T-Minus…um, yeah. :)

I was so restless at work today. I got all my work done, but my mind was already to this evening. I have a HUGE post-it on my computer so I won’t forget to do some stuff. I just finished cleaning off my iPod (managed to free up almost 2 gig of space!) and now I’m adding new songs to it. πŸ™‚

I’m excited about tomorrow. I think I am in a sort of a denial because I haven’t done too much of anything tonight. Trying to think if I need to go to the store tonight for anything but I don’t think so. Most of my clothes are all packed! I just need to pack the electronics! πŸ™‚ Also, transfer some $, balance the checkbook. Make sure my finances are in order! πŸ™‚ Oh yeah, pack my shoes. YIPES. I am not getting picked up ’til 11:30 tomorrow, so I should have time in the morning as well. I’m setting the alarm. No more of this accidently waking up at 2pm like I did Monday. D’oh!

I’m going to have spaghetti tonight for dinner. I know it’ll be late but I don’t care. I don’t have to be up for work tomorrow. I know I am going to be SO SWAMPED when I go back on Tuesday–so many things are due tomorrow and are due Monday. I have a backup, but I know she gets crazily busy as well. So yeah. I’m expecting to do tons. Fun, fun. Also, my meeting count has just gone up to three a week! Noooo! That’s more than at Nationwide! Oh well. At least it’s stuff I care a lot about. Speaking of, I borrowed an Earth Science textbook but I forgot to bring it home. D’oh. I guess I’ll just have to use all the time on the flight to read my Sarah Dessen book (I’ll finish that in no time, though) and memorize my lines for the play.

I can’t believe the play is in a little over a week! It’s going to be so awesome. I can’t wait! πŸ™‚

Hmm, three emails to answer before I sign off and get to work, ha ha. Must bathe tonight, and will shower in the morning methinks. Ack. So much to do that I’m scattered! Ha. I know it’ll all be okay, though.

Okay, I should go. Oh wait, emails. Dang it. Plus good music! πŸ™‚

Okay, I’m going for real now. I promise. Later!

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Science + Beer = GOOD! (Pictures)

I’m sorry, but this is bloody hot:

I had two good nights with two good guys this week. Monday, I hung out with Rob all evening. We ate dinner at Max & Erma’s (he bought!), and we watched Wedding Crashers. It was a good time. Rachel McAdams looked COMPLETELY different from when she was in Mean Girls. I honestly did not recognize her. I liked the dark hair on her. She was very pretty. I enjoyed the movie, and the company too, of course.

Last night was The Grove. But before that, I hung out at Abbie’s place. She made me dinner (yummy Van De Kamps fish!), and from there, we went to drama rehearsal at the church. Then I went to copy the Bark. I got 50 made before I was summoned to help out the multi-media folk. Of course, the projector wasn’t acting right, so we got to fuss around with that. Christie M. figured out the problem at EXACTLY 7:30pm. Jon C played Fix You and sounded darn sweet doing it. After The Grove, a bunch of us went to The Claddagh Irish Pub for drinks and chillin’. Jon C and I shared chicken tenders, fries, and salad. He bought too. πŸ™‚ It was yummy. I drank an amaretto sour. Mmmmmm. TOTALLY hit the spot. I enjoyed the time with those folks and with Jon C too. πŸ™‚

Jon C & Me

Today was work. I was tired and anxious to get home because I had to get started on my packing! So the clothes are just about done. I just need to pack essentials that are still in use (hair brush, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.) and the other stuff like a book or two, my journal, pens, my camera, laptop, things like that. I’ll do that tomorrow. There is so much to do still. I need to get gas. I have to get stuff to Lauren so she can take it down to New Orleans. Plus I have blocking rehearsal. ACK. Tomorrow will be crazy. But Friday this time, I’ll be in CALIFORNIA with Amy (nerdiness)!!! WOO! I am excited and can’t wait to relax. But first, I get to endure hours on two airplanes. Oh well, it’ll be worth it. Plus, it’ll be my first solo flight ever. I’m just a little nervous, but I have a feeling I’m going to be catching some Zs at some point, reading like crazy, and listening to my iPod. (mental note–pack iPod charger)

I’ll try to update tomorrow, and maybe Friday morning before I leave for the airport (mental note #2–call mother-in-law to confirm pickup/drop-off times). Of course, I will also try to update when I am there. We’ll see how that goes, though. πŸ™‚


Most bizarre line from a book ever:
“You must fornicate in public or forfeit.” – The Bartered Bride by Mary Jo Putney


‘Til later…

P.S. Thanks to those of you who answered my poll and commented. For now, I’m going to put the entire project on hold and decide what to do a bit later. πŸ™‚

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Have you ever felt extremely, extremely stupid?

Yeah, it’s like that right now. >:[

One would think I would have gotten it long ago.

Oh well. Live and learn. Well, let’s hope about the learning part, anyway. πŸ™

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