
My little guy is off to stay with his grandmommy until Christmas Eve. I’d planned on using a lot of this time to sit in bed on my laptop and write away.

1. I got sick.
2. My laptop got sick.
3. I’m still sick.

Needless to say, I haven’t been doing any writing seeing as I can’t really sit at the main computer for longer than a couple of hours at a time. BAH.

I hope this goes away soon. I’m missing MORE work which means that tomorrow will be a right nightmare (provided I make it in tomorrow).

Mr. Laptop, in the meantime, is at the Laptop Doctor getting all fixed up and I should have him back January 5, 2006 or so. Let’s just thank God that I have two computers, and hope that I get healthy soon so I can go back to living. There is so much I want to do, and being sick really throws a few monkey wrenches into the works.

I’m off to lie down again. I was awakened by a really kick a$$ dream by my husband needing me to get some pictures off of a memory card. :( All I have to say is–someone in my dream was playing Anywhere Is at TOP VOLUME. That topped it off–not to mention the other great things about it. Ah, Nyquil induced dreams. Gotta love them.

Off to try to get better. Byeee.

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– tingly ears
– sore throat
– constant coughing (chest hurts when I cough)
– cannot breathe well at all (except through my mouth)
– headache
– when I lie down, I can’t breathe, nor can I stop coughing (I think Chris is about to kick me out of the bedroom!)
– my entire nose area hurts b/c I’ve gone through almost all the tissues and have resorted to paper towels and toilet paper!
+ I don’t feel as weak anymore

Should I stay home again? πŸ™

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**Cough Cough**

So, I’ve been sick like whoa and that pretty much shot my weekend to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. Aidan is off to stay with his grandmother for two weeks. Before he left, he hugged and kissed me a million times and said “I’ll be back soon, Mommy.”

I slept most of yesterday. I honestly felt so horrible. There was so much I wanted to do: start wrapping presents, clean, go hang out with Rob (who was making steaks and mashed potatoes!)… but I could barely sit up without feeling dizzy and weak. So back to bed I went, and I stayed asleep until about 11:30am. I got up, bathed, and went to Best Buy. Mr. Laptop is gone until about January 5th! They’re going to try to fix it all up, though, so that will be good.

I also stopped in at Taylor Square, finished up most of my Christmas shopping (yay, all done itskels), picked up a few lots more decorations. Then I came home and rested a bit.

Holly and Robert came over about 3. I’d forgotten they were supposed to come over so I could fix their computer. It was majorly infected–lots of spyware and viruses. I cleaned it off the best I could, and their pop-up frequency went from an insane amount to none. So yay for me. πŸ™‚

We ate and Holly helped me with some of the decorations. Now I’m feeling LOADS better (thank God) but will be turning in early so I can get through a full workday tomorrow. I’m still coughing a lot–so I won’t be surprised if they send me home again. I can’t smell a thing, I can’t taste a thing either. My nose is permanently stuffy. And did I mention the coughing? Yeah, it’s pretty much relentless. :

Anyway, I hope I feel better really soon, I have lots to do:

– Pay cable bill
– Buy stamps
– Mail 2nd round of Christmas cards
– Wrap presents
– Clean master bedroom
– Clean my closet
– Put away laundry
– Mail packages

**sigh** So much to do. Being sick really, really throws a monkey wrench in one’s productivity. At least I got to finish another book, though.


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RIP Mr. Laptop?

Yes, even though I got the bloody thing just a little over a year ago, the AC/DC adapter has died on me and the geniuses at eMachines do not have a replacement available. This means that if the Best Buy 3 year service protection plan I bought can’t somehow take care of this, that my laptop will be done in about 45 minutes.


The thing cost me over $1500. πŸ™ And I barely got over a year of usage out of it.

I’m going to take it to Best Buy and see what they say. I worry though, that I will have to go back to being laptop-less, or charge a new one. Lord knows I really don’t want to do that. πŸ™

I didn’t want to go anywhere today–I’m sick as a dog and would rather just rest. But oh well, something always has to happen. Grrrr.

Maybe I’ll just go tomorrow.

(and seriously, if Aidan doesn’t stop whining… AKLFJDKJFKLDJFLDLK!)

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Anywhere Is has been down on and off for the past 24 hours. πŸ™

Maybe it’s pissed that I forgot to wish it a happy 5th birthday in November. :O

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