More Pictures! & Other stuff.

Randomness II album updated with pictures from Steak N Shake and stuff.

Check it out!

And just because you needed to know this (not really):

From their site:
She Might Be a Indie Girl if:

1. She drives: a classic car, a VW beetle, a Mini Cooper, or a Vespa scooter.
2. She can talk for more than ten minutes about: obscure pop culture.
3. She begins her sentences with: “It’s like that Simpsons episode . . .”
4. She’d never: drive a mini-van.
5. She owns any of the following: TiVo, a mini-DV camera, an iPod, a pottery wheel, a serger, or a lava lamp.

1. I WANT a Mini Cooper
2. πŸ™‚
3. Well, not so much…
4. AMEN!
5. I do have an iPod.

Good night.

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GRRRRRRRR! (Picture)

In the words of Erin (celinedion), sh*tmotherf*ckerf*cksh*t.

Take a look at this:

Yes, that is the result of the biggest rock ever crashing into the winshield of my poor, precious car. You know what this means? $$ down the drain to fix it. Even worse, I now get to deal with repair folk and phone calls and junk.



(and yes, those are my socks in the front seat. not a word out of you suckas….)

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I just ate dinner and dessert. I was also bad and had a Capri-Sun. Dang it, I’m tired of water all the time. I’ve drank–I don’t even know how much water I’ve drank over the past seven or eight days. It’s been insane. Lots and lots of water. I like drinking it during work, though. It’s easy to do and it tastes yummy there. But at home, I just want ONE cup of punch or Kool-Aid or something. I’m CRAVING sweet drinks, you have no clue. Bah.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow evening. Chris is taking Aidan shopping, so that means freedom for me. Not sure what I will do. Sleep? Write? Catch up on email? Immerse myself in The Sims 2? Call up some girlfriends and hang out or something? Shop (all by myself?) Play Scrabble against that destestable Maven? Hmmm. The possibilities!

(I SHOULD write. In fact, I will not allow myself to do anything fun unless I write at least 3-5 pages tomorrow. Let me tell you why this is sad. Writing IS fun to me. I love it. But it’s also very hard work. Don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s easy. If they do, then they’re telling you a BIG FAT BALD-HEADED GREASY LIE.)

I just remember two cool things from Tuesday night. After The Grove, this guy named Brandon put his hat on me. It was this sweet fedora. I looked awesome in it. I got so many compliments, and two people told me I looked like Paula Abdul. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that. Believe me when I say that being told I look like her does not make me sad. I don’t think I do (look like Paula Abdul), by the way. But it’s still nice to hear.

Then, at Steak N Shake, Tami told me that she wished I’d called her and told her about my kidney stone, because she would have dropped everything and come over to help me out. Is that an awesome friend or what?

Work should be fairly easy. My TO DO list is done! I just need to update some attendance records. The staff meeting for tomorrow was cancelled (HOORAY!), so I don’t have that to worry about. And I packed my lunch. That yummy turkey and that yummy bread and SUN CHIPS, baby. Mmmhmmm. Lots of candy too. I can’t get enough of Twix and 3 Musketeers lately for some reason. Man, I love chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, here is reason number 34872334 why Tyler is weird: He doesn’t like candy or cherries. WTH?

Okay, okay. Lots of people don’t like candy. But cherries? akjfklafjdkld!!!

Mmm, yes. I should go to bed now and quit being a silly butt. Good night!

Edited to Add: I can hear Chris’s snoring all the way in here. For those of you who have been to my house, you’ll know that’s kind of sad. I can’t wait til Tuesday, when his sleep apnea fixing machine arrives.

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It’s Been Awhile…

I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been busy. Sleeping, that is. πŸ™‚

I did end up going to The Grove. Just because Garth told me to. And because people graciously offered to babysit for me, thus freeing me up to go and enjoy myself and stay out as late as I wanted. Word. The message was about “community” and relationships. I was going crazy because for some hare-brained reason, I left my journal in the car. I couldn’t take notes or doodle. I hate that.

I saw all of my friends. Holly and Robert were there too. I purposely didn’t sit by them because I wanted them to get to know other people in the young adult ministry at Heritage. I sat with Katie. She’s so funny and cool. Meagan G was there–she never shows up at those things, so it was such a treat to see her. She’s awesome. We did some thing–speed community it was called. It’s a take off of speed date. You meet as many people as you can…well, never mind. It was a lot of fun and I ended up talking to some really cool people. πŸ™‚

The service promptly ended at 9 and that is when the fun really began. The hardcore people stayed behind to socialize, tear down, or both. Tami arranged a trip to Steak N Shake, so off Garth, Rob, Tami, Kim, Chad Jr, Tyler, Kelly, and I went. Those were good times. Totally reminded me of the Perkins runs I used to do with Tony and Holly and the gang back in the day. I even ate again–Chicken tenders and fries (from the kid’s menu) and it did not make me sick. In fact, it was quite yummy! πŸ™‚ (I’m craving chicken tenders and fries right now).

I wish I could remember every detail of the adventures in Steak N Shake. So much fun stuff happened that I can’t type here because I simply cannot recall it anymore. πŸ™ But I do remember the important things:

1. The cool waiter named Trevor.
2. Garth and Tami constantly throwing things at each other.
3. Rob drinking creamer and “slurping” relish onto his burger (slurping was Tyler’s word, not mine!)
4. Tyler leaving his credit card behind.
5. Rob picking up one side of Tami’s car. WITH HER IN IT. It was running, too.

Yeah, it was a a good time. πŸ™‚ I didn’t get home until one. Needless to say, I was pretty tired yesterday. Luckily, Aidan hadn’t taken a nap and he was exhausted by the time we got home. Although he fought it for 45 minutes, he finally went to sleep. We both did. First, we fell asleep in the easy chair. Then, I took him upstairs and put him in the bed with me. I didn’t even bother to take out my contacts or change. I DIDN’T EVEN COME NEAR MY COMPUTER! WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?? I fell asleep in my clothes, as did Aidan. We slept and slept and slept. The phone rang a few times, waking me up (bugger!) but it didn’t take long to go back to sleep. I finally got out of bed at one to take out my contacts and put my hair in curlers. I’d planned to take my shower this morning. Well, somehow, after I hit snooze, the alarm didn’t go off. I wanted to be up at 6:35. I didn’t get up til 6:51. Mind you, I am supposed to be at work by 7:30. It takes me 45 minutes to get there anymore thanks to the stupid traffic. (If I leave early enough, IN THEORY it only takes 25-30 minutes). I took the quickest shower ever and headed out. Aidan woke up early and when he heard the train whistle, he popped his head up and said “choo-choo!”

I felt refreshed this morning, but got frustrated at work at doing the same-old same-old. Then a mistake I had made was pointed out to me. Michael was very pleasant about it, but I HATE making mistakes. HATE.IT. Grrrr. Everything got straightened out, though. But again. I hate it. :[

Hmmm. I’m hungry. For chicken strips and french fries. HEY, you know what? I only have 8 days til I can eat McDonalds again! The past few days have been really hard as far as this fast goes. Probably because I know the end is near. I just keep thinking about those McNuggets and a cherry pie and I get all wobbly inside. Ooohhh.. McDonalds. Only 8 more days. I CAN DO IT. Dang it.

Is tomorrow really Friday? Does this mean I don’t have to dig through my closet to find appropiate business casual wear? I can wear jeans and a sweater and be somewhat myself, but not really? YES! Oh, and it will start the weekend too once 4pm hits. Chris says he’s working early tomorrow which means help with Aidan. YAY.

I am longing to hang out with certain people.

1. Katie P (live4himalways)
2. Bizzy (otaku_witch)
3. Emily (yoimemily)
4. Becky G (rumor has it that she has a LJ, but I don’t know her username)

If I don’t hang out with them soon, I might explode.

Okay then. I’m going to go. Later, folks! πŸ™‚

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