
Happy Halloween! (Pictures)

More like a TRYING Halloween for me.

I was at work for an hour when I got the call that Aidan had pink eye and needed to be taken out of preschool. I spent a good part of the day driving. I drove to preschool to get Aidan, then all the way to Pickerington to get medicine for him, and then up to Craig’s to take Aidan trick-or-treating. He didn’t even last an hour out there before he had to potty. After that, he was done. Well, not quite. He did take the time to put on his father’s costume:

Bob Ross Aidan
“Happy Wittle Twees!”

Aidan’s fine, though. I managed to get him to take the eye drops by telling him to close his eyes, then I put the medicine in his tear ducts. It’s how I do my own drops. Poor little guy, he’s been plied with so much medicine the past few days. 🙁 First, it was a cold that turned into a bad cough. Then allergies. Then a sinus infection. Now pink eye. I say it’s just preschool initiation. Unfortunately, he’s passing that stuff on to me, and I just don’t have time to really be getting sick. Tomorrow, I have errands, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are Aidan days, and then it’s back to work for another week. There is no full day of relaxation for me until November 17th, and that’s a long way away. I hope my body holds out!

And on that note, I’m going to bed. I’m sick again, and I just took a Nyquil to help me sleep. It should be kicking in pretty soon. I can’t afford to take time off of work. I’m trying to save my vacation for Thanksgiving, and I’m out of sick time, as usual. *grumble*

Sigh. I’m so tired.

Good night.

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Stuffity Stuff Stuff (Pictures)

Today was a weird day.

When I got to work, I was making myself some tea and also getting some water for my water bottle. One of my co-workers came over and asked if I’d heard about our receptionist. Now, I knew our receptionist had been very sick. This morning, I found out she’d passed away.

I haven’t worked at Zaner-Bloser long, but Ann was always a sweetheart. I’m in denial, because I can’t believe I won’t hear her say “good-niiggght” to me as I’m leaving for the day, anymore. I mean, it just doesn’t seem real. 🙁 I’m still going to be checking her desk, wondering when she’s going to get better and come back to work.


After work, I went to the library and ran into one of my neighbors there. The nice one. He sits out back and he reads and smokes his cigar. We stood in the parking lot and talked for two hours. He is older, but funny as hell. He’s one of those naughty old men. 🙂

Although, he did give me three pounds of hamburger because he said he doesn’t want to cook it. So now I have a HUGE three-pound roll of hamburger meat that I will separate and use for spaghetti and chili and other assorted yummies.


I went to two costume parties this weekend. Had a blast-a-rooni. Friday night’s was at a clubhouse, and with a few friends I used to go to church with. Aidan was freaked out by the creepy decorations. But he looked very cute:


Spider Aidan & His Healthy Dinner

Spider Aidan!

Aidan was so cute! And this little girl came to the party and I sat there and watched him try to impress her and get all flirty and stuff. It almost make me cry, because it was like I was getting a sneak peek at teenager Aidan. Eeek!


Saturday night, Aidan and I hit my friend Heather’s housewarming/Halloween party. It was the best party ever. EVER. Seriously. There was so much food (she had me take some home, and I have enough for lunches all week, and a few dinners, too), and there was candy and all sorts of treats and toys and favors and fun fun fun. Again, best party EVER.

Roy & Laura

Roy & Laura, who is having her baby RIGHT NOW. OMG.
Laura is on maternity leave from ZB at the moment. If she didn’t go into labor on her own, they were going to induce her at 8pm today. OMG.
I was so happy to see her.
The story is so funny. She and my mom live right around the corner from each other. Her mom is my mom’s pharmacist. But Laura and I just met this year.

Sarah the Bling Bling Cowgirl.

Mary, the art director.
She’s really cute and she wears very nice perfume.

Heather and Aidan
This is Heather, the hostess, and Aidan!

Heather the Candy Corn
Heather again! She was Candy Corn!

Aidan & The Purple Witch!
Aidan and Heather’s Mommy. They got on really well! 🙂

Again, Heather’s party was amazing. Her house is gorgeous, and I have NEVER seen so much food at a party before. Seriously. It was incredible. And Aidan had a BLAST, running around and playing and melting everyone’s heart. People kept coming up to me with tons of compliments about him. He’s adorable, he’s a sweetheart, he is well-behaved, he has great manners. Yay! He’s just such a great kid. ♥

On top of that, Heather’s house has this amazing energy about it. I can’t describe it, but I felt so relaxed there, and happy. It’s carrying over, too. My back didn’t ache at all when I was there, nor did it ache yesterday and today. I’ve been smiling a lot since hanging out over there.


My friend Dave works as a reporter out in Los Angeles. He was covering the fires. He was pretty much right there. Check out this picture:

Isn’t that crazy? Of course, this guy’s been blown around in hurricanes, played in the no-gravity simulator in a plane, all sorts of stuff. He loves doing this kind of work.


The other night, I was giving Aidan a bath. He asked me to scratch his back. I did, and cracked up laughing as he went “OH YEAH OH YEAH” in this funny gruffy voice. That boy is hilarious. And his obsession with Tom and Jerry is the best thing ever. He LOVES the Zoot Suit episode. And we love to quote a part from a SpongeBob episode. The cartoon goes like this:

Sandy: I love karate!
SpongeBob: I love karaTAY!
Mr. Krabs: I love moneyAY!
Squidward: I hate all of you.

Yeah, Aidan and I quote that over and over and over. He’s so getting another SpongeBob DVD for Christmas, so I can watch it with him. 🙂 That cartoon is growing on me.


It’s finally starting to get really cold in my apartment. I’m in running pants, a sweatshirt, and fuzzy socks and I am totally shivering. It’s about 65º F in here now. The electric blanket will feel nice tonight. I’m trying to hold off as long as I can in regards to turning on the furnace.

How early do you guys (who this applies to) turn on your furnace?


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You’re On My Radar

So… the new Britney Spears album leaked, apparently, because I’ve been able to listen to it. Non-stop. For the past few days. And it is SO GOOD. Seriously. I’m not joking. I remember years ago, being obsessed with the song Toxic. This time around, it’s Radar. And Break The Ice. And Ooh Ooh Baby. Piece Of Me is pretty good, too. The songs just bounce around in my head and I love it because they’re so great!

Anyway, even though she herself is having a rough time of it, her music is still fun.

Years ago, me and my BFF Charla used to have what was known as the three-song rule. If we liked three songs from any album, then the album was worth buying. That was back when singles were HUGE, but not cheap. At $3.49 a single, three of those came close to equaling the price of a new album. I always bought the singles anyway because they usually had some sort of remix or bonus song on them. When I can, I still hunt down singles and imports for that very purpose.

There have been a few times I’ve broken the three-song rule. It may have been based on artist loyalty. There are some albums I’ll get no matter what, just because of who sings them. Along those lines were New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, etc, back in the day. Now, with me being more and more frugal, I can’t go out and buy albums like I used to, but I tend to still stick to that rule. If I’m going to drop money on an album, I’d better like at least three of the songs.

Although, I heard one measure of Sarah McLachlan’s Afterglow album and had to have it right away. One measure. I knew from one measure of one song that I’d love that album. And I do love that album.

My musical taste is varied. I listen to such a variety of stuff that it’s impossible for me to choose any one favorite type of music. It’s also hard for me to pinpoint any favorite artist because I get fixated, then I change and get fixated on someone else. Like, right now, I am into this new Britney stuff, and I love Rent, both the Broadway and the movie soundtracks, and I keep digging out The Crüxshadows, especially Deception.

These are just a few of the songs that will always remind me of 2007:

Glamorous – Fergie
Breakin’ Dishes – Rihanna
Forca – Nelly (I realize it’s old but it’s relatively new to me)
all the Britney songs I listed above
Way I Are – Timbaland

I’ll make a list later.

I realized that I CANNOT listen to Rent while I’m trying to work. It’s way too distracting. Most of them time, I have no problem listening to music with words in it while I am working. I know some of the other editors say they read the words they’re listening to instead of the words on the page. I’d never had the problem before, until I tried to work on Language Support stuff and kept getting distracted and listening to the story of Rent instead of concentrating on the pages. So yes, if I’m doing the Language Support work, then no Rent. But if I’m doing Word Sort, which is mindless checking, then Rent all the way baby!

I recently got Miss Saigon out of the library and for some reason, I can listen to THAT while I am working on Language Support. Curious, that.

I finished reading a bunch of books this week. One of them is called Enchantress, and it’s part 3 of the Sisters of Isis series. I never cared much for fantasy, outside of Harry Potter, in the recent years, and it took some coaxing to get me to start reading Harry Potter. This year, I decided to broaden my horizons, and it started with the Leven Thumps books. So, I’ve been picking up fantasies here and there to see what I could see. The most memorable ones I’ve read this year was Wicked Lovely, my beloved Leven Thumps books, and of course, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

So, the author of Enchantress is a best-selling author and she’s got tons of other series out. I find that I spend a lot of time getting so frustrated at the girls in these Sisters of Isis books. I am trying to have patience with the characters, but they’re so clumsy and awkward! I mean, I try to empathize. I suppose if I one day found out I was a Descendant and had to fight, oh, I don’t know, EVIL from destroying all of humankind, and that I had all these powers and my supposed “mentor” wasn’t helping me at all, I’d be a bit out of sorts, too. I GET THAT. But it seems like they kind of stumble into these huge messes of ancient evil and curses, and then they somehow pop themselves out. It’s hard for me to buy some of the scenes. In the first book they ended up basically in hell, but they were like “like, oh my God, like, is this hell?” and then they somehow managed to pop themselves out without too much trouble. Or they’re in Ancient Egypt–they’ve actually TIME TRAVELED because they have some stuff to take care of to SAVE HUMANITY, and the one girl is like “I hope we get back before the party ends.” HUH????? Are teenagers really that self-absorbed, that they’re in a battle for THEIR souls as well as you know, the WORLD’S, that they’re going to be like “I need to get back before the party ends”???? I mean, YOU’RE the one who went there in the first place to save the world… by your own choice….I dunno, I keep having hard time with the books. So now, by this time, I’m reading because I’m too vested in the book and it’s lunchtime and I’m alone and I don’t have anything else to read. Then, the author throws in this really sweet ancient Egyptology or an awesome battle scene and then I’m like “Okay, I HAVE to read the next one.” In Enchantress, she had this one meathead of a guy named Brian say something that I still can’t get out of my head. “Sweet damn.” I mean, is that a great use of the words “sweet” and “damn” or what? I loved it and laughed for ten minutes after. I still laugh when I think about it. I wish I’D thought of that. I mean, “Sweet damn.” I can totally hear a teenage guy doing it.

I might have to start saying it. 🙂

I am not sure if I’ll bother to pick up #4, though. We’ll see.

Got my car serviced today, finally. I got the long-needed transmission flush, an oil change, fluids topped off, and the air in my tires inflated. So now, I will feel better about driving longer distances. Lately, I’ve been keeping it under 20 miles. Mostly I just commute to work, which is an 11-mile commute each way. It’s been FANTASTIC for my fuel budget, let me tell you. I’ve been filling up every other week. When I lived in Pataskala, I had to get gas twice a week. The notes on the page say that there was metallic residue in the drip pan from the transmission. That makes me kind of nervous. Next month will be the radiator flush thing. Who knows the last time I got one of those. I also need to do is figure out now to fix my passenger side mirror, as it’s completely shattered and hanging off the mirror-holder thing. I’m thinking it’s going to be a while before I get that fixed, though. I don’t anticipate that being cheap AT ALL.

I’ve introduced Aidan to Tom & Jerry, and he thinks it’s the best thing ever. Target had Tom & Jerry DVDs for $5.50. I got him one last week and one this week, with a gift card that Rosa (meimeigui) had sent me. And… get this. My DVD player died yesterday. I had the thing for about oh, say, eight months or so. It won’t play DVDs anymore. It says “WRONG DISC” and won’t load. So, thanks to this gift card, I was able to get a new one. A BRAND NAME one, instead of a generic one. The one that broke is gfm or something like that. This new one is Philips. Not expensive but it already seems nicer. And I’ll bet THIS ONE will play High School Musical and The Proud Family movie.

Anyway, I know that people used to go on about Tom & Jerry, but OH MY GOD. They really are incredibly and almost horrifically violent. But it’s funny as I don’t know what, and Aidan laughs his little head off at it. Anytime Tom screams, and that’s a LOT, believe me, we both fall out in giggles. It’s great. Tomorrow, we’re gonna watch Tom & Jerry, he’s gonna wear his new pajamas, and we’re going to bake cookies!

I’m tired, but my body is bouncing. It’s like I’m restless and tired. My back’s been aching, and I know it’s been because I haven’t been sitting up straight. I slouch like eight bitches on a bitch boat when I am at work, and when I am on the computer. I need to stop that, and I also need a massage. A good, hard back rub. But that’s been relegated to the “luxury” pile and well, I don’t have time for luxuries at the moment, not those kind.

Tomorrow is Friday. Sweet damn. This past week went kind of quickly. I’ve got costume parties to attend, but Aidan’ll be wearing the costume. He’s Spiderman this year. I will post pictures.

My costume is in Chicago and reserved for other occasions.

On that note, I’m outtie. Byeee.

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Food & Aidan & Spinach & Stuff

I’ve discovered that I kinda like cooking things other than spaghetti or Cream of Wheat and bacon. And now that autumn is rolling in and the oven won’t turn the apartment to 38957495 million degrees, I can get back into baking.

Last night, I made chili, and I made enough for lunch today and for lunch or something another day. I sprinkle LOTS of cheddar cheese and crush Fritos on top of it. Yummy. I had spinach as a side.

It’s getting to the point where spinach is a part of almost every meal I prepare. I crave it like I crave spaghetti, and sometimes I have them both in my meal. It’s so good and so good for me.

Tonight, I cut up a chicken breast and sautéed that, and I also sautéed some spinach, made some mashed potatoes, and some corn. What made me very excited about tonight was this:

Aidan willingly ate vegetables. I mean, corn probably doesn’t really count, but hey, it’s a start, right? He ate almost all his chicken, a great deal of his mashed potatoes, and HE EVEN TRIED THE SPINACH. I had some spinach last week and I could tell he was curious, but not quite ready to try it. Tonight, I reminded him that he loved it when he was a baby, and so he said “pretend I’m a baby” and then he tried a bite. I don’t know if he’ll eat it again, but at least he tried it, right?

Anyway, my “recipe” for sautéed spinach is really not a recipe at all. It’s just a way to cook up some yummy goodness really quickly:

Fresh spinach
a bit of olive oil

Coat the bottom of the skillet with a bit of olive oil.
Add in some water.
Add spinach.

Sauté until the leaves are bright green.


I prefer to use organic baby spinach, but as that’s quite expensive and hard to find, I usually end up buying Popeye bagged spinach. At Marc’s, a bag of mature spinach ( costs about $1.78, and it keeps me happily fed for about a week. If I can’t find bagged, I can find Popeye canned spinach, which is just as good, especially if I get the no salt added can. The only problem is that I eat the entire can in one sitting–that’s three servings!

Bedtime for both of us. G’night.

P.S. Sore arm due to a flu shot from this morning. Eeeek!

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Another Picnic! (Pictures)

Aidan and I went on another picnic today, and it was fun. The weather was perfect, there was another wedding, and lots of people watching and dog watching as usual. We had fun!


We ate dinner.

Mr. Cool

We took pictures.

Taking Pictures

We looked at flowers.

Park of Roses


We acted goofy.

Mommy and Son

Check ME Out!

YAY for picnics with Aidan! 😀

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