

Bloody hell. I spent all day fighting sleep. FIGHTING IT. Almost falling asleep while driving. Falling asleep at my desk at work. So WHY, now that it’s after 1am, am I AWAKE? WIDE awake at that. Like, seriously I’ve hit a 2nd wind or something. This sucks. Lord knows I’m a night owl, but it’s a weeknight. And I have to be at work. I have 100% duty for Aidan. Chris won’t be coming home tomorrow night–he has an appointment at the sleep clinic to check out his atrocious snoring. And I have a date with a toy store to find Balderdash or Beyond Balderdash. I’m having the toughest time locating those games for purchase.

All of this means I cannot be tired tomorrow. So, I’m going to force myself to sleep if it’s the last thing I do!!!

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Careful of what you wish for…

So, last night, I was unbearably hot. Right now, I am unbearbly COLD. I went outside to warm up, and even in the sun, it was cool. Now, I am glad for the cool down, but it’s hard to adjust to when one is used to sweltering, steaming temps.

Can anyone tell me why I’m having such a hard time finding Balderdash or Beyond Balderdash? πŸ™

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Hot Enough?!

Cross posted at Anywhere Is…

Bloody hell, it’s HOT. Now, I’m not one to get hot easily (I’m usually the one freezing while everyone else is positively boiling), but even *I* am miserable in this sticky, hot, humid weather. Have a home with no air-conditioning doesn’t help. Can you believe I am actually hoping for a storm tonight, to clear the air? I’m ready for that alleged cold front that’s supposed to be coming through tonight. I can’t take much more!!!

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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

As posted in my AIM away message:

Had tons of fun today. I love the Maxwell’s pool and hot tub. πŸ™‚ Didn’t like it that Chris got us lost, though. But that’s okay. Sunday was fun, as usual. I’m all sunscreeny and chloriney, plus Aidan vomitted in my hair. I’m tired and in desperate need of a shower. In addition, my contacts NEED to come out. So, I’m outtie. Later, y’all! πŸ™‚

Yes, I had an awesome Sunday, as usual. Part of the reason is that I got to spend time with people I’m crazy about. I went to Sunday school, and then service. After church, the group had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (formerly known as BW3), and then a bunch of us met at Craig’s parents for a party. We played in the pool, lounged in the hot tub (mm, glorious hot tub), and watched Harry Potter. I also got some sunbathing in. I’m anxious to see how golden I am. πŸ™‚ Where we were–that was Luke Perry’s hometown. Craig showed us the 1984 year book, and sure enough, he was in there. He’d gotten biggest flirt!!! Figures. Heh. Good times, good times. On the way home, Chris took a wrong turn in Mt. Vernon and we got lost. Tacked another 30 minutes onto a 45 minute trip. : But I’m home now, so that’s all that matters.

I’m trying to think of what else happened today? I guess that’s all. So, with that, I’m going to hop in the shower, then head to bed. So, good night! I’ll answer emails and post pictures from this weekend soon, I promise! G’night!

P.S. Anyone have any ideas on what I should lead discussion on in this Wednesday’s small group? Eeep. Time to go and spend some time with God to find out!

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Harry Potter

So, I finally got the chance to see the newest Harry Potter movie. Quite honestly, I rather enjoyed it. I loved Hermione’s clothes (although I do prefer the Hogwart’s uniforms the best), and that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) is growing more adorable every day. Since I have not read the book recently, the things that were omitted or moved around didn’t bother me as much as they bothered a lot of other people. The special effects were cool. I liked how they portrayed those creepy Dementors. I really enjoyed seeing Prof. Snape in the old lady’s clothes. I loved Buckbeat (he was so adorable!). My favorite lines were:

Ron: What in the bloody hell was that?
Harry: This is not normal!

All in all, I liked it and plan to buy the DVD when it comes out.

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