
Random Ramblings

– Had a wonderful time hanging and talking with Becky tonight. <3 I can’t wait to do it again.
– On edge about a particular thing–nothing I feel like going into.
– My son is 2 now. He was very moody. Took him to Build A Bear and got him a huge cute Elmo.
– Should be nice and QUIET tomorrow at work. I hope to get lots of stuff done.
– Bath and Body Works keeps discontinuing my favorite scents. I will stop shopping there if they keep it up.
– I feel like getting seriously wasted for New Year’s. Just plastered like crazy.
– OR hanging out with some quality friends.’
– OR maybe both…???
– I love the Wicked soundtrack. I can’t stop listening to it.
– I miss several things right now.

Good night.

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Still No Broadband at Home

Well, technically I have “broadband” right now. I’m at work (on my break) and we have T1 lines or something. Mmm. High speed internet. I just called Road Runner and my house is still in the outage. FOUR DAYS without broadband, people! My heart is breaking. Not so much, actually. 🙂 Hopefully, it will be up today, but she said she can’t make any promises. I hope it will be up today. I miss being logged into AIM and uploading and downloading things at blazing speeds and all that good stuff. I truly do! WAH!

It’s so nice and quiet here. I LOVE this time of year at work. Everyone is in good moods (the few people who are around, anyway), and well, it’s just nice. Not much to say, I guess this is just a stupid random jibber-jabbery post. Heh.

I stole this.

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It took me 1.5 hours to get home. I saw an overturned car (completely upside down), a 10 car accident, a 7 car accident, another smaller accident, and I lost count of all the cars that were off the road. It was insane. We get a little bit of snow and people act like they’ve completely forgotten how to drive. What kinda… never mind.

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