

My laptop is officially dead. It doesn’t even bother to turn on anymore. The motherboard finally fried itself out. Aidan is a little bit sad; he used to play many Nick Jr. and Sesame Street games on that laptop. I’m sad too. I liked having the option of mobile computing. But as I said before, I’d originally gotten a laptop for writing, and seeing as I haven’t done much of that lately….

Aidan doesn’t say “four.” He says “foe-uh.” It’s soooo cute. He’s also been eating like a little piggy. And watching the Care Bears movie where they go to Joke-A-Lot. Over and over and over and over.

I have a headache, and I want to sleep. Aidan was up at 9am wanting to play Hide-and-Seek. I was like “Dude, it is way too early for this.” He’s a bundle of energy, so I’m thinking a nap today is out of the question. Last week we got to take a nice long one together.

Last night, as I was putting Aidan to bed, he said “Let’s talk about feelings.” I figured it would probably be the last time he ever said anything like that, so I took it and ran with it. Boys, ya know?

I started reading Fast Food Nation today. Not sure if I should finish or not. I’m already pissed off enough at big companies and corporations. I finished Love, Stargirl and I really enjoyed it.

It’s hard to focus with a four-year old hanging around.

He’s been so cute though, helping me in the kitchen. Now he’s gathering lots of toys together for some sort of toy road trip. They’re going “somewhay-uh.”

I also enjoy it when my friends who don’t use their LJs often have RSS feeds on the sites they DO update more regularly. I’m not inclined to go to sites, but if everything is included in a nice list on Google Reader, then I’m happy.

I need more light in my apartment.

The people who live in the apt. complex I live in are psycho and nuts. This morning I got treated to slamming doors, a revving engine, and loud conversation outside my bedroom window. I’m afraid I’ll have to deal with psychotic neighbors the rest of my life. Houses in Chicago cost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and let me tell you, editors/secretaries will never, ever, ever make enough to afford one, plus they’re all smashed up against neighbors as well.

I updated Anywhere Is just a little bit. I have too many Web sites. I might close the review site down, no one ever visits and I keep forgetting about it. I’m having more fun with the wedding/ronni&adam site (

I can’t believe tomorrow’s the last day of September. Months in which I see Adam move much more quickly than months I don’t get to see him. I wonder what that will be like once I’m living in Chicago with him?

Okay, it’s time to get off the computer for a while. Later.

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Conversations With Aidan

The scene:

It’s bedtime, and at Aidan’s request, I’m lying with him for awhile before he goes to sleep. We’re both giggly and silly, and rhyming words. I ask him what rhymes with all sorts of things, and he answers, with cute little giggles. THEN, this ensues:

Ronni (not thinking): What rhymes with kiss?
Aidan (naughty little voice): Piss.

I bury my head in the pillow and LMAO. He sees that reaction and keeps saying it over and over.

Aidan (giggling like crazy): Piss. Pisssss. Pisss.

Finally, I tell him that he can only say that word around me because other people might not think it’s a nice thing for little boys to say.

The thing is, my mom told me that when I was about his age, I randomly yelled out: GOTTA PISS GOTTA PISS GOTTA PISS PISS PISS!

So really, I wasn’t shocked at all that Aidan rhymed piss with kiss.

Or that every time I thought he’d dozed off, he’d whisper “pissss,” and get me laughing again.

Silly little boy.

“Mommy, we’ve got the giggles!”

Oh, and a word of advice. DO NOT listen to a certain Prodigy song in the car while an inquisitive four-year-old rides in the back seat. He will ask “what’s this song called?” and you will have to come up with something quickly, like “smack your bootie,” so he won’t repeat the REAL title of the song.

That is all.

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Weekend/Random (Lots of Pictures)

I took Aidan on his first picnic yesterday. He was very excited.

Picnic Time!

We went to the Park of Roses. We had McDonalds, Rice Krispie treats, and granola bars. I had Hi-C to drink, and Aidan had chocolate milk. We sat on a Care Bears blanket and people watched. It was a nice evening.

Click 4 Pix!

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I’ve Been Nudged (Lots of Pictures)

Rosa (meimeigui) nudged me, and people have been calling/emailing whatnot, so I guess I should update.

It’s just that I’ve been busy and/or very tired. It’s gonna be a stretch for me to get this entry out because I’d rather be sleeping. Dinner first, though, once I post this entry.

The craziness started last weekend. Not the one that just past, the one before that. The first weekend in August. Saturday, I cleaned like a fiend. Sunday, My old college roommate Sheryl was in town, so we had brunch. I got to nap a bit after she left, then my friend Angelo and I went out for Mexican. We had the best conversation ever, and the best Mexican food ever, which I am now craving like some kind of fiend. But I’m gonna wait until this weekend, after payday and after I’ve eaten all the leftovers in my fridge.

Monday afternoon, another old college friend Dave (who just happens to be an ex-boyfriend) called, as he was in town from Los Angeles. I got to hang out with him and meet his doll of a wife, Angie. Let me tell you what a crazy evening that was. My ex-boyfriend with his wife, my ex-husband, my son, and me, all hanging out. It was loads of fun. We walked around the Ohio State campus, took the ubiquitous trips down memory lane, had dinner at b-dubs, and took loads of pix.

Check it out

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Nothing says, ‘I have no idea what to get you,’ quite like giant beige bath towels. – Missbhavens

As usual, Sundays go way too quickly. It’s kind of annoying.

I decided to do the 101 in 1001. My list is here: 101 in 1001 || RonniStyle. My start date is tomorrow. I plan to keep most of my updates about it there, but I’ll probably talk about it here from time to time as well. I saw that lovely_lunai was doing it, and I think starlit12 is doing it as well. Good times.

Last weekend, Aidan and his dad went to Kentucky. Here are some pix from that trip:

…check it out…

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