RULES FOR WRITING * subject to change

1. I must write something every single day. It can be a journal entry, a poem, or a novel. Email doesn’t count.
2. I must read the blogs of authors, agents, and other writers who inspire me at least once a week.
3. I must write from my heart, bugger what the market is like.
4. I must try to stop revising as I write. JUST WRITE, DAMMIT!
5. I must remember and LIVE by this quote by James Thurber: Don’t get it right, get it written.
6. I must not tell anyone about the projects I am working on. (It seems the second I tell someone, I lose all inspiration to continue).
7. I must not get discouraged as rejection after rejection pours in.
8. BELIEVE in myself and my writing.
9. BELIEVE in my dreams.
10. Work hard to make those dreams come true.


1. Find a critique partner. (Renee laverick or Ivy swankivy? Anyone?)
2. Finish a novel by April or May of 2006.
3. Network more.
4. Refine my writing.
5. Learn as much as I can about writing, publishing, the market, and all that jazz.
6. Get an agent or a publisher.
7. Be the best I can be, then keep striving for more.

That is all.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)