
Happy Saturday! (Pictures)

Why today was a good day:

  1. Dreams that are good, even if they’re unhealthy.
  2. Sleeping in ’til about noon. Mmmm.
  3. A nice, long bath.
  4. Chatting with Star (selfstyled)
  5. Beautiful sunny weather!
  6. CD full of mixes of my favorite new song Believe In Me by Pleasure Center arriving in the mail.
  7. Spring at Goodale Park.
  8. Visiting the library.
  9. Dinner outside.
  10. Finishing another book (Scary Beautiful by Niki Burnham)
  11. Running into friends at Target.
  12. Postcard from The Video Professor saying they were going to credit my account $80!!!
  13. Lovely incense wafting through the loft right now.
  14. Zen-ness. Yes!

Notice #7? Of course I got pictures!


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“THAT’S Why They Call It ‘Good’ Friday!” (Pictures)

Hi hi! Long time, no update, huh? Believe it or not, I’ve been at my computer everyday, but kind of in hiding because I’ve been busy writing or gobbling up new books or just taking small breaks from the social online world.

I’m feeling pretty happy despite the fact that there is a thunderstorm going on. However, the storm is moving away, so yes, I guess that will make me happy. πŸ™‚ No news on the ONLY YOURS front, but I’ve been writing my butt off on my new project. My goal for April is 40,000 words, and I am already above 38,000. On April 28, I am going to a writer’s conference and I am so excited. Being steeped in the writing world…it’s going to be amazing.

So today was a good day. One of those unexpected good ones. I got to work, chatted a bit with some folks, did a little bit, then headed to the eye doctor. I was disappointed to learn that my eyes have worsened. I’m at a -2.50 instead of a -2.00. I am trying out Acuvue Advance lenses. If I like them, I will go ahead and order loads of boxes of them. Maybe someday I’ll get the guts to actually do the laser eye surgery.

When I got back to work, it was lunchtime. I had a salad which was very yummy. I felt proud of myself for having eaten so healthily. Well, relatively, anyway. But when I went back upstairs, there was ICE CREAM! Graeter’s Ice Cream to be specific. I ate about one bowl. We were also let out of work early due to the holiday. So I gained two hours that I wasn’t expecting. I came home and read and took a nap.

Chris called and regaled some happy news. He got a new job! This means no more late Monday nights with Aidan, and normal hours, so he can make dinner for us and stuff. Yay. He’s very excited. We went out and had dinner at a new seafood restaurant, where the host initially said “Okay, we have a four and a half hour wait…just kidding.” Hahaha. The food was very good, as was the service.

I’ve been fairly relaxed the past couple of weeks. Friday, we went to On The Border to celebrate Christy’s birthday. Afterwards, I hung out with Libby so long that I ended up sleeping over. That was awesome! πŸ™‚ Then Saturday, we took Aidan to my mom’s for the week, and came back for Christy’s birthday party. (The Jackson birthdays are like Hanakah. They just keep going and going and going…). Sunday was [the grove], the last one for a while. Monday, I went to Gentle Wind for another massage. I ended up buying the most heavenly incense. Mmmm.

I’ve been downloading music like WHOA. Writing. Spending time with friends. Reading a lot. I just finished Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (writergrl) and Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty. I keep spending way too much money in Barnes & Noble. I “took over” the prayer request duties (which means I was given a super cute notebook!) for our life group. I lost the five pounds that I’d gained, but I am still not a solid 110 yet. I keep fluctuating. I have a minor crush on Trent Ford, the guy who plays Macon in How to Deal. He’s also been in a few other things–some episodes of Law & Order, stuff like that. He’s a model, was born in Ohio but grew up in Britian, and is illegally handsome. Google his name. You won’t be sorry. Regardless of what Ben says.

So, it’s time for PICTURES! πŸ˜€

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Happy! (Pictures)

It’s Friday! πŸ™‚ It’s Payday! I’m smiling! YAY! ♥

I had my year-end review yesterday. You know how I freak out over those, but it went really well. There were some “needs developments” but they were because I was/am new, not because I was/am BAD. Which is great because I love my job, I love what I do, I love the people I work with. She told me to keep doing what I’m doing. But I want to be even better.

So, I mentioned that the aquatic dwellers in my house have a new home. I waited for all the dust to settle before I took pictures, and this morning, the tank was crystal clear. Here it is:

I’m very happy with it. I just need to clean the dang house (we had to rearrange some furniture to accommodate the tank and stand), and I’ll be even happier!

Yes, the house is once again a fall-down mess. Chris said he’ll help clean this weekend, but he’s sick (has what Aidan had), and I know it takes about four days to cycle through the system. I’m going to get Aidan to pick up his stuff because seriously, it’s everywhere. He needs to learn to pick up everything before he goes to bed.

Parenting is HARD. The biggest challenge is trying to maintain consistency. Some nights, I’m just too tired to follow through, although that is easier than trying to establish routines. So yeah. I don’t want Aidan to grow up a spoiled hoodlum, so I do my best. I just worry that my best isn’t always good enough.

It’s raining outside now. Warm, but rainy. Welcome to Spring in Ohio.

Randomly, here is a pic of my beautiful friend Libby and me. πŸ˜€

Aren’t we cute?

I am hungry, and I think I’m going to buy a grilled ham and cheese sammich for lunch. 😑 Hey, I’ll have to go off them soon enough, so I might as well enjoy it now, huh? *sigh* That’s going to be hard, but maybe not so much. If I take my lunch every day, it will be less tempting to buy. In theory anyway.

Things to do:

· schedule an eye appointment
· refill meds
· get ahold of the Smashing Pumpkins song that talkes about being in a rage and being a rat in a cage
· set April writing goals
· pay bills
· attempt to reduce the volume of emails in my AOL inbox (I haven’t even checked my other accounts lately!)

Time to eat lunch!!! πŸ˜€

‘Til next time….

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Tonight Rocked!! (Pictures)

I had a wonderful day! πŸ˜€ YAY! Aidan woke me up, and he was being super cute. We had apple cinnamon muffins and crispy crowns for breakfast. Yummy! Then, Chris got home and that’s when I did my thing with the TVs and stuff. We headed to Best Buy, and the cable I needed was $24.99. I’d seen them on eBay for much cheaper, so decided to wait and get it from there. Well. I got to [the grove] and got to talking to Chad. He mentioned he had three extras and that I was welcome to one! So YAY. Video games, woo!

I got the best surprise ever!! Well, two surprises. I’ll only post one until I know it’s okay for me to spread the news about the other. So yeah… Monica (bluemo84) showed up tonight! I’d been missing her like crazy, and seeing her was like… amazing. Here we are, looking cute (well, except for my hair…):

Seeing Monica was seriously like a breath of fresh air, and then Bizzy showing up was even nicer. We all had dinner at Wendell’s Pub. Abbie used to work there. I had never been, but the food was so yummy. I had a great time, just talking and hanging out, and watching Chad Jr. give Ben a wet willy. So gross, yet so funny.


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