
Look what I got from cassidyselzer!!!

*feels loved* ♥

Thank you, Cas! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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General WTFs

Does it seem as though Windows has new updates EVERY FREAKIN’ DAY?

What the hell????

The latest round of spam mail I’ve been getting has the subject of: It Ready.

Nice. I’m really going to open something that’s NOT GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. If you want to sell a product, LEARN PROPER ENGLISH.

Why do people hit their brakes when they come to a green light?

Why does it feel like Spring, not Winter, is the upcoming season? (I’m not complaining, mind you. It’s just weird. And a bit scary.)

*scratches head*

Perhaps, some things I am just not meant to understand.

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Nothing Much

Been spending the evening combing the net looking for freelance copy editing jobs. Writing jobs, too. Anyone know of anyone who needs proofing or editing? Refer them to me. My fees are competitive.

Now I am hungry, but unsure of what I want to eat. Okay, who am I kidding? I want spaghetti. Ha. But the kitchen is a mess and I don’t feel like cleaning it. Bah.

Has anyone ever noticed that when a company is supposed to give you money, they take their sweet time with it, but if you owe them money, they’re on it like white on rice? Grrrr.

I found my postage stamps again. I hope that’s a sign that things are looking up.

Lucy is curled into a grey donut in front of my bookcase.

I haven’t turned my Christmas tree lights on in two days.

I have a new cold sore.

Vendors keep sending goodies to work. Today, Setting Pace sent smoked salmon and cheddar cheese, among other things. I had three pieces of cheese.

I got a box from crimsonghost_oh full of Nag Champa goodness. I shall burn some now.

Oh, and and a $25 gift card to Best Buy!!!!!! And a Toys R Us one for Aidan!!! YAY!!!!!! What a surprise! πŸ™‚

I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.

See ya.

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