Auto Guide.

It’s hilarious.

(I totally stole that link from Tyler)

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Quiet Day

I am still soooo tired. I won’t get to sleep until about 9:45 or so tonight. Actually, my boss said I could go at 2. So if I can get home by 2:30, I can take a 2 hour nap before I go and get Aidan. Yea!

Or not. Crap. I have chiropractor. Boo. So much for a nap. Dang it. I’m getting so tired of that darn commute it’s not funny. :[ Maybe I’ll just go after I get Aidan. Yeah, I think I’ll do that. Then Aidan and I can eat dinner out somewhere. πŸ™‚

No one is here today. Both bosses are out. There are maybe 3 people on the floor max. I have my music blasting here. It’s nice. I love it around Christmastime here. No one is around and it’s awesome.

I think I finally finished up my Christmas shopping for sure, for sure. Thank goodness for Amazon.com and next day shipping! πŸ™‚ I hope everyone will be happy with what I got them. I can’t believe Christmas is in three days! That’s crazy! πŸ™‚ But fun. What a busy time of year for me. The last few weeks fly by because of my birthday, Christmas, then Aidan’s birthday and New Years!

I got packages from Ivy (swankivy) yesterday!! I really am being spoiled. She sent me do-rags and an amazing drawing and cute socks and stuff to make cookies and stickers! She knows me so well. I’d meant to send hers today, but stupid me left her address at home. *hits self on head* I’ll have to send it next week, and that actually works out well because I want to get her some other stuff anyway.

I think my hands were frostbitten from Monday night. They are sooo dry and they hurt–the fingertips do. That was the only part of me that was really cold at the zoo. I did get more pictures from Craig, by the way, so I hope to get those uploaded tonight. I don’t have to get up very early tomorrow so I can stay up late tonight and work on it! πŸ™‚

I’d like to interrupt this very important journal entry to remind you of how much I love Becky, Emily, and Bizzy. WE ARE SO DOING A SLEEPOVER WHILE BECKY IS HOME AND EMILY IS ON BREAK. wOoT!

Okay. How does one “goodbye?” I didn’t know “goodbye” was a verb, but in that song “Let It Snow,” they say “my dear, we’re still goodbying.” Not even right.

Ooo. I’m very, very tired. I need rest. STAT.

Later! πŸ™‚

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Yeah Boyeeee!

I just scored another $65 worth of Best Buy gift cards. Wooo!!! πŸ™‚

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I can’t think of a title.

Boss #2 gave me another gift today. A bottle of this Lancome Miracle perfume and lotion and lipgloss. It smells yummy and it’s PINK. πŸ™‚ I’m happy. Boss #1 gave me $20 to Barnes and Noble. You know, I love gift cards. It’s like 2 gifts in one to me. I get the card as a gift, then I get to go shopping, which is like another gift for me.

I’m a dork.

WHY did I ever lift my McDonald’s restriction? Starting Jan 1, I’m going back on. I’ve had it 4 or 5 times already. NOT GOOD FOR THE WAISTLINE.

Hmm. I feel like I had some other stuff to write, but maybe not.

Bloody hell, I’m sleepy. I really need to try and catch up tonight. I’m totally gonna bum it all out, word.

There are 95 thousand gifts under the tree. Chris is losing his mind. I’m going to hide his credit cards. And mine too.

So, I’d been confused as to why the windshield washer wouldn’t work. Then I asked Tyler and he said something so obvious. I had to smack my head. He said “frozen.” Bah. The ducts were frozen. It worked today. Now my windshield is nice. But the car looks like crap. Ugh. Winter. Boo.

whut up dawg?

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G’Day Mate!

I am sooo tired. I didn’t get to bed until 3am. All totally my fault. But it was worth it.

The zoo was a lot of fun. I went with Rob (OF COURSE!), Bizzy (otaku_witch), Becky, Kelly P, Tyler, Craig, Chris and little Aidan. It was very, very cold, but actually not that bad. I’d dressed in lots of layers. Aidan was dressed in layers too, and he didn’t seem to mind the cold at all. The worst for me were my fingertips, but Craig had a handwarmer that he passed around, and we spent a lot of time in the warm buildings. The lights were pretty, and of course the animals were cool. We looked at the giraffes, the elephants, the reptiles, and the manatees.

I missed Emily (yoimemily) though. πŸ™ I hope she feels better soon. <3

After that, we went to Applebees, where they sang Happy Birthday to me and Bizzy. We ate and then Chris, Craig, and Aidan went to Best Buy. I hung out with Rob, Becky, and Bizzy and that was an awesome time. We tried to watch Good Will Hunting, but we ended up only seeing the good parts. I truly did not want to leave, but it was late. I wished it was a weekend. I was having way too much fun.

Hey Bizzy! Always remember Mr. Whip, computers, and pissed. Ha ha ha. πŸ™‚ Oh yeah, and “I NEED TO ROLL!!”

Rob’s Ham Sandwich song is going to make him famous.

When I was driving home last night, there were two deer in my neighborhood. They were so pretty. I wonder if deer play in my backyard from time to time?

Tonight should be nice and relaxing. πŸ™‚ The house is still pretty clean from the party prep, so I can just sit and enjoy Aidan. I plan to mail Ivy’s (swankivy) present today (provided I remembered to bring her address–I think it might be in my car), and I think I’m done for now. I have a few things to pick up, but I think I’ll do that tomorrow. I need to rest. I’ve gotten about ten hours of sleep total in the past 72 hours. That can’t be healthy.

I got a few more birthday gifts yesterday. My boss #2 got me this talking doll and a frame with an inspirational saying, and Becky got me cool pens, stickers, and bubbles! πŸ™‚ She said it was a small gift, but I mean, hello. The stickers and pens are the pefect complement all the journals I got, and I can play bubbles with Aidan. It’s a wonderful gift, so there, Becky. πŸ˜› Susan aka Snoozin got me McDonalds gift certificates. Woo!

So, here is my TO DO list:
– mail Ivy’s present
– burn CDs for mom-in-law
– call mommy
– upload new pictures/photo albums
– oil change
– call Irena
– get some sleep!

So, I think that might be it for now. πŸ™‚ I might be writing a mushy entry later. I like when people do those entries where they write to people but don’t specify a name…? I am in the mood to do that. Then I’ll see if people can figure out who I’m talking about–this will be for real life and online friends! But don’t look for it–I’m not going to make any promises. Tee hee

‘Til later.

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