
Yay! More Fun! :) (Pictures)

Tonight, I went to the Thanksgiving Dinner that was held for The Grove. It was pretty okay. I stuck by Rob and Tyler for most of the night, and Kim at some points too. Interesting foods there. Lots of desserts. πŸ™‚ Aidan was good for the most part, playing with the babies and the toys. He got bratty near the end; I think he was tired of being in the house.

Kim, Rob, Tyler and I left together and hung out in the street for a while. It was way too cold, though, so we went to Starbucks and hung out and drank hot drinks. I drank cocoa and my stomach is already bubbling. Dang lactose intolerance. Some of the most memorable moments of the night were: Tyler doing his “kid dance,” (I have to get that on video someday), Rob tossing Tyler up in the air…come to think of it, Rob and Tyler together is pretty funny. I love hanging out with them.

Tyler (the cutest geek ever) and me at Starbucks.

Rob showing his strength by lifting Tyler, but not so much. Tyler is a bit wiry. πŸ˜‰

Rob and Aidan sharing a table at Starbucks. How cute are they??

My friends ROCK.

More pictures coming soon to the photo album.

Not sure what the plans are for tomorrow. I was going to clean the house and isolate the cause of the gross funny smell, but I think Chris may have taken care of it already. Hmm. I know at some point, I’m supposed to hang out with Amy, but that’s not til the evening. I will probably try to catch up on sleep tomorrow. Just relax, maybe. Chris had mentioned the zoo, which never makes me sad. I LOVE the zoo. But we’ll see. I’d just as soon stay in bed all day, or play on the computer. Ha ha.

Last night, Kelly P came over and we had spaghetti and girl time. THAT was fun, especially the watching Little People part. Where’s Todd? Haha. Long story. Well, not so much. But anyway, I always love hanging out with her, so I’m excited that she came all the way to my house just to spend time with me and have spaghetti with me. πŸ™‚

I am so glad it’s the weekend!!!!!! Seriously. Today was the longest Friday ever. Actually, no it wasn’t. There was another one a few months ago that was much longer, but today was still pretty rough. I am so looking forward to relaxing soon. Probably taking the laptop into the bedroom and having a ball.

Next week, we are taking Aidan to stay with my mom for a week. I will miss him, but I will enjoy the free time in the evenings for sure. Hopefully I can get the following things done:

1. Quality time with friends.
2. A bit of writing.
3. Christmas shopping.

OH MY GOD. It’s my mommy’s birthday. Somebody remind me to call her (at a decent hour)!!!!!

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Another Weird Day (Pictures)

What a weird week. I’m not the only one complaining about it, either. So many of us are like “wha…?”

Church was today. I got up and made it to Sunday school. Good for me. Then there was service. Emily yoimemily was there. I was hoping she’d be there. She’s so fun. She sat by me. πŸ™‚ WOOHOO! I got lots of compliments on my sweater. πŸ˜€

After service, I asked Tony to take a pic of Bizzy otaku_witch and me together.

I adore her new haircut.

THEN, I got a hug from Mr. Matt. Those of you who know him realize this is huge stuff. But it happened.

After church, a bunch of us went to lunch at BW… well, it’s not BW3 anymore. Well, whatever. We ate there. Jen H was given the new name of “The Bomb Diddley” by Joshua, and Theresa was given the name “Dude” by Steve. Good times. I ran my errands afterwards and also went a little quite a bit crazy in Barnes & Noble. Bought all three Aria CDs (the guy took so much time looking for 1 & 2 that I’d have felt bad if I hadn’t bought them), and the Wanda Sykes book. It is HILARIOUS already. Then we took Aidan trick or treating in Craig’s neighborhood, then I came here and burned CDs for my mommy in law.

Ok, so it doesn’t sound so weird when it’s written. But I assure you, today was not normal. Not in my heart.

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Let’s Get It Started! (Pictures)

– Hanging out at Easton with itskels and adorable Ari for the evening. <3!
– Watching Shania Twain’s Live In Chicago DVD at top volume with my mother-in-law.
– Loving my “new” printer.
– Downloading “Let’s Get It Started” by Black Eyed Peas. Now I can hear it whenever I want!!
– Smelling like lavendar and camomile.

– Having weird feelings about certain people.
– Insecurity.
– Still needing to unpack.
– Clean clothes and dirty clothes being mixed up due to lack of unpacking and/or putting away clothing.
– Aidan STILL being up!!!

I spent the evening with Kelle Belle and her precious daughter Ari. That was fun. She said she’s never going shopping with me again because I am a bad influence. All because I told her to smell the Alfred Sung Shi perfume and she liked it so much she bought some for herself. I can’t wait to hang out with her again. πŸ™‚

She’s gonna hate me. But she looks so cute, and I look like such a dork, so it’s great.

OH! As promised! Pictures of Aidan in his Halloween costume!

And for those of you asking what I got at Prada:

Yup, yup. And so on and so forth. Hey, all you local gals!! I have a Happy Hour thingy tomorrow at Origins at Easton at 2pm. PLEASE join me. It’s free and supposed to be totally cool. So please come if you’d like. Just say you’re with me. πŸ™‚

Alrighty then. I’m going to go and answer some emails and other stuff. Maybe print out some stuff because ya know, I have this sweet printer now. Later!

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More from Vegas (Pictures)

SOMEHOW, I managed to find the high speed internet access. Actually, it found me. It costs $9.99 for 24 hours of service. Dorks. I’ve already placed a $10 bill on my parents’ bed, so they shouldn’t be pissy about it.

Today the weather was CRAPPY! It rained and it rained hard. Despite that, Mommy and I managed to go to lots of places; The MGM Grand (holy banana, that place is beautiful), New York New York, M&M World, Coca-Cola World, and Fashion Show Mall. We ate lunch at a place called Weinerschnitzel. Yummy chili-cheese dogs and french fries. Dinner was the Steak Buffet tonight. YUMMMMY. I also lost a few more dollars in the damn slot machines. I’m DONE gambling (with my own money) for the rest of this trip.

Seriously, the MGM Grand is amazing inside. That casino is so pretty, and you can barely smell the smoke. I WANTED to game in their casino, and I desperately wanted to take pictures. But we’re not allowed. πŸ™ That sucks. If you come here, you HAVE to see that place. And the Forum Shops. πŸ™‚

I GOT MY CHUCK TAYLORS! They’re so cute. I love them. So pink and pretty and stuff. Oh my gosh. Funny story. I went to Footlocker and settled for these cute tri-color CTs. Still pinks. But then I went to Lady Footlocker and found the pink ones I wanted. I had to go back to Footlocker, return them, get the cash, and then go back up to Lady Footlocker. All the work was worth it, though, because the pink ones were cheaper! Good times, or what?

So anyway, here are a few more PICTURES!

Mommy & Me in front of Tiffany with our new jewelry! <3!!
My new jewelry!!!

My dinner the first night we came. Aged prime rib. MMMmMMmmMMMM!

The beautiful Bellagio hotel.

A slight glimpse of the strip.

Me and an M&M at M&M world!

Heehee. This was not mine, it was Greg’s. He did hit the Royal on one of the machines, though. That was a lot more than 4 cents.

More pictures when I get back. These are the highlights. I’ll do a photo album with all the rest.

Vegas is fun. But I know all the debauchery happens when I’m sleeping. I want to see some of that. Just kidding. Oh, there are people who stand on the street and hand out some sort of cards with naked chicks on them. Not even cute. I ignored them. Some of the pictures and ads around here…scandalous!

The rain has passed and now it’s beautiful out. I want to see the strip! I can see lights from my window! But I’m kind of nervous to go alone at night (although I keep telling my mom that after she’s asleep I’m going to the Palms and partying the night away), and they are in for the night. So maybe tomorrow night I’ll get to see that dang watershow. Mmm yeah, the water was going today. I saw a glimpse while we were in the cab to the mall. Boo. I WANT TO SEE THE WATER SHOW. Dang it.

There is a bottle of wine sitting here beside me on the desk. I don’t like wine, but it was free. πŸ™‚ Heehee. Gotta love that.

Tomorrow’s agenda? Well, it’s really up in the air now. They were mentioning a slot tournament, but then they were mentioning a Bellagio day. I definitely don’t have a problem with that! I guess we’ll see. I’m sure the breakfast buffet will be involved somehow. And either a shuttle or a cab ride. I hope the weather is pretty. There are lots of places that I want to take pictures of, like the Venetian and The Mirage and that darn water show. πŸ™‚

Good night for now. πŸ™‚

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A Classic Pose (Picture)

Tell me this isn’t the funniest/cutest thing you’ve ever seen????

My guy is sooo cute!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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