
Note(s) To Self

Note(s) To Self:

1. Tack 10 minutes on to morning commute due to frequent school bus stoppage.

2. READ your Bible. On days other than Sundays during church.

3. Absolutely do NOT clean one thing this weekend. Well, baths and showers are okay.

4. NO SHOPPING. You’re broke.

5. Make smart decisions.

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Just Chatting

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIN!!!! Everyone, go to her LJ (celinedion) and leave her many good wishes!!! I <3 Erin!

I’ve finally busted out Shania Twain’s Up CDs. My only regret is not listening to them sooner. They are awesome. Not sure what is up with my Shania Twain kick, but I just LOVE her lately!!

A couple of random cute things…

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Quick Updates

How awesome is it that Charla (my honorary best friend of all time forever and ever amen) and I have finally hooked up on AIM/AOL, so now we can chat and exchange old 90s music on AIM? Sweet.

Tyler’s streak is now broken. He has only been online for 4 hours. Such a tragedy. BUT, not all is tragic in his life. For he is embarking on a major life change. YES! It’s quite exciting! At about 4:30 pm tomorrow he will be delivering a 40-50 pound *baby. The baby will be in a giant black box. I’ve been reminding him to breathe, because this will not be an easy birth.

* baby = new mac G5 computer

Okay. So, my in laws graciously made me spaghetti for dinner tonight. I was VERY thrilled. She knows how much I love her spaghetti. Mmmmm. So yummy. And then, while we were eating, she said they were having salisbury steak tomorrow. I nearly jumped out of my seat. I invited myself to dinner for tomorrow. I’m not eating lunch in anticipation of that. Her salisbury steak is the bomb.com. I cannot wait. You have no idea.

And for today’s random piece of Ronni knowledge. I have been OBSESSED with my Shania Twain CDs lately–especially Come On Over, The International Version. I found it, and now I am just… listening to it all the time. On the computer. In the car. At work. It’s just an awesome CD. Ironically, I have Up, but I haven’t listened to it yet. I got it for Christmas. 2002. Oops. I think I’m going to bust it out at work tomorrow, if I can just stay away from my iPod. But it’s a good thing I have the iPod, ’cause the CD/DVD-ROM in my laptop at work is dying. Probably because of all the CDs I ripped. Meep.

Okay. So, I told myself I’d get to bed at 10:30. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Oops. Well, 11 then. Good night!

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Chitter Chatter

Why can’t I be rich? Is this not the cutest purse ever?

On to other things. I was freaking out over nothing. My review wasn’t bad at all. And I did tell my boss to leverage me for more Power Point and stuff like that, and he said he would! πŸ™‚ All he said was to be more proactive and more focused. The proactive one is a standing developmental issue, not a big deal. And the being more focused one is something I’ve been working on, and he said that I’d already addressed that issue a couple of months ago. So, it’s all good. Overall, it was very favorable. He gave me lots of compliments. And he said that he appreciate how friendly and approachable I am. πŸ™‚

I’m so HAPPY it’s over! No more reviews until April 2005! WOOHOO!

I had traction this morning at the chiropractor. They took this funny head harnass thingy and hooked a 2 pound weight on it and then put it on me. I leaned my head back and held it like that for 2 minutes. Not the most comfortable thing in the world to happen to me, but it was fine. My shoulders were aching a lot during the procedure, and I had a hard time swallowing at first. But I got used to it, took some deep breaths and it was okay. I think I might consider getting my iPod out if the traction sessions get longer. Music makes things go much more quickly.

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Here is all that is jacked up at the moment:

1. I finally got AAA batteries for my Palm Pilot. Guess what? I can’t find my Palm Pilot. AGAIN.

2. My contact started flipping out on me earlier this evening, so I went to take it out. It turns out that it had torn somehow. I tossed it and put in a new one. I took them out to get ready for bed–and now my eye is irritated there. I’m worried that it tore and scratched my eyeball or worse, there is a piece of contact in my eye. Bummer. I hate driving without sunglasses, and if I have to wear my glasses tomorrow, that means no sunglasses. πŸ™

3. I ripped a Shania Twain CD with iTunes. And now, I can’t find–oh crap. Never mind. I just figured it out. *hits self on head*

4. Tomorrow I have a mid-year review. I HATE reviews. I know I’m going to get a talking-to about being more “proactive” like I always do. Oh, and I will get talked to about doing “non-work” stuff at my work station. Well, SORRY that I work so efficiently that I get done with everything so quickly. And SORRY that I download fonts and Microsoft templates and clipart all day in hopes that they’ll trust me enough to actually put together a presentation for them someday. How do you tell your boss “DUDE, I WANT to do PowerPoint. I THINK IT’S FUN.” Okay, I guess like that.

5. I can’t find my janet CD. That’s one of Janet Jackson’s best ones. I am so bummed. I have no idea where it could be; I’ve looked everywhere. πŸ™ I don’t want to have to buy it again!

6. My computer is running very slowly. I think it’s because I have a lot of huge programs running. MusicMatch is such a HOG. But iTunes only works about 10% of the time when it comes to “importing” CDs, and Media Player puts them into that stupid format, so in order to get MP3s, I have to use MusicMatch. Ugh. I keep feeling like I’ll need to reboot the computer soon. BOOHOO. I’m never going to beat Tyler’s AIM record at this rate! He’s been online for 18 days, 9 hours and 9 minutes! (Not that I’m competing with him or anything. I just think it’s funny that someone’s been online for that long!)

Here is all that is NOT jacked up at the moment:

1. I got to talk to Charla today. And I got an email from Ivy. And one from Jen*Jen. Three of my favorite people ever. It was great to talk to Charla. We don’t talk often enough. But everytime we talk, it’s like we never had a pause. It’s so much fun. I miss her. I told her she needs to come and visit again. In fact, she needs to come and MOVE to Columbus. Yes, that would be great.

2. Church was awesome today, as usual. I love my friends.

3. I have chiropractor tomorrow. YEAH!!!

So, that’s all around here. I need to go to bed. I’ll have pictures from the weekend soon. I promise. Good night.

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