
I hate football. I don’t give two shits about the Super Bowl.

But the upstairs neighbor is blasting his TV so loudly (I’m saying that every word can be heard clearly and it’s hurting my ears) that I’m going to be forced to listen to the stupid game all night, unless I leave.

I don’t like being forced to leave my apartment because people are inconsiderate.


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Not House Hunting

Adam and I decided not to look for a new apartment for now. We weighed the pros and cons, and decided it made sense to stay where we are. My main concern was the idiot college boy neighbors, but I figure I have a few months to figure out how to put the fear of God into them so they won’t be too loud and obnoxious.

Because honestly, his current place has all we need. He’s got it all customized. Crookshanks is there, and Lucy is welcome. It’s nicely sized, and it has a dishwasher and central air. It has a bathtub as well. It’s close to bus and train stops, Sip is a 5 minute walk away, there are yummy restaurants around, a CVS nearby, and some street parking. If the obnoxious idiot with the big truck wouldn’t HOG…

So, we saved some money. And decided to seriously redecorate his current place. Okay, it was more like I planted the seed and as I hoped, he ran with it. :) He’s really into decorating. Me? Not so much. He was so ready to set up a new place, so I told him to rearrange. He did. He’ll have to do a lot more when I show up with my U-Haul of crap.

So now that he’s getting things set up, it’s starting to feel a bit more real. There are still a few months before I actually move in, but every day brings me closer to that time.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Catching Up

It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?

A lot’s happened since I last wrote. Looks like November was the last time. Wow, and here it is, already February 2008. I’ve been spending most of my time at my Live Journal, and most of my readership is there, so I don’t really know what to write here!

Hmm, so a quick rundown. Right then.

I went to Atlanta for a combination Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration titled Thanksmas, and celebrated it with Adam’s family. I stayed there from 11/19 until 11/24 and it was awesome. The only bad thing was the sore throat, which was the start of several weeks of severe pain for me. :(


  • I went to New York City with Adam! I got to see RENT, the tree at Rockefeller Center, and got to hang out with my friend Wanda. It was really cool, even though I was again, sick.
  • I turned 33, saw the movie Juno three times, and ate Jeni’s ice cream for the first time.
  • Adam spent a week with me. We visited my mom for Christmas, and hung out with little Aidan, and generally just had a great time together. I loved having him here.
  • I got a new computer for Christmas!!!
  • Aidan turned five, the best age ever!!!

Jetted off to Chicago for the long MLK weekend and gorged myself on America’s Next Top Model and froze my booty off. Adam and I also started doing some cleaning and rearranging to the apartment that will soon be ours.

My sore throat finally stopped hurting at the level at which it was. It was horrible. The thought of it brings back scary pain-filled memories, and I am so scared it’s going to come back. I am not even sure what exactly caused it, but I don’t ever want it again.

2008 is huge for me. I’m moving to Chicago, I’m getting married, and life will be crazy. At least three major life changes this year in store for me, because I will need to find a new job. Which is crazy, I know, with us heading into a recession. But I have to leap now, or I’ll always find a reason to stay here, where it’s safe. And where I’m alone.

My hair is a wreck. A hot mess. I really wish I could go to a salon and have someone give it the help it so desperately needs, but for what I get, it’ll cost me at least $75 and with my budget being so iffy, with it looking like I owe the IRS AGAIN this year (grrrr) and with me trying to save all I can so I can move, I just can’t justify the expense, no matter how crazy my hair looks. That’s what ponytail holders are for.

A massage would be really nice, too….

Okay. Later.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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