Being a Girl Part II

This is a continuation of my previous entry.

Even though I’m not all that hungry (because I just ate a cookie), I am craving the following things:

– McDonalds (a double cheeseburger and fries and a Hi-C)
– Kentucy Fried Chicken (two drumsticks and a side of mashed potatoes)
– Dunkin’ Donuts (a lemon donut)

Yeah, my mouth is wanting food. The rest of me… not so much. At least I’m awake now, though.

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Can’t Wake Up

I am sooo very sleepy these days. Well, except for stupid times such as three am. I was up from three to four this morning with a racing mind and heart, but fell asleep to be awakened at six by Adam moving around and stuff. I had to get up at seven to do some work, and I was done with it by eight-thirty. I went back to bed, fell back to sleep for a bit, and slept on and of until twelve-twenty. I’m still shaking the spider webs out of my brain so that I can work on the new freelance stuff I just got. WEIRD dreams I had. And seriously, I’m sitting here completely and totally parched because I am sick of going to the bathroom every hour. I just love being a girl.

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Horoscope | April 28, 2008

You may have misjudged the amount of time it would take you to do something at work, which leads you to having less time available for leisure activities. Your ruling planet Jupiter is accentuated by intelligent Mercury, but it still can be hard to convey your ideas concisely. The Mercury-Jupiter combo allows you to be at your best when you just dream out loud, instead of trying to sound like an authority.

HA, this turned out to be so true today! I got home from the library expecting to eat my lemon donut (OMG I LOVE Dunkin’ Donuts) and read the evening away, but I checked my email and had a lot of freelance stuff to do. 🙂

And I’m going to go ahead and dream out loud here. Because it’s Monday, and now that all the negative has been expelled out of me, it’s time for me to put happiness into the universe. And wishes. 🙂

…dreaming out loud…

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Oh, Chicago

May is in a few days, and the current temperature is 37 degrees. I feel bad for the poor tulips out there.

BUT, I got my library card today!!!! YAY! I took out five books right away, as that’s the most I can take out until after 30 days. The selection is nothing like the Columbus Library. They’re about a year behind here as far as new stuff goes. But still, there are lots of books I haven’t read, so that’s cool.

I tried the hashbrowns they are always advertising at Dunkin’ Donuts. I didn’t like them. I’ll be happy with store brand Tater Tots anyday.

Now if it’d only stop raining and the weather would get nice again…..

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