Thanksgiving Part 2

Yesterday, I drove up to my mom’s to have some of HER yummy cooking, and to get Aidan after his week-long vacation with her.

THE FOOD WAS SO GOOD. It had been a year since I’d had it and it was worth the wait. It really was. Mmm. She sent a bunch home with me today. Wheee!

Other good things of yesterday:

1. Great weather and traffic for the drive.
2. The Christmas List on ABC Family. (I’d thought this movie was gone for good!! I’m so glad they played it again!)
3. Free wireless internet from my mom’s neighbors. Ha!

The bad thing:

– Aidan is sick. He has a horrible cough and gets cranky, a fever at times, and a very runny nose. Poor little guy.

No pictures again, I was too hungry to go and get my camera, but I had mustard/turnip greens, dressing, macaroni and cheese, turkey, ham, and gravy over everything. Dinner rolls too, one with butter, the other with apple jelly and butter.

It was a good weekend. πŸ™‚

And now I am tired. I shall sleep well tonight.

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I forgot my camera, so I didn’t get to take a picture of my meal, which consisted of mashed potatoes, corn, green beans w/bacon, Honey Baked Ham, rolls, turkey, and gravy. Yummmmm. I didn’t eat myself into a food coma, but it was delicious. Dessert was hot apple pie with (real) whipped cream! πŸ™‚

Had fun hanging out with family members who are absolutely crazy and perverted. Good times, good times. I laughed a LOT today. And still felt as welcome and loved as ever.

The drive back to my place was gorgeous! The sky was clear and the sun had just dipped below the horizon, so there was that blue, then orange, all accented with one of my favorite kind of moon–the waxing cresent. (I also love the waning cresent).

I might or might not have picked up a very small amount of holiday gifts today for people. πŸ™‚ I also just browsed and got ideas for other people. The Christmas section was crowded at Meijer today. Lots of people buying decorations. I got lights for 99 cents a box.

I got ahold of the new Josh Groban CD today. WOW. Just… wow. What a beautiful voice that man has.

Dude. I am so addicted to the Highlights hidden pictures games. You can play them online here: Hidden Pictures! I get frustrated with the ones in the magazine, but some of these have sound and animation. That makes it fun.

As if I needed another online/computer game to become addicted to, right?

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! πŸ™‚

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The Seal Has Been Broken & Other Randomness

I TRIED to wait until Friday, I PROMISE, but you know, I’m starting to feel the spirit a bit, so I decided to go ahead and play some Christmas music. I also thought I’d wait until Friday to start holiday shopping, but nope. I ended up picking up a few things at Target for Booba and some other people. Considering the situation, I am definitely going more frugal this year, but that doesn’t mean the gifts I choose will be any less personal or special.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! It’s going to be weird, I’m not going to lie. Those of you who read Chris’s journal will know why. But I’ll make it. And Friday I get to see my mommy and my little Booba, who I haven’t seen since last Friday, and I miss him! I’m glad he’s with my mom, though, because he’s so happy there. All he could talk about last week was how much he loves his grandmommy and how excited he was to see her. I love calling her and telling her about that, because it makes her so happy. She’s thrilled to be spending Thanksgiving with Aidan again.

I walked to the post office today to mail a letter (starrlyte, watch your mailbox!) and buy stamps. It was a pleasant walk. Nice weather. Then I came home and lit a Nag Champa and for some reason, I sneezed about 10 times. It was weird. I’m okay now, but still. That was so strange.

I booked a LONG trip to Chicago in February. I was planning on going anyway, but not for as long as I ended up booking it. February 9-18, 2007. It’s going to be a busy week. So much going on, with book releases and 30th birthday parties and all sorts of other things. I’m really looking forward to it. It’ll be just the perfect thing to break up the endless Ohio grey days.

I managed to get ahold of a copy of the Philly Dylan concert I attended. I listen to Desolation Row over and over because the arrangement on it is just so freakin’ amazing. I also keep listening to Tangled Up In Blue and Highway 61 Revisted. It’s fun to think “Wow, I was sitting in the audience and bopping my head during this song!”

Tonight, I will be playing on the computer, journaling, and writing letters. Reading, relaxing, all that good stuff. Should be peaceful.

And of course, a survey.

Or two.

Finish The Sentences…

1. I’ve come to realize that…
life is funny.

2. I am listening to…
Christmas music.

3. I talk…
about Aidan a lot.

4. I love…

5. My best friend(s)…
mostly live out of town.

8. I hate it when people…
are rude and stupid.

9. Love is…
wonderful, terrible, amazing, crazy, unpredictable, beautiful, need I go on?

10. Marriage is….
not going to go there.

11. Somewhere, someone is…
having sex.

12. I’ll always…
be short.

13. I have a secret crush on…
no one.

14. The last time I cried was…

15. My cell phone…
pisses me off. Especially the Verizon never having a signal part.

16. When I wake up in the morning….
I think about how long the work day is.

17. Before I go to sleep at night…
I read.

18. Right now I am thinking about…
holiday stuff.

19. Babies are…

20. I get on MySpace…
not too often.

21. Today I…

22. Tonight I will…

23. Tomorrow I will…

24. I really want…
to be a best-selling author.

25. The person who most likely to repost this is…
Ivy swankivy, Cara caragirl, maybe Helen helenatural.


–> What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: Three days before Christmas. You figure it out. Har dee har har.

–> How many pairs of jeans do you own?: I own a lot, but I only wear three of them. My 7s are my favorite.

–> How many are designer?: Just one pair.

–> What color do you wear most?: Pink.

–> Least favorite color?: Mmmm…. hmm. I guess puce. Or something like that.

–> Last song heard on the radio?: I can’t remember.

–> What’s for dinner tonight?: I don’t know yet.

–> Are you happy with your life right now?: I am… astounded by my life right now.

–> Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: Yes.

–> Who did you last call on your cell phone?: The doctor’s office. The line was busy.

–> Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, or Aeropostale?: Aeropostale, when I have money.

–> How do you make money?: I work.

–> Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: A plane ticket.

–> How’s the weather?: Cold and clear.

–> Are you missing someone right now?: Yes, and yes.

–> What chores do you have around the house: Dishes. Empty the trash. Build a bookcase.

–> Finish this sentence. I wish…I had more money.

–> One word to describe you: Passionate.

–> Favorite pair of shoes: My brown Oxfords.

–> Do you own big sunglasses? At least three pair.

–> Do you find yourself attractive?: Sometimes.

–> Why is the first person in your Top 8 in the spot? She’s one of my best friends.

–> What would you rather be doing right now?: No comment.

–> What should you be doing right now?: Probably the dishes. HA.

–> Last IM you recieved?: Adam.

–> Who did you hug today? Lucy.

–> What are you going to do now?: Answer some emails.

Ivy, I usually get surveys from MySpace. There are usually loads posted in the bulletins.

Til next time!

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Survey Time!

It’s been a while. I need a fix. Woo.

They’re long.


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Life’s been pleasantly busy. Spent the weekend in Philadelphia. Saw a WONDERFUL Bob Dylan show. Got to hang out with Adam, which is always good. Ate at a diner, saw the Liberty Bell. From the car, anyway. It was fun.

Work is going well. I enjoy copy editing. It’s hard to do when I am tired, though. I have a hard time falling asleep. My mind is always racing. Things to do, stuff like that.

Hard to believe that it’s the Holidays. Just seems like I was at the Grand Canyon, and that was over six months ago.

Christmas this year will be quite different. I’ll swing it, though. I’m excited to shop for people, even though I have to be quite frugal. I’m finally starting to get excited about the holidays. Before, it wasn’t unexcitement–it was simply unawareness. Like, I knew time was passing, but I didn’t realize how much time was passing, and how quickly. I mean, Thanksgiving is in a few days. That’s insane. But I’m ready for my mom’s dressing, greens, mac & cheese and gravy over the whole thing. Mmmm. It’s been months since I’ve had that. Such a yummy, yummy meal. I will eat loads of it, and bring loads of it home.

And eat more of it. Oh yes.

I’m just being random here, really. Thinking a lot about things. About how crazy this year has been. My life is so drastically different than it was last year, and I’m pretty content with it. Surprised, but content. If a gypsy had appeared a year ago and told me this is where I’d be, I’m not sure how I would have reacted.

But none appeared, so that whole paragraph is moot. Ha.

Okay, enough. Later.

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