of car would you buy if you had an unlimited budget?
a. expensive sports car
b. luxury car
c. monster truck
d. expensive hybrid or electric car
e. cheap car
f. something for the chauffeur to drive me around in

I’d have a Town Car for the chauffer to use (for fancy occasions), an Audi TT convertible, and I’d keep my silver Hyundai Accent for everyday driving. I’d just get it all fixed up, detailed, etc. I’d get vanity plates for my Accent.

Bonus: Currently, what is your favorite luxury item or decadent thing that you do?

Eating sushi. 🙂


Handwriting Meme

Jenn at (a blogger who’s been around about as long as I have) recently did a Handwriting Meme. Although I didn’t get tagged this time around, I thought the meme was so neat (and I hadn’t posted my handwriting online in a long time) that I thought I’d do it anyway.

Here’s the gist. You take some paper, and write the answers to these statements:

1. Name/Name of website.
2. Left or right-handed?
3. Favorite letters to write?
4. Least favorite letters to write?
5. Write this: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
6. Write these in all capitals: CRAB, HUMOR, KALEIDOSCOPE, PAJAMAS, GAZILLION.
7. Write your favorite lyrics to a song.
8. Tag some people to do this meme next.
9. Anything else you’d like to say?

Here’s mine:

Dig that Hello Kitty stationery! 🙂

Won’t you do this, too? Leave me a comment with a link to your post. I want to see how you write!


Saturday 9 (5)

Saturday 9: The Last DJ

1. Who was your favorite DJ and what radio station did you listen to as a kid?
I don’t remember many of the DJs from when I was a kid, but my parents listened to 108FM, WDMT, and so that’s what I listened to. When I got older and my tastes started changing, I listened to Lynn Toliver on 93FM WZAK, then I started listening to 92FM, can’t remember the call letters. Then, I loved the Open House Party with John Garabedian WHICH APPARENTLY STILL EXISTS! He always had some awesome New Kids on the Block thing going on. And I was am a huge NKOTB fan.

2. What has been the weirdest thing you have worn in public?
My fairy wings. But that was to a convention, so maybe it wasn’t so weird after all.

3. What was the best part of last weekend?
Me & My Friend :)
Hugging my friend Amy aka Claudia Gray

4. What was the most effective punishment for you as a kid?
a. Getting a whippin’.
b. Getting my favorite things taken away, like having my Michael Jackson posters taken down or no stereo.

5. Would you lie to your significant other to not hurt their feelings?

6. We’re taking your order for breakfast. What would you like?
… and some bacon.

7. Do you celebrate Halloween? If yes, do tell. If no, why not?
Sure. I don’t go all out anymore. Kids don’t come by my place and the past few years I’ve had to work pretty late on Halloween. But I like to partake in candy. And I like to see decorations and costumes.

8. Do you hand out candy to the neighborhood kids?
I used to when I lived in a neighborhood that was conducive to such things.

9. What’s the favorite age you’ve been, so far?
Hmmm. That’s a hard one! I can’t say that I have a favorite, to be honest. Each one had its ups and downs.


Sunday Stealing (11)

The Lucky 33 Meme

1. Can you cook?
Yes. Adam would probably disagree because I rarely do cook. However, when I do cook, it’s good.

2. What was your dream growing up?
To live in the suburbs.

3. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing, draw, or play the piano. I’d also love to be able to do elite gymnastics.

4. Favorite place?
Disney World

5. Favorite vegetable

6. What was the last book you read.
Entice by Carrie Jones

7. What zodiac sign are you?

8. Any tattoos and/or piercings?

9. Worst habit?

10. Do you personally know anybody on blog?
On blog? Do you mean do I personally know anyone who blogs? Yes, yes I do.

11. What is your favorite sport?

12. Negative or optimistic attitude?
I think I’m in the middle.

13. What would you do if you were stuck in an lift with someone of the opposite sex?
Try to brainstorm with him to get the hell out.

14. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Well, everything bad that has happened has had something good in it to pull me through.

15. Tell me one weird fact about you.
I hate the sound of footsteps, especially high heels.

16. Do you have any pets?
Yes. Three kitty cats.

17. Do you know how to do the macarena?
Yes. And the best part is that I learned it years before it became famous. My Spanish (Alicia Chavez) taught me in my Spanish 104 class.

18. Is the sun shining where you are now?

19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?

20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
I’d have six-pack abs with no stretch marks.

21. Would you be my good angel or bad angel?
Good angel. 🙂

22. What color eyes do you have?

23. Ever been married?

24. Bottle or draft?
Neither. Beer sucks.

25. If you won £10,000 today, what would you do with it?
Exchange it for U.S. dollars, pay off my Capital One, shop a bit, save the rest.

26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
I don’t really chew bubble gum, but I like Extra.

27. What’s your favorite bar to hang at?
None. Hate bars.

28. Do you believe in ghosts?
Not sure.

29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?

30. Do you swear a lot?

31. Biggest pet peeve?
Other people in my way

32. In one word, how would you describe yourself?

33. In two words, how would you describe yourself?
Loving, nerd


Saturday 9 (4)

Saturday 9: Tuesday Afternoon

1. Where will you be and what will you be doing this Tuesday afternoon?
I’ll be at my mom’s, visiting her and eating good food.

2. Do you belong to any group(s)?
Not really.

3. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? (If the answer is “it depends,” on what does it depend?)
It depends on if I am tired to begin with, and if it’s a fun group outing for something for business.

4. Is there a role you naturally put yourself while adapting when in group situations?
Not that I know of.

5. In business or formal situations, do you mind hugs or are you offended if it goes past a handshake?
Not at all. I love hugs.

6. Do you find what we’d call “ice breakers” a playful way to build community in a lighthearted manner, or a complete and utter hell of forced fun and awkwardness?
I do NOT like ice breakers at all. I think they’re awkward and forced. I’ve found it very easy to get into a conversation with a stranger at a party or some sort of social event. I listen for common ground and jump in. I also live in Chicago, where people are generally pretty friendly. Often, someone will come right up to me, introduce herself or himself, and then we’re off. It helps when I attend functions where many people have the same interests I do. Conventions come to mind. Or the yoga studio I go to. I’ve met loads of neat people at conventions just because we have fandoms in common. I also have no issues complimenting a stranger. So, as far as I’m concerned, ice breakers are not necessary, but that may not be the case for everyone or every situation.

7. What word do you use far too frequently?
Not sure.

8. What word do you use not frequently enough?
Onomatopoeia. Isn’t that a great word?

9. What word do you use when swearing is not appropriate?
Banana. “What the banana?”

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