Happy Halloween! (Pictures)

I hope everyone had a super fun Halloween!

I know I did! πŸ™‚

Looks as if GOOGLE did as well:

First, I went to work. The theme (for my particular team) was California attire, so thanks to Amy’s (verytruly) great idea, I went as a Disneyland park guest. I ran into someone dressed as Minnie Mouse, and we entered the costume contest together.

We didn’t win, though.

We got free lunch (ziti, salad, garlic bread, a drink, and candy). YAY for free food!

After work was Halloween Night, of course! πŸ™‚ Aidan went as a pirate. How cute is he???

You know you love him. πŸ™‚ I know I do! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

I had a lot of fun handing candy out. The kids were so cute and we didn’t run out this year!! HA. Well, not ’til the end when three teenaged boys came and pretty much cleaned us out (at our request). Good times, good times. I wore my tiara. Tee hee.

Oh yeah, before I go, I have one more picture to share:


Halloween night was so beautiful this year.

Okay, I have some work to do. Good night! πŸ™‚

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  • Aidan Duty
  • Trick or Treat
  • The Bark

No writing tonight. :(

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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It’s A Challenge

I live with two very LOUD boys.


They make a lot of noise.

It’s very hard to concentrate sometimes often when I am writing.

Does anyone have any tips?

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Bananas Are Dancing (Lots of Pictures!)

I don’t know if I posted these pictures yet. Last week, Brutus Buckeye and the Ohio State cheerleaders were doing a Meet & Greet at Meijer. Aidan, a big Buckeyes fan, had a blast. I guess I did too:

Giving Five!

Me & Brutus!
Me with Brutus. I was sick that day, so I look like a big dork.

I’m turning into my aunt. My mom always called her Scatterbrained, and she always teased about how we are so much alike:

1. Underwear has to match outfit.
2. Hair rollers have to be perfect.
3. Thin.

Anyway, apparently, I am becoming scatterbrained as well. Let’s see. I lost my checkbook over the summer. I lost my wallet earlier this month. So…today I went to counseling, came out and realized that the park was beautiful (pictures soon, I promise) and the sun was out. So I got out my camera and took pictures. Then I noticed that I had no car keys. NO CAR KEYS. Ack. I didn’t panic too much. I retraced my steps 345874985 times. No keys. I called Chris and asked him to bring me the spare key. He did, and we retraced AGAIN. Nothing. Nada. My keys are gone.

I’m not too upset. Keys are replacable. Well, my footlocker key and treasure chest keys are not. πŸ™ But we can always find ways to break into THOSE locks. Thank God we had a spare key, though. πŸ™‚ And all of those little keychain cards–I have big versions of them in my wallet.

I have to be more careful about my things.

Jennifer (maids) came over (YAY!) and then we all rushed off to Bob Evans to meet David (who was in town from New York City) and his new friend Mallori. I dipped some french fries into gravy and fell in LOVE. Can someone tell me about poutine? Because I’m thinking the Canadians are on to a good thing with that.

After brunch, I had to rush off to counseling. You know that part, though. At least I got some amazing pictures, though.


Cute couple in the park.

Fiery leaves.

More fiery leaves.

Lamp post.

More here.

The best part is–I turned off the LCD screen and used the viewfinder–and took pictures the old fashioned way! πŸ™‚ I just like to see if I still have “it.” Heehee.

After Chris gave me the keys, Jennifer decided to ride back with me. She said “You know, I think I saw your keys in Barnes & Noble, we should check there.” HEEHEE. I love that store. I got an “&” symbol bookend (see one HERE), a Sarah Dessen book, and a Writer’s Digest magazine. OH and a David Arkenstone CD–the one with that song I LOVE! YAY for that. πŸ™‚

We came home and pigged out again. Chris made meatballs, rice, peas and carrots. Yummmy. πŸ™‚ Jennifer left shortly after because she was tired, and Chris went ice skating. Aidan and I stayed here and watched Shrek. I’d been trying to get him to watch it with me for months now, so I was thrilled. He loved it, was totally captivated and even gave Shrek and Fiona each a kiss (via the TV screen, of course).

Last night was fun, too. A group of us went to Boo at the Zoo at the Columbus Zoo, then to Max & Erma’s for a late dinner. We had a lot of fun. It was VERY brisk out, but Aidan got a lot of treats, there were a ton of laughs, pictures taken (of course!), and just general fun times. I’m glad I went. πŸ™‚

Kristen, Mr. Matt, and Me!!

Pond at the zoo.

Back Row: Garth, Kelly, Me
Front: Kim, Mr. Matt, Tricia, Kristen, and Megan
(Rob was taking the picture, and Chris and Aidan were looking at the fish)


The Fam. (LOVE the random kid in the back…)

Dramatic tree at night.


My son just learned what an ampersand is. I am so proud. πŸ™‚ Now he wants to see tons and tons of them. :O

I think it’s time for bed. Aidan is hanging on me like a little monkey.


(HOLY CRAP, my son can count to 15. When did this happen? Last week, he could only count to nine).


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Laying Down The Law

RULES FOR WRITING * subject to change

1. I must write something every single day. It can be a journal entry, a poem, or a novel. Email doesn’t count.
2. I must read the blogs of authors, agents, and other writers who inspire me at least once a week.
3. I must write from my heart, bugger what the market is like.
4. I must try to stop revising as I write. JUST WRITE, DAMMIT!
5. I must remember and LIVE by this quote by James Thurber: Don’t get it right, get it written.
6. I must not tell anyone about the projects I am working on. (It seems the second I tell someone, I lose all inspiration to continue).
7. I must not get discouraged as rejection after rejection pours in.
8. BELIEVE in myself and my writing.
9. BELIEVE in my dreams.
10. Work hard to make those dreams come true.


1. Find a critique partner. (Renee laverick or Ivy swankivy? Anyone?)
2. Finish a novel by April or May of 2006.
3. Network more.
4. Refine my writing.
5. Learn as much as I can about writing, publishing, the market, and all that jazz.
6. Get an agent or a publisher.
7. Be the best I can be, then keep striving for more.

That is all.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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