
Saddest Day…

Pretty Little Lucy
In Loving Memory….
Little Lucy
August 2001 – May 2008

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Hatred of life at 85% right now.

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Full of Fail?

Today wasn’t a good day for me. I feel like a failure for reasons I don’t even want to talk about. Just know that I was very tempted to crawl back into bed and cry the rest of the day away. And I just shut down my 1001 in 101 site because I realized that most of my goals were never going to be realized. Maybe I’ll make a new list and do it again someday, or just heavily revise my current list. That makes the most sense, then I can keep my achieved goals on it and not feel like such a loser.

The good things about today were talking to Aidan on the phone, the yummy dinner Adam made, and the love and support both of my favorite curly-headed guys give me. Today, Aidan and I were playing the “make fart noises with our mouths and blame the other game” and he told me that I was stinking up Chicago. That was funny. And America’s Next Top Model was on, so that was OK too.

So today wasn’t all that horrible. But interally, I’m still struggling with things. *sigh* Send good thoughts my way, please?

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Nearly 12 Years Old, ‘Rent’ Is to Close
Published: January 16, 2008

Nine hundred thirty thousand, one hundred eighty minutes.
That’s how you measure the total running time “Rent” will have played on Broadway when, as the producers said on Tuesday, it closes after its evening performance on June 1, making it the seventh-longest-running Broadway show in history.

Rest here:

I am so grateful I got to see it in December with Adam. Now I know it truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Viva la vie Rent!

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In Sickness and In Health

One hard thing about being in a long-distance relationship is when one of us gets sick, and the other can’t be there. I was sooo sick Sunday night, and yesterday, and I felt so alone and I felt like crying because no one was there to hold me or rub my back. I can’t wait until I don’t have to be alone when I am sick anymore. And I can’t wait until I can take care of him as well.

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