
Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does Whatever A Spider Pig Does (Pictures)

Another weekend over, another month over. Well, not exactly. Now it’s July, so it’s a new month. Technically.

This is me in Springfield:

(get your own at the movie website!)

I’m watching Rent–the movie–right now. I’d never seen it before. I’m trying to watch as many of my movies in the Netflix queue as I can before July 15th, just in case I actually decide to cancel. I’m cutting out every extra thing that costs that I can, because I want to save as much as I can. But Netflix–it’s so relatively cheap and I get to watch lots of movies, and it’s so much cheaper than going to a movie, and driving to a movie. *sigh*

Spent the weekend with little Aidan. We had a few trying times. He can be stubborn and dramatic, and he also had a penchant for being very demanding in not a nice way, so I’m teaching him that he can’t speak to me the way he tries to. But most of the time he was perfectly sweet, and I think I did a good job of handling him and teaching him, plus enjoying him, this weekend.

As of today, No More Extra Spending. So I decided to treat us both yesterday. We went to a matinee showing of Ratatouille, which was very cute. I also found out something weird. When you go to order matinee tickets online, they charge $6.50 for adults, $5.50 for kids, plus a $1 convenience charge for each. At the theatre, the tickets cost $4 each. I’m so glad I waited until I was at the theatre to get the tickets! After the movie, we ate McDonalds (yeah, that’ll be my last time there for a while. Whatever made me think I’d be able to eat a quarter pounder with cheese?), and then came home, watched DVDs and crashed.

Today I took Aidan to Goodale Park and used the lens that Richard gave me. Good times.


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Conversations With Aidan

Ronni: Do clean people smell like a butt?
Aidan: No, they smell like food.
Ronni: Like food? What kind of food?
Aidan: Cheese.


Aidan: I love Strawberry Shortcake. She’s a cute one.
Ronni: Is she your girlfriend?
Aidan: No, she’s not my girlfriend. Rachael Ray is.

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Aidan is currently sitting in time out, screaming his head off because of the following:

01. He lost the DVD remote again.
02. He demanded that I find the remote.
03. I told him that because he lost it, and he wants it, that he needs to go find it.
04. He yelled at me, and told me NO, I needed to find it.
05. I told him, again, that he needed to find the remote if he wanted to use it.
06. He stormed into his room, screaming that he was mad at me, then slammed the door.
07. He came out, smiling, and demanded I find the remote again.
08. Repeat of numbers 3–6.
09. Then he HIT me.
10. I said OH NO.
11. He ran into my room and locked the door.
12. I told him to unlock that door RIGHT NOW. He did.
13. I picked him up and put him on the ottoman and told him time out for five minutes.
14. He’s been sitting there wailing every since.

Seriously, how in the fresh hell does he think it’s my responsibility to look for the remote HE lost? Good Lord. He’s the one who wants to watch all those silly cartoons and such. He’s old enough to know better, but I see I’m going to have to teach him not to blame his problems on other people. And the hitting? Oh HELL no. I am NOT having it. NOT having it.

I think he needs a nap.

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Wow! :)

Aidan went straight to bed in his own room tonight! πŸ™‚ He got out of the bath, put on corduroy bibs (don’t ask) and a tee-shirt and a Pull-Up, told me he didn’t want lotion on (which is okay because I’d put some of my Dead Sea Salt scrub on him in the tub), and seemed eager to get into his room. I picked him up and kissed him, turned off the living room light, and he rubbed his eyes. I took him into his room, and asked him if he wanted me to read him Goodnight Moon.

Let me tell you how ADORABLE he is when reading Goodnight Moon! He reads with me, and he knows what comes on what pages, so he’ll say the lines before I get a chance to read them. It’s so cute!

After Goodnight Moon, he was ready for the big light to be turned off and the night light to be turned on. He asked me to tuck him in, and I did, with his myriad of security blankets. I found a small teddy bear for him (he requested a little bear), kissed him goodnight a bunch of times, and wow, it was awesome.

Last night, he’d played and jumped on the bed and really procrastinated. And the agreement is that he can stay up as long as he wants, doing whatever, as long as he stays in his room and stays in his bed. Among the things he did:

1. put stickers into a composition notebook I gave him
2. undressed one of my Vanessa dolls
3. pulled out several picture books (and I assume that he looked at them)
4. played with the bulldozer Ivy gave him
5. kept crying that he was “scared.” i sprayed his room with “monster spray” which seemed to do the trick of eliminating his fear

Tonight, he was pretty much ready for bed, and an hour earlier than he’d been ready last night. I think he is finally realizing the value of having his own room and his own bed. As for me, it’s kind of weird not having his little hand on my cheek. But I have a feeling he MIGHT be in here at 7am, and I’ll get his hand then.

My little boy really is growing up!! πŸ™‚

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