Fun Night! :)

Four o’clock couldn’t get here soon enough!! But it finally did and I was outta there. I decided to clean my car, but didn’t do too much. Did the chiro thing, then headed to the church. I made copies of The Bark and they came out great looking. The Bark really came together. Although there were a couple of mistakes in there. D’oh!

Overall, I’m happy with it and I was thrilled to see people taking them and perusing them! πŸ™‚

The Grove was nice, what I saw of it. I spent the whole thing up in the Sound Mezzazine with Christie M, Rob, and Tyler. Only a couple of minor hiccups with the slides (dumb computer) but the program went very well. It’s nice having The Grove in the sanctuary instead of a room. Not nearly as much set up to deal with. And the equipment is pretty much guaranteed to work!

After The Grove, a huge group of us went to Applebee’s. I got too much food. Luckily, I was sitting near Rob and Tyler who had no problems finishing off what I’d left. Dinner was fun and so was after dinner chatting. I love my friends. I’m happy when I’m with them. πŸ™‚

And it’s bloody late. G’night!

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I took the Yankee Test and I got:

“39% (Yankee). You are definitely a Yankee.”


My atb: Addicted to Music CD does not work. I tried it in three different CD players and got errors. I’m going to take it back but I doubt Best Buy will refund my money. I’m going to try exhanging it.

In case you missed it the first time around:
Do you want to see a video of Aidan acting silly? Clicky and download a zip file. Inside is an mpeg file, and it should work with any player. 9.31 megabyte download. πŸ˜€ My son is crazy! (In a good way!)

Went outside and ate my cheeseburger and tator tots (about which I got mercilessly teased about by one of the guys who works in the cafeteria since I get it so often), and it’s so beautiful! So warm and yummy. I cannot wait until 4pm, when I am FREE to enjoy this lovely weather. Car windows will be down, radio will be loud. And I will be happy.

The Grove is tonight. It’s going to be in the Sanctuary instead of room 250, which will be an interesting change.

I have a new weakness. Cosmetics. Not just any cosmetics. Expensive ones.

KEEP ME OUT OF MACY’S, SAKS, NORDSTROM, AND THE LIKE!!! Please, for the sake of my wallet!!!!

Chris is going crazy in the house. Now the kitchen has a Southwestern feel to it–very nice. Warm-like. Not sure what he plans to do next. I guess he’s planning on having all these projects done before little Booba gets back from his grandmommy’s. Plus, we’re getting air conditioning. But not from Atlas Butler. They’re insanely expensive! So the house will continue to undergo dramatic changes over the next several days.


(or twelve)

Okay then. ‘Til later.

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Chicago album is finally up!

A lot of the pictures you’ll recognize if you looked through Tyler’s album, but I added captions to mine. And there are a few different ones…
Hope you like them.

So, randomly. I went and got my oil changed, right? And the guy told me that everything in my car was perfect (good levels on the fluids, etc). I was kind of shocked because I was almost 10,000 miles over! THEN I got a $3.00 discount.

I have a feeling he thought I was pretty. πŸ™‚

It’s so pretty! It’s after seven and the SUN is still out! I’m up in the loft and it’s so much fun. YAY!

Chris is downstairs saying random cusswords because he’s getting impatient with whatever project he’s doing. Freak.

The Bark is all done, I got gas (bloody hell, it cost me over $20 to fill my tank! $2.34 a gallon! Bloody ridiculous, it is!), got my oil change…hmm, what else was there to do? Oh yeah, I went to the library too. So I can relax and keep ripping CDs to put into my iPod. Yay.

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Yummy Feelings!

I feel yummy today. I am not sure why. Maybe because the sun came out when I was driving to work this morning. It’s supposed to be in the 60s today, and the 70s tomorrow! πŸ™‚

I’m almost caught up on all my email. Considering I had over thirty at some point over the weekend, this is a phenomenal feat. In my opinion, at least.

I got loads of new CDs yesterday:

Britney Spears: My Perogative Pt 1 | Import Single
Michael Jackson: Bad | Special Edition
Tori Amos: Tales of a Librarian
Tori Amos: The Beekeeper | Special Edition
atb: DJ in the Mix
atb: Addicted to Music

Yeah, I went a little bit crazy…

There was so much I wanted. DJ Tiesto for example. *sigh* If only I had all the money in the world…just… so much music!!!!

Oh well. I’ll just have to pace myself. Now I’m back in Credit Card Payoff Mode. Like, SERIOUSLY. I will have three paid off by the end of the summer, three more by December, for a total of six cards paid off in 2005. And I paid one off last week. So I guess the total for 2005 will be seven cards paid off. Can you dig it? πŸ™‚

Should be fun. Like it’s fun to go to Best Buy with Bizzy and speak with a British accent almost the entire time. And fun to have lunch at Smoky Bones with 19,000 people from church. I always wonder what they think when they see large crowds come in. “Oooh, TIPS!” or “OH NO, WE’RE GOING TO GET SLAMMED!” Our waiter, Ryan, was cool though. He said that we made it easy on him. πŸ™‚

And the cornbread was SO YUMMM!!!

I am so ready for 4pm. I have to get an oil change tonight and do a bit of work on The Bark. Tomorrow, I’ll copy it and have it ready for distribution. πŸ™‚

Restless much? Oh, you bet I am.

Apparently, Chris is doing all sorts of crazy things to the house. I’m excited to seee what he’s done since I’ve been at work today.

And WOOHOO! Another reserve came in for me at the library: The First Part Last by Angela Johnson. πŸ™‚

I have to get an oil change tonight. BORING. But at least it will be done. I’m going to one of the 10-minute places; I bet it’ll be crowded. Bugger. I need to get gas before I do anything, though! So tonight:

– Gas
– Library
– Oil change
– The Bark
– Rob (hopefully?!?)

*mentally tries to speed time up, but only for a bit*

You’d think I’d be all “WHOA! THE TIME IS GOING FAST TODAY!” Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, but I’m not that lucky. Getting use to this always takes a bit of time, but I know I’ll get used to it and love it because the days will be longer and warmer and all that good stuff.

This makes me sad.

And I want to see this. Any of you local folk up for a field trip?

‘Til later…

edited to add – Gmail now gives 2 gigs of storage!!!!

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surya namaskar

I forgot to mention this the other night:

Since I’m just starting out with yoga, I’m learning some basic, simple things. My favorite so far (besides the Child Pose), is the Sun Salutation. I said to Aidan “Let’s do some Yoga!”

He did the Sun Salutation with me. It was the cutest thing ever.

I <3 my Aidan.

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