It’s nearly 3am.

I can’t sleep.

I have to wake up in fewer than four hours for work.

I feel sick.

When I lie down, I cough my head off.

I’m getting a migraine.

My heart is racing at more than 100 MPH.

My mind is going even faster.

If I take tomorrow today off, my boss is likely to fire me on the spot.

How am I going to manage a full workday and taking care of Aidan in the evening? πŸ™

I’m going to be so tired.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

Maybe I can get away with taking 1/2 day, but I doubt it.

I’m taking Benadryl at 7pm so I can be sleepy by 9pm, and then I’m going to sleep the entire night through.

I think I know why I’m feeling so cruddy and anxious and overly excited and like I’m running on an overdose of speed or something.

But no one believes me.

I can’t get help if no one believes me.

So I guess I’ll deal.


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I Have a Headache

Skipped church again. I did plan on going today, but the timing was all off so rather than rush, I decided to stay home. It’s easier that way.

Highlights of my day:
– Lunch with Becky and seeing her dorm room! The time with her went WAY too quickly. MUST MAKE IT A PRIORITY to spend more time with Becky!!
– Bible Study. It’s always awesome, and Megan (megnita) was there!!! YAY! πŸ™‚
– Seeing Katie P (live4himalways).
– Seeing Monica.
– Awesome deals at Target: yoga mat $11.99, composition books 97 cents for example.
– Buying a new Young Adult novel.
– Phone calls from Bizzy (otaku_witch). <3 Lowlights of my day: - This headache. Ow. πŸ™ - Chris getting 2 flat tires. - Getting lost on the way from Denison to Heritage. - Finding that I'd locked Lucy in the guestroom and she'd pooped on the floor. - Lucy puking on the floor in front of the guestroom to get back at me. Man, I'm kind of tired. But now it's time to eat. Max & Ermas, here I come! (If Aidan cooperates, that is).

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Unexpected Fun & Other Stuff

Catching up with Chad and Christy, lunch at Logan’s Roadhouse (yay, got my steak craving satisfied!), a bit of shopping at Old Navy, seeing Rob at Auntie Anne’s, good times at Gameworks (Happy Birthday, Jenny E!)–definitely some last minute fun I didn’t anticipate when I woke up this morning.

Even though Aidan’s mood swings were less than desiring–in fact, he’s still in the other room having a fit but he won’t let Chris or me near him–I still had a good time playing some games, especially that Balloon Game thingy. Didn’t get to play DDR, the lines were way too long and the kids playing were way too good. I wasn’t about to wait all that time to embarrass myself!

Eh…Aidan is crying and crying. He’s hanging his head and sounding so pitiful, but anytime one of us tries to help him, he gets FURIOUS and pushes us away and runs off! What does one do in that kind of situation? Right now, I’m just leaving him and letting him have his moment. Oh Lordy, I’m never having another child. I can’t stand these situations. The crying, the helplessness. πŸ™

At least I have lunch with Becky to look forward to tomorrow! πŸ™‚

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I hate when I have messed up dreams.

This morning’s dream consisted of:

– a trip to New York City (I’d been there in another dream too, to shop)
– a crazy seriel killer who preyed on young, pretty girls (such as myself *g*)
– a young black girl begging her parents to let her play in some sport
– a pool party and lots of digital pictures
– my being late to class or missing class completely (I have this one often, which is odd since I am not in school)

I’m sure there was more. Ugh. A few things about being on medications, being sick, and sleeping weird hours: screwed up dreams, screwed up sleep patterns, no energy, lack of motivation, aches and pains. Double ugh.

Now I get to endure the wrath of Mommy because I forgot to call and deliver the bad news that Aidan won’t be visiting her ’til NEXT weekend. Bah.

EDITED – NO wrath! She heard my hacking and was totally cool!

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